483. Telegram Cahto 188 From Herter at Geneva1

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Cahto 188. Re Tocah 211, following are Wadsworth views on recess.

1. While recess until conclusion of Killian talks would be highly desirable from many standpoints. USdel is rather at loss to find reasonable justification for requesting one which will wash with Russians and world opinion. Soviets are already deeply suspicious re United States attitude toward treaty. They have made this quite clear in their repeated probing for United States answer to their quota proposal. Unless desirability of recess can be very clearly demonstrated, any attempt to obtain one likely be met by Soviet allegations re United States intentions and refusal go along on agreed basis.

Alternative of spacing out meetings and slowing down tempo of work seems to us preferable. Recently conference has averaged only three meetings per week. If United Kingdom agreed we could move ahead at [Typeset Page 1701] about this rate or slower on number of uncompleted matters, all of which would have to be negotiated in any event, even for limited treaty.

3. Believe following tactics would permit United States to maintain reasonable posture for about two weeks:

Continue as during last five weeks to limit meeting schedule on basis ad hoc arrangements to three or less per week.
Continue staffing discussion, dealing with thirds proposal, question of nationality of head of post, and United States views re exclusion host country nationals from inspection groups.
Continue discussion preparatory commission, Annex III, seeking clarification of Soviet position and definition of any issues of disagreement.
Table Annex II on privileges and immunities for discussion if this can be agreed with United Kingdom.
Table if possible amendments to treaty to incorporate high altitude provisions as recommended Supnu 563.
Continue discussion of veto, especially as regards budgetary, administrative and logistic questions.
Deal with minor matters which are still pending such as depositary government, disposition of records of Experts’ discussions re high altitude detection, and amendments relating to choice of Vienna as headquarters.
Consider definitions and disputes articles when agreement reached with United Kingdom these matters.

Foregoing assumes high altitude provisions and Annex II can be readied for presentation within week. In any case it would of course be most helpful to Wadsworth if conversations with British could be started and carried through as quickly as possible.

  1. Source: Wadsworth’s views on recess of nuclear test ban talks. Secret. 2 pp. NARA, RG 59, Central Files, 700.5611/7–3159.