472. Memorandum From Irwin to Herter1
- Mr. Wilcox’s Memorandum of June 1, 1959,
- Subject: Resumption of General Disarmament Talks
Mr. Wilcox’s memorandum raises several points of interest to the Defense Department. In discussing possible negotiations within the enlarged UN Disarmament Commission, he speaks of the possibility of establishing “various sub-groups on certain aspects of our original package and, in particular, surprise attack”. Again referring to the possibility of talks outside the framework of the UN, he suggests that “talks on, for example, surprise attack, could be undertaken in a political framework rather than the past technical approach”.
As you know, the Defense Department has opposed separating specific disarmament subjects out from the original 1957 Disarmament Package. Certain subjects, such as, Tests Suspension, Surprise Attack, Outer Space, have been discussed apart from general disarmament negotiations. The Defense Department hopes no other topics will be [Typeset Page 1671] separated out from the 1957 Package unless the proposed State-Defense Disarmament Policy Review should determine that such could safely be undertaken. With respect to surprise attack, the Defense Department has no objection to a renewal of the technical discussions that were suspended but would be concerned over separate policy talks on surprise attack.
With respect to the forum for general disarmament negotiations, the present enlarged UN Disarmament Commission, composed of 32 members, seems most unwieldy. While we concur in the value of holding general disarmament talks under the [Facsimile Page 2] aegis of the UN, we would be concerned that talks in the large Disarmament Commission might result in the establishment of a sub-group, whose members, other than certain NATO nations and the Soviet group, would be incompetent to deal with this complex subject and whose participation might be disadvantageous to us. If it were possible to ensure satisfactory composition of sub-groups, our concern would be largely met.
Secretary McElroy
Mr. Merchant
Amb. Thompson
Mr. Becker
Mr. Berding
Mr. Reinhardt
Mr. Smith
Mr. Wilcox
Mr. Sullivan
Adm. Dudley
- Source: Department of Defense reservations on resumption of general disarmament talks. Confidential. 2 pp. NARA, RG 59, IO Files: Lot 61 D 91, Disarmament.↩