272. Briefing Note for November 7 NSC Meeting1
OUTER SPACE [illegible in the original]
The first item this morning is a presentation by the Defense Department on the Outer Space program being planned or considered under the auspices of that Department.
At the Council meeting on May 31, 1960, Mr. President, you stated that you had reached some different [illegible in the original] that some of the Services were thinking along extremely [illegible in the original] lines with respect to [illegible in the original] military space programs. You expressed concern that there might be not only inadvertent duplication of outer space programs, but possibly also the initiation of some programs so advanced scientifically as to make a re-appraisal advisable. You accordingly requested that the “Department of Defense present to the National Security Council a full report on all of the outer space programs being planned or conducted under the auspices of the Department of Defense.”
[Typeset Page 1133]You also indicated, Mr. President, that Defense should not make its presentation until after completion of a related study to be undertaken by Dr. Kistiakowsky. (NSC Action No. 2245, approved June [illegible in the original], 1960). The latter study, which related to the [illegible in the original] reconnaissance satellite, was completed and presented to the Council as a special [illegible in the original] on August 25, 1960.
As I have indicated, today’s presentation relates to Defense space programs, the Planning Board has suggested that, at a later date, the Council might wish to hear a presentation on other outer space programs, which are being conducted under the auspices of NASA (the National Aeronautics and Space Administration).
[Facsimile Page 2]We shall now hear the Defense presentation, which will be given by Mr. John H. Rubel, Acting Director of Defense Research and Engineering.
- Source: Outer space programs under the auspices of the Department of Defense. Secret. 2 pp. Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, NSC Records.↩