230. Memorandum From Power (SAC) to White (USAF)1
- B–70 Flexibility
1. In furtherance of our recent conversations concerning the flexibility of the B–70 as a weapon system, the following information might be of assistance to you in your future discussions on this subject:
a. The B–70 provides the flexibility inherent in other aircraft to include:
- (1)
- The ability to deliver high yield weapons against pinpoint hardened targets.
- (2)
- The ability to deliver ALBM’s.
- (3)
- The ability to utilize currently existing runways suitable for B–52 operations.
b. Over and above the capabilities possessed by other aircraft the B–70 would be capable of the following:
- (1)
- High resolution reconnaissance with side-looking radars.
- (2)
- Airlifting its own ground support equipment by pod, thereby permitting rapid dispersal and operation from other than military sites in times of tension.
- (3)
- Utilization as a ground alert vehicle with a three-minute reaction time.
- (4)
- Flight at loitering speeds in an air alert posture with Mach 3 capability for delivery on receipt of go-code.
- (5)
- Carrying a Class A weapon and escaping from the unrestricted free fall of same.
- (6)
- Being launched in any number simultaneously from numerous sites throughout the United States and arriving simultaneously at the H hour control line with minor range degradation.
- (7)
- Providing restrike capability with first-strike aircraft in much less time than any other weapon system that might be available in this time period. In the event multiple restrikes are necessary, this would in effect be the same as increasing the size of the strike force.
- (8)
- Following the missile strike at such a close time interval that maximum disruption would still exist in the enemy’s defenses.
- (9)
- With the advent of reliable warning, being stationed on overseas reflex bases thereby achieving a capability to strike targets within a minimum time interval and recover to a ZI base unrefueled.
c. Other considerations applicable to the B–70 might be:
- (1)
- It has been estimated that construction of the B–70 would require the Soviet Union to expend approximately 40 billion dollars in order to acquire the defense environment to counter such a weapon system.
- (2)
- A modified B–70 might well be utilized as a first-stage launch vehicle for satellites.
- (3)
- The B–70 by virtue of the advanced technology required for its development and production would serve as a very firm stepping stone to more futuristic space vehicles.
2. As you are well aware, the B–70 type vehicle holds much promise in relation to future commercial developments, however my above comments are in consideration of its strategic offensive application only.
General, USAF
Commander in Chief
- Source: B–70 capabilities. No classification marking. 2 pp. Library of Congress, Manuscript Division, Thomas D. White Papers.↩