227. Memorandum From Lay to the NSC1

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  • U.S. Policy With Respect to the Development of Cargo Air Lift


  • A. NSC Action No. 2151–f–(2)
  • B. NSC 5919

The enclosed views of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on NSC 5919 are transmitted herewith for the information of the National Security Council in connection with its consideration of the subject at its meeting on Thursday, January 7, 1960.

James S. Lay, Jr.
Executive Secretary

cc: The Secretary of the Treasury

The Attorney General

The Secretary of Commerce

The Director, Bureau of the Budget

The Administrator, Federal Aviation Agency

The Chairman, Civil Aeronautics Board

The Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff

The Director of Central Intelligence


Memorandum From Twining to Gates

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  • U.S. Policy with Respect to the Development of Cargo Air Lift (U) (NSC 5919)

1. The Joint Chiefs of Staff have reviewed the proposed draft statement of policy, subject as above, scheduled for consideration by the National Security Council on Thursday, 7 January 1960.

2. The Joint Chiefs of Staff concur in the purpose of and the general approach taken in the draft statement.

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3. The Joint Chiefs of Staff consider it mandatory that Military Air Transport Service (MATS) be maintained in a posture adequate to satisfy those wartime military requirements which must be met by military aircraft and those other wartime military requirements which are beyond the capability of civil air carriers.

4. From the viewpoint of economy, the Joint Chiefs of Staff consider it necessary to utilize productively that military airlift capability generated by MATS during peacetime.

5. The Joint Chiefs of Staff recommend a review of the present arrangements under which the Civil Reserve Air Fleet (CRAF) is on call to the Government to assure that it is immediately available to meet military requirements.

6. Subject to the comments and recommendations contained in the Appendix hereto, the Joint Chiefs of Staff consider NSC 5919 to be an acceptable policy statement.

For the Joint Chiefs of Staff:

N.F. Twining,
Joint Chiefs of Staff


Paper Prepared by the Joint Chiefs of Staff

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1. Paragraph 10–a. Recommend deletion of parenthetical expression “(e.g., the DC–7F and the L–1049H)” from the first sentence.

REASON: It is not desirable to cite any illustrative examples which, by implication, suggest that the need for a modern cargo transport can be satisfied by aircraft which are essentially converted passenger types.

2. Paragraph 10–b. Support the majority view.

REASON: Guaranteed loans may encourage and assist in the development and procurement of new all-cargo aircraft. Such aircraft would benefit both the military and commercial air industry as new types of all-cargo aircraft would include more favorable characteristics (e.g., range, economy of operation and ability to operate from unsophisticated airports) than those available in aircraft now used by civil air carriers for movement of cargo.

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3. Paragraph 16–a. Support the views of the Department of Defense and the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

REASON: Airlift should only be diverted to certificated air carriers as procurement policies and small business interests permit. Also, there may be instances where it would not be feasible from a military viewpoint to divert traffic even though possible, to certified air carriers as such carriers may not be able to provide the desired or economic service required to meet military requirements.

4. Paragraph 16–a. Recommend deletion of parenthetical expression “(e.g, the DC–7F and the L–1049H)” from the first sentence.

REASON: Same as for paragraph 1 above.

5. Paragraph 16–c–(1). Support the views of the Department of State, Department of Defense, Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization and the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

REASON: If the MATS operation and capability is adjusted toward meeting its wartime “hard-core” mission considerable airlift no doubt will be transferred to commercial air carriers. The peacetime airlift capability of MATS generated during peacetime should be fully utilized by the Services. It is considered unsound and uneconomical to procure airlift from commercial sources and at the same time not utilize that airlift capability generated in realistic training of the military air transport forces.

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6. Paragraph 16–c–(2). Recommend paragraph be amended (changes indicated in usual manner):

“(2) Assure, by appropriate contracts and agreements backed by necessary legislation, that the civil aircraft handling the cargo transferred to the civil air cargo fleet pursuant to a and b above will be immediately available to meet military and mobilization requirements when necessary.”

REASON: To indicate that written contracts with civil carriers and additional legislation are required to assure the availability of civil carriers at all times.

7. Paragraph 17. Recommend paragraph be amended (changes indicated in usual manner):

“17. Review the present arrangements under which the Civil Reserve Air Fleet is on call by the Government to assure that the civil-cargo-air fleet is immediately available to meet military and mobilization requirements.”

REASON: The Civil Reserve Air Fleet is composed of both civil passenger and cargo aircraft. To conduct a realistic review of present arrangements under which the Civil Reserve Air Fleet is on call by the Government it should be examined from the viewpoint of the entire fleet.

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8. Paragraph 18. Recommend paragraph be amended (changes indicated in usual manner):

“18. If legislation is proposed which would, through Legislation for purchase loan guarantees, which would encourage and facilitate the acquisition by U.S. certificated air carriers of uncompromised cargo aircraft produced by U.S. manufacturers, it should contain provisions to ensure the immediate availability of these cargo aircraft to meet military and mobilization requirements.”

REASON: The changed wording will provide a positive statement and support paragraph 10–b as written.

  1. Source: Transmits views of the JCS on NSC 5919. Confidential. 4 pp. NARA, RG 59, S/SNSC Files: Lot 63 D 351.