192. Note From Buford to Martin1

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Following our conversation this morning regarding the attached alternative sentences in paragraph 16 I notified Jimmy Lay that we much preferred the second alternative but would be willing, if there were some strong objection from other quarters, to accept the first alternative. Jimmy informed me then that Gordon Gray had seen the President this morning on some other matter and in the course of their discussion had shown the President the two alternatives. The President indicated that he much preferred the second alternative. Apparently Mr. McElroy was there or came in shortly thereafter and Mr. McElroy agreed with the President’s choice. Mr. Lay therefore is circulating an approved Record of Action incorporating the second alternative.

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Mr. Lay also told me that Hadyn Williams of Defense was somewhat upset by this development and indicated that he planned to discuss the matter further with Mr. McElroy.

A. Sidney Buford, III


Revised Paragraphs

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. . . . The possibility that local aggression could occur in the NATO area or elsewhere involving sizable forces of the United States and the USSR is ruled out.


. . . . Conflicts occurring in the NATO area or elsewhere involving sizable forces of the United States and the USSR should not be constructed as local aggression.

  1. Source: Eisenhower’s preferred revision of paragraph 16 of NSC 5906. Top Secret. 2 pp. NARA, RG 59, S/PNSC Files: Lot 62 D 1.