150. Memorandum From Gray to Quarles1
- Defense Presentations to the President
- Memorandum for the Secretary of Defense, subject as above from the Chairman, JCS dated 21 February 1959 (Attached)
1. In my conversation with you and General Twining yesterday I failed to remind you of the suggestion that I made in my memorandum for the Secretary of Defense dated February 19, 1959, that there be prepared a concise discussion paper on each study area which could be circulated in advance on an “Eyes Only” basis. I expressed the hope that the major issues could be identified and cast in a form appropriate for discussion and consideration by the President. I also suggested the kinds of policy questions which might be covered in such a discussion paper.
I raise this in connection with the first study area to be presented which we agreed would be “Control of the Seas with Particular Reference to Antisubmarine Warfare.” I am aware that we are planning to present the Comparative Evaluations Group study but I would also hope that there might be related to this presentation the pertinent results of the report by the Panel on Antisubmarine Warfare of the President’s Science Advisory Committee dated December 1, 1958. Moreover, it seems to me that in preparation for such meetings we should have a discussion paper with some advance circulation. Therefore, the schedule of the meetings might well depend on the circulation of such a paper. I should appreciate a word from you on this matter.
In this connection I am prompted to observe that you may wish to include in the overall presentation to the President some of the problems which should be discussed in the broader subject of “Control of the Seas.”
2. We agreed that the presentation on “Tactical Forces and Requirements for Tactical Weapons Systems,” could be made about the middle of April. Again, I feel that a discussion paper could be useful. I think we also agreed that this presentation might perhaps serve only to open issues for later study.
[Typeset Page 693] [Facsimile Page 2]3. With respect to the study on “Continental Defense Against Aircraft and Missiles (excluding antisubmarine warfare)”, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff had recommended a schedule date of about 15 August. We agreed that it would be desirable to advance this date if possible and that you and General Twining would keep under study the possibility of such a change.
4. With respect to the fourth study, “Strategic Nuclear Striking Force Requirements and Capabilities” including the “optimum mix” both of weapons systems and targets, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff had indicated that the staff of the NESC had been assigned this project with a due date of 31 October 1959 followed by comments by the JCS, the presentation being ready by about December 1, 1959. I think we all agreed that whereas it is vital that adequate time be allowed for the study, it was desirable to try to advance each of the dates. It was my understanding that General Twining will talk to General Hickey in this connection.
I return herewith General Twining’s memorandum.
Special Assistant to the President
Incl-Memo for SecDef
frm Chairman, JCS
dtd 21Feb59 subj as above.
- Source: Question of defense presentations to the President on military missions and weapon systems. Top Secret. 2 pp. Eisenhower Library, White House Office Files, Additional Records of the Office of the Special Assistant for Science and Technology.↩