141. Record of Telephone Conversation Between John Foster Dulles and Herter1
[First page missing from microfiche.]
say he will leave the actual putting into operation of this scheme to his successor and the Secy agreed saying President only had another year and a half in office and might consider this something not necessarily to do himself but to leave to his successor. Secy said he just wanted to let CAH know about his concern on this matter.
CAH said he was sorry he missed the Secy’s earlier call and understood Secy had reached Mr. Merchant. Secy said he was just checking in on the Soviet response. CAH reported on President’s latest message to Macmillan and said the reference to Dieffenbacher sitting in with President and Macmillan had been knocked out at suggestion of Mr. Merchant. Secy thought this was good; said he thinks Macmillan cherishes the sort of tete-a-tete relationship with the President and the Secy and would not like the idea.
Discussed Secy’s health.
- Source: Proposed Office of Executive Management. No classification marking. 2 pp. Eisenhower Library, Herter Papers, Phone Calls and Miscellaneous Memos.↩