474. Telegram From the Mission at the United Nations to the Department of State1

Delga 665. Eyes only for Secretary from Lodge. Re Outer Space.

Only issue which now separates US from agreement with Russians on outer space is choice of one neutral state—they will accept Finland or Afghanistan instead of Indonesia, while we propose Lebanon, Jordan or Liberia. Kuznetsov clearly showed today that USSR wanted to reach agreement and join committee. He is prepared to have resolution amended in first comite to assure conference is limited to states members of UN and specialized agencies. (In 6th comite this session identical language received vote of 51–21.)
From Gadel 176,2 especially para 2, I understand sole reason which Dept had for rejecting Indonesia was desire that minimum vote on ChiRep be 12–10 (or 13–10–1 if Tunisia is included) instead of 13–11. I do not think we would be supported in UN if we refused to reach agreement with USSR on this basis and thus perpetuated Soviet boycott of Outer Space Committee. Basis of disagreement would be bound to become public, and majority would resent intrusion of ChiRep issue in case where likelihood of its arising virtually non-existent because China is not member of comite. Moreover if it did, we would have majority of at least 12 to 11 with 1 abstention.
Soviet willingness to vote for whole res after adoption of amendment to restrict participation in conference, plus fact China not member of Outer Space Committee, remove only significant ChiRep problems from comite’s jurisdiction. Furthermore, comite may only “study” and “review”. It cannot act on its own and all its work must go to GA for approval and action. If anything should arise in comite we retain majority there anyway.
Finland would be definite gain over Indonesia in all voting except ChiRep [7 words not declassified].

In circumstances I recommend we accept this proposal and finish GA with initiative on outer space still in US hands instead of in Soviet hands, as would be case if we break at this point.

If we fail to reach agreement on composition of comite, USSR will submit res on international scientific conference as separate proposal. It seems certain to receive overwhelming support. Conference, publicized as Soviet initiative, would be widely attended and would afford USSR excellent opportunity for Soviet achievements. UN comite proposed [Page 913] by US might not be established by GA in view of clear prospect that Soviets and various neutrals would not participate. US would thus be abandoning political initiative in outer space field to USSR.

To summarize, I feel the real risks to US position lie in our refusal accept Finland among neutrals rather than in any risks on Chinese question. I urge you consider this again.
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 902.802/12–959. Limited Official Use; Niact; Eyes Only. Received at 9:13 p.m.
  2. Supra.