155. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Vietnam1

394. VN Embassy raised with Dept Friday question GVN application UN membership along lines urtel 491.2 Embassy informed Dept inclined believe desirable again bring attention UN long standing GVN membership application and prepared, if GVN desires, again request consideration its application when SC consideration ROK application requested. ROK Foreign Office has been informed US prepared request SC meeting this month, when Italy President SC, to consider ROK application and Dept currently awaiting ROK reaction, which we expect will be favorable. Since, however, barring unforeseen shift in Soviet position, there no possibility favorable SC action on either GVN or ROK application, Dept does not now plan request GA consideration these applications but contemplates statements by US and others at appropriate points in GA proceedings deploring repeated Soviet vetoes these applications. This tactic serves focus attention UN members continued exclusion these two applicants repeatedly found qualified by GA but would avoid possibility GA adoption resolution requesting SC reconsideration “all pending applications” (including north Korea, north Viet-Nam, and Outer Mongolia) which defeated by only very narrow margin (37–33) in 1957.3

In response inquiry, Dept said consideration ROK and GVN applications by GA when it considers applications newly independent states not feasible. These newly independent states all recommended unanimously by SC for admission and on basis past practice GA can be expected admit without debate and without reference to committee shortly after 15th session convenes to enable them participate fully in session. This procedure not applicable in controversial cases where SC has failed recommend admission.

VN Ambassador noted he instructed only to consult Dept and he without instructions on substance. Speaking personally he doubted desirability again raising GVN application at this time when there no hope SC recommendation and vote likely be less favorable than last time. Vote in 1958 8 to 1, with 2 abstentions; this year likely be 7 to 2 [Page 310] (USSR, Poland), with 2 abstentions (Ceylon, Tunisia). Dept expressed sympathy with Ambassador’s view but pointed out since US has traditionally requested SC consideration both ROK and GVN applications, failure do so on this occasion might be interpreted to detriment GVN position. Basic question for GVN, US and general free world position would appear be which course has more unfavorable implications: (1) diminishing vote in SC or (2) failure raise GVN application when that of ROK raised. Dept would of course be guided entirely by GVN wishes. Ambassador said he would report this discussion fully Foreign Office.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 303/8–3060. Confidential. Drafted by Hartley; initialed by Cargo and Sisco; cleared by FE and SEA and in substance with Williamson; and approved by Wilcox who signed for Herter. Repeated to Seoul and by pouch to USUN.
  2. No record of the September 2 meeting at the Department of State has been found. Telegram 491, August 30, reported that the Vietnamese Ambassador would consult with the Department about submitting Vietnam’s application for U.N. membership along with Korea’s. (Ibid.)
  3. Regarding this draft resolution, see footnote 3, Document 27.