27. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Vietnam1

279. Urtel 294.2 Suggest you inform GVN our views re raising question Viet-Nam’s admission UN as follows:

U.S. continues firmly committed support admission RVN to UN and regards it politically important keep before public and place on record RVN’s continued desire admission.

We believe, considering all factors, this purpose can best be served by next raising matter in Security Council. Question timing can be adjusted with view obtaining maximum attention item and allowing necessary diplomatic preparatory work. Issue might also be mentioned Secretary’s major address GA.

Above method preferable in our view to formally raising question 13th GA. Since any move would spark Soviet counter move behalf north Viet-Nam, advisable consider whether outcome might serve enhance prestige north Vietnamese regime. Close vote (37 against, 33 for, 10 abstentions) at 12th GA on Indian-Indonesian draft resolution requesting SC “consider all applications”3 including north Viet-Nam indicates scope of effort required try hold line against losses. In view fact membership question not now on agenda and absence any indication change Soviet position which alone prevents Viet-Nam’s admission, reaction many countries to placing question on agenda likely be unfavorable as involving GA in repetitious and acrimonious debate without hope furthering solution problem. Thus psychologically important not raise question in GA with too great frequency. We shall certainly wish consider with GVN next year whether question should be raised in GA. Meanwhile substantial affirmative vote (49 for, 9 against, 22 [23] abstentions) at 12th GA endorsing RVN application can continue be cited.4

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Dept had no indication renewed DRV activity respect its application but would of course take appropriate steps counter such activity or any similar Soviet moves should these develop.

Report GVN reaction.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 320/8–1858. Confidential. Drafted by Mendenhall and Hartley, cleared by Bacon and EUR, and approved by Hanes who signed for Herter. Repeated to USUN.
  2. Telegram 294 from Saigon, August 18, reported on South Vietnamese representation at the Third Emergency and 13th sessions of the U.N. General Assembly and transmitted a query from the Secretary-General of the South Vietnamese Foreign Ministry on whether it would be opportune to raise the question of South Vietnamese membership in the United Nations. (Ibid.)
  3. Reference is to a draft resolution on which the Special Political Committee voted on October 17, 1957. For text, see U.N. doc. ASPC/L.17. For a record of the debate and the vote on the resolution, see U.N. doc. ASPC/SR.49.
  4. Reference is to U.N. General Assembly Resolution 1144B (XII). For text, see U.N. doc. A3805. For a record of the debate and the vote on this resolution, see U.N. doc. APV.709.