254. Memorandum From the Joint Chiefs of Staff to the Secretary of Defense (Gates)1



  • Helicopters for Vietnam (U)2
[Page 704]
Reference is made to a memorandum, dated 9 November 19603 from the Director of Military Assistance, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense, International Security Affairs, to the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff concerning a recommendation to provide H–34 helicopters to the Republic of Vietnam.
The Joint Chiefs of Staff consider that there is a valid requirement to increase the helicopter lift capability of the Vietnamese Armed Forces at this time, in view of the deteriorating internal security situation in Vietnam.
The Joint Chiefs of Staff concur with the recommendation of the Director of Military Assistance, OASD (ISA), to provide 11 H–34 helicopters from service inventories for delivery to the Republic of Vietnam, subject to immediate reimbursement to the providing department.
It is the understanding of the Joint Chiefs of Staff that emergency funding action will be required to provide the required increased helicopter lift capability to the Vietnamese Armed Forces, and that the Director of Military Assistance concurs in the Commander in Chief, Pacific request for such emergency funding action, rather than providing the increased capability by deviation from the FY 61 Military Assistance Program for Vietnam.
The provision of the requested number of H–34 aircraft from active service inventories, plus the provision of the necessary ground support equipment and follow on spares, will result in a reduction in the capabilities of the providing service until such time as the aircraft, equipment and spares can be replaced. In view of this, and since shortages of this model aircraft already exist in the service inventories, rapid replacement will be required. In addition, the anticipated increase in the cost of providing the Vietnamese Armed Forces with an H–34 helicopter maintenance capability will require provision of additional funds to the FY 61 Military Assistance Program for Vietnam. The Joint Chiefs of Staff strongly recommend that the additional funds required to provide the required increased helicopter lift capability be provided from the President’s Emergency Fund.
It is recommended that the Department of the Army be designated to provide the 11 H–34 aircraft, plus the ground support equipment and follow on spares, with the Department of the Air Force implementing delivery through normal Military Assistance Program procedures.
For the Joint Chiefs of Staff:
Curtis E. LeMay
General, USAF
Vice Chief of Staff, U.S. Air Force
  1. Source: JCS Files, CCS 99, 9155.3/4060 (1 Nov 60). Secret. Also printed in Department of Defense, United States–Vietnam Relations, 1945–1967, Book 10, pp. 1332–1333.
  2. In MAAGCH–SA 1388 from Saigon, November 1, McGarr stated in part:

    • “1. Continued deterioration of local internal security situation here emphasizes necessity for provision H–34 helicopters as matter of urgency and on an emergency basis. As pointed out previously neither A nor B model H–19 meets requirements of current operations in this area. Long lead time incident to provision H–34’s from production understood, however, feel scope and urgency of the emergency such that H–34’s should be provided from those on shelf or active inventory of U.S. units. Although cost is a factor to be considered, it should not be the determining factor. U.S. national policy in Southeast Asia at stake.
    • “2. Increased lift, reliability and added range afforded by H–34’s considered to be vital and essential factors which would be major contribution to success of anti-guerrilla operations.” (Ibid.)

    The Embassy gave its strong support to this recommendation in telegram 956 from Saigon November 4. (Department of State, Central Files, 751K.00/11–460) CINCPAC did the same in message 052313Z to OSD/ISA, November 6. (Washington National Records Center, RG 330, OSD/ISA Files: FRC 64 A 2170, 092 Vietnam)

  3. Not printed. (JCS Files, CCS 99, 9155.3/4060 (1 Nov 60))