227. Telegram From the Chief of the Military Assistance Advisory Group in Vietnam (McGarr) to the Commander, Pacific (Felt), at Manila1

MAGTN–PO 1434. At approximately 0620 H, 12 November, a taped recording President Diem’s voice was broadcast several times stating “I, President of the Republic of Vietnam, after the incident at the capital, and in order to maintain all our forces for the fight against communism, suppress the present government, and call the commanding generals to set up a provisional government. In the meantime, I will coordinate with the revolutionary committee to form a coalition government. In order to avoid bloodshed and to check propaganda, I the President, give orders to the commanding generals council to stop firing”

At approximately same time as above, heavy, violent small arms, machine gun and apparently mortar fire was directed on Palace area for about 10 minutes. Fire then reduced in intensity for 10 to 20 minutes and has continued sporadically thereafter.

New subject:

Assistant Secretary Thuan passed word to me that military junta with President Diem as titular head has been agreed to by both sides, and subsequent to above, Major Son, who is commanding loyal troops told me that he has encircled the rebel paratroopers consisting of three companies, and a considerable number are surrendering. Gen Khanh tells me situation is in hand even though sporadic firing continues throughout Palace area.

I will keep you advised.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 751K.00/11–1260. Confidential; Niact; Noforn. The Department of State’s information copy was received at 1:11 a.m. Sent also to CINCPAC Honolulu; repeated for information to the Departments of Defense and State, JCS, CINCUSARPAC, CINCPACFLT, CINCPACAF, the MAAG Chiefs in Cambodia, Thailand, and Taiwan, and the PEO Chief in Laos.