217. Telegram From the Secretary of State to the Embassy in Vietnam1

770. Durbrow from Parsons. Deeply concerned at turn events. Commend your prompt reporting.

While difficult evaluate situation this stage, it does seem vital that every effort be made preserve maximum constitutionality, having in mind Vietnamese and world opinion.

Know you will bear in mind importance prompt stabilization situation in view overriding Communist menace.

In view his great services to his own country and cause of freedom, we do hope that at this difficult hour President Diem and family will be treated with all due respect.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 751K.00/11–1160. Secret. Drafted by Parsons and Cleveland; cleared with Wood. Repeated for information priority to Phnom Penh, Bangkok, Vietiane, Paris, London, CINCPAC PolAd, and Taipei.