216. Telegram From the Ambassador in Vietnam (Durbrow) to the Department of State1

998. Critic. Verbatim text. Embassy officer talked by phone with SecState Presidency and Deputy SecState Defense Thuan at 0610 at this house. Thuan, who remains free, said he talked with Diem 15 minutes earlier and everyone at Palace safe at that point. Thuan understands paratroopers (apparently about one battalion) mounted coup attempt as they had done in Laos.

Thuan had report indirectly from Reuters correspondent Russell that rebels using PTT as headquarters. I had same report from Time correspondent Wilde but personal observation by American official about 0545 indicated area around PTT quiet. Thuan most interested receive that report.

Wilde told me at 0550 he had talked with a Lieutenant Colonel Dong2 who taking credit as coup leader. Dong believed to be Para-troop Battalion Commander and said he spent four months at Leavenworth in 1958. Reported to be 30 years old. Dong claimed control airport, Presidential Palace, and other key points in city area. Dong reportedly told Wilde this is anti-Communist coup mounted because the Diem government not effective enough in dealing with present situation. Dong claimed all cabinet ministers captured. However, we talked subsequently to Thuan and know that claim not true. At 0620 Colby from his house could tell that Palace not yet seized but firing still continues in front of Palace and situation appears to be at stalemate at moment. We thus believe Dong’s claims greatly exaggerated but outcome still not certain.

Radio Saigon broadcasting music about 0615 and thus apparently not under rebel control.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 751K.00/11–1160. Limited Official Use Only. Received November 10, 9:25 p.m. This telegram was apparently not sent through Department of State channels.
  2. Lieutenant Colonel Vuong Van Dong.