189. Telegram From the Joint Chiefs of Staff to the Commander in Chief, Pacific (Felt)1
JCS 982211. Part 1. Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff has received copy of memorandum from Secretary of Defense for Assistant Secretary of Defense (ISA), subject: deteriorating situation in South Viet-Nam, 29 Aug 60, which reads as follows: “I have read the brief of SNIE 63–1–60, ‘Short Term Trends in South Viet-Nam,’2 prepared by the Acting Director for Intelligence, Joint Staff, and am concerned by the statement in this estimate that the seriously deteriorating situation in Viet-Nam, if allowed to continue, ‘will almost certainly in time cause the collapse of Diem’s regime.’
“I would like, therefore, for you to call a special meeting of the collateral activities coordinating group at 9:30 a.m. 14 September, to consider this problem.
“As I see it, the purpose of the CACG meeting would be twofold: first, to consider recommended courses of action within the authority of the Department of Defense designed to strengthen the stability and effectiveness of the Diem government; and second to develop recommendations for coordinated inter-agency action in South Viet-Nam to reverse current adverse trends in South Viet-Nam.
“I believe it would be useful to have a representative from CINCPAC and from MAAG, Viet-Nam, present at this meeting and would like you to make necessary arrangements for this through the JCS. Signed James N. Douglas, Acting.”
Part 2. It is requested therefore that one representative from CINCPAC and one representative from MAAG, Viet-Nam arrive in Washington not later than 6 Sep 60 in order to participate in preliminary discussions commencing at 0900 hours 7 Sep 60 in Pentagon from [room] 2E972. Names and grades of these two representatives should be forwarded with least practicable delay but in any event prior to 5 Sep 60.
- Source: Department of State, Saigon Embassy Files: Lot 65 F 115, 320 U.S. Basic Policy Towards VN. Secret. Repeated for information to the Chief, MAAG Vietnam.↩
- See Document 185.↩