354. Telegram From the Embassy in Canada to the Department of State1

80. Pearson in August 2 letter to me (air pouched to Department August 2 D–95)2 made following points re US draft exchange notes on Cornwall dredging transmitted to him under cover of my letter of July 20.

US draft does not go very far meet Canadian wishes.
Proposal that Canada not duplicate navigation facilities international rapids section without US agreement unacceptable. Canada attaches great importance same freedom action re duplication navigation facilities this section, subject same obligation consult, which US enjoys.
Canada desires ensure excavation necessary 27 foot navigation in north channel done concurrently with south channel dredging.
Work in both north and south channels requires IJC approval or agreement 2 governments. Canada prefers north channel dredging question be settled now by inter-governmental agreement.
Seaway and power entities might reach definitive agreement re division responsibility and cost excavations either before or concurrently with exchange of notes.
Canada unwilling make decision now as to whether costs north channel excavations other than compensatory should be included in toll base.
Letter reiterates Canada has no present intention build canal and locks on Canadian side Cornwall.

Canadian draft exchange reverts to previous wording that 2 governments will not duplicate facilities without prior consultation. Canadian position as reaffirmed is disappointing but no surprise.

Pearson by evading request my letter July 20 to discuss US draft notes (therein enclosed) until inter-departmental decision of rejection now registered in reference letter, makes it difficult to further argue our case in face reaffirmed Canadian position. I am ready to do so but would appreciate Department checking with Castle and Secretary Brucker’s office to ascertain any views they have in light Pearson letter and particularly whether Castle would consider it productive to come to Ottawa to join me in talking to Pearson.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 611.42321–SL/8–356. Confidential.
  2. Not printed. (Ibid., 611.42321–SL/8–256)