331. Memorandum of a Conversation, Department of State, Washington, October 25, 1957, 10:30 a.m.1



  • Aviation Problems

[Here follows the same list of participants as the memorandum of conversation, supra.]

Mr. Dillon called attention to the Hong Kong and Frankfort–Zurich problems which had been previously raised in London by Ambassador Whitney.2 He said this item had been placed on the agenda because the Secretary had wished to mention it personally to the Foreign Secretary, which he would have done if time had permitted. He noted the keen Congressional interest in this matter and the feeling that there was an element of unfairness in the action that was taken. He pointed out that in our recent Dutch negotiations, despite great pressure from the airlines, we tried to look at the problem from the total national point of view and expressed the hope that the United Kingdom would try similarly to look at the present problem on an overall basis rather than primarily from the point of view of BO AC. He expressed the hope that, in view of the new atmosphere created by these talks, the British would reconsider this matter. The Foreign Secretary stated that he would review the matter again.

  1. Source: Department of State, Conference Files: Lot 62 D 181, CF 926. Confidential. Drafted by Frank, approved by Dillon, and circulated to appropriate U.S. officials on October 25.
  2. Documentation on these air routes is ibid., Central Files 611.4194 and 611.5694.