315. Memorandum of a Conversation, Department of State, Washington, October 22, 19571


  • Preparations for the Macmillan Visit

[Here follows the same list of participants as Document 312.]

The Secretary told Mr. Lloyd that the President was having a luncheon for Mr. Spaak on Friday2 and suggested that Mr. Macmillan should join them at about 2 p.m. for a half-hour meeting of the three together. The Foreign Secretary said that he was sure Mr. Macmillan would like to do this. The Secretary commented that it would be unfortunate to have the visits overlap without a meeting of all three [Page 807] and that perhaps there might be need for more than one half-hour meeting.3

  1. Source: Department of State, Secretary’s Memoranda of Conversation: Lot 64 D 199. Secret. Drafted by Dale. See Document 312.
  2. October 25.
  3. The meeting next turned to a discussion of a draft U.S.–U.K. statement on Palestine. A separate memorandum of conversation and the attached statement, drafted by the British Embassy, are printed in vol. XVII, pp. 766770.