272. Editorial Note
At dinner on the evening of March 21, Ambassador Whitney informed Prime Minister Macmillan and Foreign Secretary Lloyd, at the request of Secretary Dulles, that the United States would be willing to join the Baghdad Pact Military Committee, if invited to do so by the members. (Memorandum of conversation at the Mid-Ocean Club, Bermuda, March 21, 8 p.m.,USDel/MC/2; Department of State, Conference Files: Lot 62 D 181, CF 861) In telegram 2 to Ankara, March 23, Secretary Dulles informed Ambassador Richards that he had decided [Page 722] to tell the British of U.S. intentions because they had been leaked in the press. (Ibid., Central Files, 611.41/3–2357) For documentation on the issue of U.S. membership in the Baghdad Pact, see volume XII.