119. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Italy1
1034. After reviewing current developments Italian socialist unification as being precipitated by Commin’s intervention2 feel points made Deptel Rome 9483 (repeated Paris 824 London 157 being repeated other addressees today) still valid.
Additionally any US conversations with European socialists should guard against leaving impression we fear or oppose increased socialist strength per se. Should rather emphasize that it is in socialist interest as well as of entire West to insure that prospects of real conversion hitherto Communist dominated Italian socialist faction are not jeopardized by premature prodigal son treatment of Nenni.
Our objective is continued existence of a party of Italian socialists in control of leaders committed to free democratic principles, excluding Communists from influence over government and having Western European foreign policy similar that endorsed by Saragat and most [Page 381] COMISCO members. Nenni’s reported statements to date do not inspire confidence he so committed when considered in context his record.
Above is for guidance as needed but at this stage we should avoid appearance anti-Nenni or anti-Commin offensive.
Specific individual operating suggestions will be sent certain addressee posts.
Report developments.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 765.00/9–756. Secret. Drafted by Torbert and approved and signed for Dulles by Elbrick. Repeated to Belgrade, Bonn, Brussels, The Hague, London, Moscow, Paris, Stockholm and Vienna.↩
- M. Commin, leader of the French Socialist Party, was in Rome August 30–September 6, attempting to assist Nenni and Saragat in unifying the Italian Socialists.↩
- In telegram 948 to Rome, September 1, the Department advised that the Embassy should act with discretion and, while neither praising nor condemning recent developments, should [less than 1 line of text not declassified] emphasize that extensive reforms would be necessary before the Socialists could be considered democratic allies. (Department of State, Central Files, 765.00/8–2856)↩