295. Memorandum of a Conversation, White House, Washington, December 26, 19561
- Official Visits for 1957
- The President
- Mr. John Foster Dulles, Secretary of State
- Brigadier General Andrew J. Goodpaster, The White House
- Mr. Robert Murphy, Deputy Under Secretary of State
[Here follows discussion of subjects unrelated to Yugoslavia.] There was considerable discussion regarding the projected visit of President Tito. The Secretary outlined the reasons for the visit, mentioning the opposition on the part of Catholic elements in the United States which has been aroused by recent publicity on the [Page 760] subject. He mentioned that he had heard that Cardinal Mooney2 for example was outspoken in this regard. Mr. Murphy mentioned a message sent to him recently by the Catholic Bishops of America meeting in Washington, who expressed concern.
The Secretary stressed that the suggested state visit was not sentimental in character but designed to further American objectives and policies. Tito represents a force in the satellite area which has been working in a direction desired by us and causing a deterioration of the Soviet stranglehold in that area. Inviting him obviously does not mean we approve of all things that the Yugoslav Government stands for. Mr. Murphy said that an explanation along these lines had been given to the Catholic Bishops.
The President thought that we might stimulate through our Ambassador in Belgrade some gesture favorable to Catholics on the part of Tito before he comes here. The Secretary mentioned Cardinal Stepinac3 and it was explained that Stepinac had been in prison, although he is now restricted to his native village where he is allowed to function as a priest, but not to carry on his duties as Cardinal. The President said with some asperity that Tito should make some gesture improving this condition as the President understood there was strong feeling in this country on the part of the Croatian and Slovene groups in this respect. Perhaps our Ambassador in Belgrade could discuss this at a suitable occasion and Mr. Murphy might refer to the problem in conversation with Mates. The President said he felt we should not be too squeamish in explaining to Tito that we have our own problems in this country and that while we would defer to him on matters of strictly internal concern, it would be best for him to understand the actual situation prevailing in this country. The President referred to the fact that there are from 30 to 40 million Catholics in the United States and that our views on the subject of freedom of religion are well known to everybody. Both the President and the Secretary expressed reservations regarding Tito’s visit and the President said he did not mind if Tito was told that these difficulties exist, and unless he were willing to make some effort to cooperate, the President said in effect we might have to reserve action on this item.
It was agreed that after our Ambassadors notify us in each case that the visits can be made at a certain specified time, we would then make a public announcement including a list of names of those who had been invited to visit the United States during 1957. It would be added that the exact dates are being worked out.
[Here follows discussion of subjects unrelated to Yugoslavia.]
- Source: Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, Dulles–Herter Series. Secret. Drafted by Murphy. A note by Joseph N. Greene, Jr., attached to the source text, states that a copy of the memorandum was sent to Ann Whitman at the White House on December 28.↩
- Edward Cardinal Mooney, Archbishop of Detroit.↩
- See footnote 2, Document 265.↩