28. Telegram From the Embassy in Austria to the Department of State 1

1237. In view continued Soviet radio charges US violation Austrian neutrality, have instituted discreet inquiry ascertain if any facts known which might embarrass US. As Department aware from first day Hungarian crisis I repeatedly instructed all elements this Mission avoid any activities likely give substance to Soviet charge our violation Austrian neutrality. Convinced these instructions carried out. One instance known of US military forces Germany car which seen at frontier with Hungarians in it. This being investigated and probably eager beaver on leave. Department should be aware however that in first days there was much activity on part individuals and Austrian control in early days very lax. A number of visitors allegedly fresh out of Hungary came to Embassy some with Hungarian arm bands. Those seeking medical supplies were referred to Red Cross, [Page 46] those seeking arms were told this was Embassy in neutral country and no assistance could be given. I warned Figl when I learned that Hungarians in refugee camp Salzburg were streaming toward Vienna but did not specifically suggest Austrians take any steps about it. Italian Ambassador told me over 100 Hungarian emigres mostly from Italy had plagued his Embassy trying to get in on the show. Some of Austrian press did go to extremes in type of articles published and received public rebuke from Chancellor. Will report further but in general convinced Austrian Government including Chancellor fully aware correctness our behavior.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 663.0021/11–956. Secret. Repeated to Moscow.