210. Notes on the 57th Meeting of the Special Committee on Soviet and Related Problems, Washington, December 13, 19561


  • State—Mr. Jacob D. Beam, Chairman
  • State—Mr. Edward L. Freers
  • Defense—Colonel Kenneth K. Hansen
  • CIA—Mr. Laughlin Campbell
  • USIA—Mr. Alfred V. Boerner
  • OCB—Mr. Paul B. Comstock, Staff Representative


  • State—Mr. Robert O. Blake
  • State—Mr. Howard Trivers
  • State—Mr. Philip Burris
  • State—Mr. Ralph S. Collins
  • CIA—Mr. Arthur M. Cox
  • OCB Staff—Mr. Warren A. Kelsey

[Here follows discussion of unrelated subjects.]

6. UN and Hungary. Mr. Cox referred to a Soviet resolution in the UN condemning alleged American intervention in Hungary by such means as RFE and balloons and asked whether there was any guidance from our UN people on the prospects of this resolution.2 Several persons expressed the view that we should allow the resolution to come to a vote since we could easily turn it against the Soviets. Mr. Cox also inquired about the current situation with regard to the UN fact-finders, to which Mr. Beam replied that a telegram had been sent the previous night to our UN delegation instructing it to urge Hammarskjold to activate the group.3 Mr. Blake mentioned that on a recent visit to New York he had found that the Hungarian situation was completely dominating the minds of UN delegates, including the Indians. [Page 509] Mr. Beam commented that Nehru’s report to the Indian legislature on Hungary should have some good things in it.4

Warren A. Kelsey

Assistant OCB Staff Representative
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 100.4–OCB/12–1356. Top Secret. Drafted by Kelsey.
  2. Reference is to the “Complaint by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics of intervention by the United States of America in the domestic affairs of Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and its subversive activity against those states,” submitted for inclusion on the General Assembly agenda on December 12. This was accomplished on December 14 and the item was assigned to the Special Political Committee “for consideration and report.” Though denying the accusation, the United States did not oppose its inclusion on the agenda. (A/PV.620)
  3. Gadel 63 to USUN, December 13, urged the delegation to impress upon the Secretary-General the importance the United States attached to this matter. (Department of State, Central Files, 320.5764/12–1356)
  4. Nehru’s statements on Hungary, made on the eve of his trip to the United States on December 14, were summarized in telegram 1685 from New Delhi, December 15. (Ibid., 764.00/12–1556)