- Ackerson, Garret G., Jr., 648–650, 657–659, 663, 669–671, 679–684
- Acs, Lajos, 162, 169
- Ad Hoc Committee on Retaliatory Measures Against the U.S.S.R., 396
- Adams, Sherman, 579
- Adamski, Marian, 582
- Adenauer, Konrad, 37n, 79, 80n, 161, 399–400, 558, 675
- Advisory Committee on Export Policy (ACEP), 207n, 627
- Afghanistan, 104n, 404
- Africa, 144
- Agriculture, U.S. Department of, 137, 505, 582, 606, 617
- Air Force, U.S. Department of the, 621n
- Albania, 35, 110, 115–116, 199–200, 202, 204, 332, 367
- Aldrich, Winthrop W., 303–304, 308
- Algeria, 545
- Alphand, Hervé, 372–373
- American Federation of Labor (A.F. of L.), 69
- American Relief for Poland, 634
- Amory, Robert, Jr., 259, 461n
- Anderson, Dillon, 6, 23, 47, 48n, 79–80, 163, 212, 214
- Anderson, Robert B., 47–48
- Andropov, Ambassador, 234
- Anschuetz, Norbert L., 660n
- Apro, Antal, 382
- Arab states (see also individual countries), 394, 405, 440
- Argentina, 140, 456
- Armstrong, W. Park, Jr., 182n, 253n, 613
- Army, U.S. Department of the, 57, 621n
- Arnold, Henry, 322
- Asbjornson, Mildred, 305n
- Asia, Soviet policy toward, 488
- Assembly of Captive European Nations (ACEN), 109–114, 124, 205–206, 248
- Atomic energy, 42, 103n
- Atomic weapons, 42, 100, 335, 674
- Australia, 273n, 309, 376n, 384, 537, 552, 637, 639n
- Austria (see also Austria and Austrian subheadings under other subjects):
- Austrian State Treaty, 37, 42, 47, 91, 100
- Bain, Leslie, 320
- Balkan Pact, 1, 35
- Bandung Conference, 523
- Bane, D.M., 533n, 543n
- Barber, Willard F., 230–231, 406–415
- Barbour, Walworth, 81–82
- Barnes, N. Spencer, 3, 115n, 522n, 556n
- Beale, W.T.M., 684–685
- Beam, Jacob D., 106n, 108n, 109, 121n, 138n, 294n,
313, 344n, 418n, 459n, 481n, 658n
- Destalinization, 167, 170, 189
- Geneva Conference, 82
- Hungarian revolution, 285, 376, 378,
385, 395, 400, 436, 461, 490, 495
- Indian position, 398, 509
- Refugees, 491–493, 546
- Suez crisis and, 439
- U.N. General Assembly actions, 402–403, 496–498, 502–503, 543–544, 638n
- U.N. observers, 438–439, 462, 493–494, 496–497, 508, 530, 543–545
- U.N. Security Council appeal, 279, 322–323, 359–361
- U.S. complicity allegations, 531, 533, 545–546
- U.S. economic aid and, 326, 364
- U.S.-Indian relations and, 440
- U.S. policy, 301–303, 380, 386–387, 396
- U.S. propaganda, 277, 279–280, 300–301, 324–325, 401–403, 416–418, 438, 531
- U.S.-Soviet relations and, 396, 401, 418, 504
- Hungary, 397, 432–433, 439, 503, 620–622
- Poland, 256, 259, 622n
- Romania, 461–462
- Soviet bloc, U.S. policy toward, 532
- Soviet bloc escapees, 397
- Bebrits, Lajos, 309n
- Belgium, 152, 251, 385, 407
- Belgrade Accord. See Yugoslavia: Soviet Union, relations with.
- Bennett, W. Tapley, 141n, 256, 313, 327n, 373, 416
- Benson, Ezra Taft, 541, 630
- Bentley, Alvin M., 634
- Berding, Andrew H., 553n, 660, 689n
- Bergus, Donald C., 260n
- Beria, Lavrentiy Pavlovich, 34
- Berlin (see also Germany, Federal Republic of), 129–130
- Berman, Jakub, 173, 252
- Bernau, Phyllis D., 182n, 184n, 209n, 258, 268n, 273n, 290n, 305n, 306n, 346n, 365n, 638n, 641n
- Bernbaum, Maurice M., 140n
- Bessenyey, George, 109
- Bibo, István, 377, 649
- Bishop, Max W., 6–7, 12n
- Blake, Robert O., 278–280, 301, 366n
- Blood, Archer, 416n
- Bodnares, Gen. Emil, 196
- Boerner, Alfred V., 170, 546
- Bohlen, Charles E., 34–36, 297, 335, 446–447
- Boldiszar, Ivan, 236
- Boldoczki, 81, 162n
- Bor-Komorowski, Gen., 227n
- Boros, Laszlo, 479
- Bowie, Robert R., 182n, 259, 266, 390n, 461n, 622n
- Bray, William H., 541n, 558n, 571n
- Brentano, Heinrich von, 399–400
- Breugl, Gordon, 375, 381
- British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), 135, 532, 591
- Brussels Treaty, 677
- Brown, Constantine, 504
- Brown, Elizabeth A., 197n, 639n, 655n, 703n
- Brown, Emmons, 436, 438–439
- Brownell, Herbert, Jr., 164, 166, 216, 297, 421, 537, 579–580
- Bruce, David K.E., 3
- Bulganin, Nikolai Aleksandrovich, 34, 36, 128, 242–243, 245, 255, 297, 335, 706
- Bulgaria, 34–35, 140, 143–145, 205, 332, 462
- Bunker, Ellsworth, 309n, 426n
- Burgess, William Randolph, 526n
- Burke, Adm. Arleigh A., 461n
- Burma, 104, 404, 462n
- Burris, Philip, 170, 529–530
- Button, Robert E., 274n, 276, 476–479
- Butz, Earl L., 606n, 630–631
- Buzek, Romana, 582
- Cabell, Gen. Charles P., 242–243, 461n
- Campbell, Laughlin, 438, 499, 529–530
- Canada, 222, 309, 443–444, 616, 618–620, 630, 639n
- CARE, 634, 676
- Carpenter, Isaac White, Jr., 381
- Catholic Charities, 539
- Cefaratti, A.J., 634n
- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 7, 72n, 85n, 89n, 243, 593, 605
- Cepicka, Alexei, 38–39, 332n
- Ceylon, 404, 428, 460, 462n, 503n, 552, 637, 643
- Chamoun, Camille, 440
- Chapin, Selden, 147–148
- Cherne, Leo, 401
- Chervenkov, Vulko, 142, 205, 332n
- Chiefs of Mission Conference, May 10–11, 1957, 2–3
- China, People’s Republic of, 36, 164, 296–297, 450, 497, 587, 644
- China, Republic of, 73, 93–94, 385
- Chisinevschi, Iosif, 102, 196
- Cionca, Vasile Charles, 600
- Clark, Robert A., 491, 494–495
- Clark, William L., 3, 281
- Clarke, Eric T., 270n
- Clay, Gen. Lucius D., 302
- COCOM (Coordinating Committee of the Paris Consultative Group). See Strategic controls under East-West trade.
- Colbert, James L., 558n, 571n
- Collins, Ralph S., 322, 396, 436, 476n, 491, 495, 502, 508, 543, 553
- Commerce, U.S. Department of, 106, 505, 546, 560, 582
- Committee for Free Europe, 118, 121, 151, 279, 403, 420
- Committee on Radio Broadcasting Policy, 2
- Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC), 527, 573, 575, 606–607, 615–616, 630, 633, 694
- Commonwealth, 537
- Compton, Arthur, 360, 362
- Comstock, Paul B., 277–280, 300–303, 322–326, 359–363, 395–398, 400–404
- Condon, Col. Reynolds, 557
- Congress, U.S.:
- Acts of:
- Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act, 1954 (P.L. 480), 127, 182–183, 213
- Alien Enlistment Act (Lodge Bill), 1950, 56, 62, 94, 150, 586
- Battle Act, 413, 414n, 468–469, 498, 504, 526–528, 560, 615, 695
- Immigration and Nationality Act, 1953, 652n
- Kersten Amendment, 55, 57, 62, 64, 468, 512, 531, 575
- Lodge Bill. See Alien Enlistment Act above.
- Mutual Defense Assistance Control Act, 1951. See Battle Act above.
- Mutual Security Act, 1951, 469, 526, 528, 695
- Mutual Security Act, 1951, Sec. 401(a). See Kersten Amendment above.
- Refugee Relief Act, 1953, 91
- Surplus Disposal Act, 695
- Tariff Act of 1930, 449
- Trade Agreements Act, 208, 527
- Trade Agreements Extension Act, 1951, 127, 449, 628
- Watkins Bill, 91
- Bulgaria, 139–140, 142
- East-West contacts, 692
- East-West trade, 208, 212–214, 695
- Hungarian revolution, 421, 533, 536–539, 580–581, 639n, 642n
- Poland, 197–198, 210, 408, 529n, 530, 616–617, 634, 702
- Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 617
- Soviet bloc:
- Acts of:
- Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), 69
- Cooper, John Sherman, 426n
- Corbett, Jack C., 582
- Cornut-Gentille, Bernard, 292, 308n, 315–316, 393
- Costa, Brutus, 109
- Cotarla, Georgeta, 600
- Council of Europe, 304
- Council on Foreign Economic Policy (CFEP), 504, 526, 529–530, 542, 546, 634, 695
- Council of Mutual Economic Assistance (CEMA), 199–201, 407
- Cox, Arthur M., 279
- Crittenberger, Gen. Willis D., 24, 54, 56n, 58–59
- Crusade for Freedom, 123, 279
- Cuba, 383–384, 422, 460–461
- Cullen, Paul H., 447n
- Cutler, Robert, 6–7, 23–24, 579
- Cyprus, 1, 545
- Cyrankiewicz, Josef, 548
- Czechoslovakia (see also Czech and Czechoslovakia subheadings under other
- Austrian State Treaty, 37
- Economic situation, 37, 333
- German reunification, 332, 366
- Nationalism, 332
- Political situation, 37–39, 202, 367, 487
- Soviet Union, relations with, 199, 203
- United States, relations with, 8, 127, 177–180, 206–207, 251n, 691–692, 695, 697–698
- U.S. propaganda, 51, 98, 118, 438, 692
- Czerny-Stefanska, Halina, 97, 138
- D’Alessandro, Aldo, 274–277
- Dallam, Col., 381
- David, Vacláv, 176
- Davis, Nathaniel J., 529
- Davis, Richard R., 3, 190n, 259
- De Guiringaud, Louis, 368
- De Seynes, Philippe, 501
- Dearborn, Frederick M., Jr., 693n
- Defense, U.S. Department of, 85n, 211, 357n, 532, 607, 618n
- Delaney, Robert F., 10–11, 274
- Delargy, Hugh, 132
- Denmark, 422, 444, 552, 637
- Dery, Tibor, 478
- Dillon, C. Douglas, 390, 571n, 593n
- Dimitrov, G.M., 109, 112, 143
- Disarmament, 73, 161, 174, 511, 647, 674
- Dixon, Ben R., 308n, 315–316, 368–369, 372, 638, 639n
- Dobi, István, 382n, 383n, 432
- Dogei, Imre, 382
- Dosti, Hasan, 109
- Dowling, Walter C., 80n
- Downs, Donald, 25–33
- Drummond, Roscoe, 530
- Dulles, Allen, 33, 163–165, 297
- Dulles, John Foster, 115n
- Assembly of Captive European Nations, 109–110, 112–114
- Bulgaria, 138, 141n
- East-West trade, 634n
- Geneva Conference, 49, 51, 71, 83
- Hungarian revolution, 326, 344–345, 391n, 424–425, 535n, 580
- Hungary, 309–310, 345, 373–374, 432, 474
- India, 395n
- Poland, 131–138, 296, 298, 317–318, 671–677
- Romania, 106, 108n, 338–340, 561, 565n
- Soviet bloc:
- U.S. propaganda, 72n, 182, 243n, 244
- Soviet Union, 163, 700
- Suez crisis, 346, 365, 402
- East-West contacts (see also East-West trade; Soviet bloc; Soviet Union), 46, 111, 121, 126–127
- East-West trade (see also Soviet bloc; Soviet Union; U.S. trade with under specific countries), 111, 117–118, 120, 126–127, 298
- Eastern Europe. See Soviet bloc.
- Economic and Social Council, U.N., 222
- Economic Commission for Europe (ECE), 415, 499
- Economic Defense Advisory Committee (EDAC), 207n
- Eden, Anthony, 308, 346
- Edman, George W., 270–271
- Egypt (see also Suez crisis), 394n, 456
- Eisenhower, Dwight D., 11–12, 298, 346, 358, 364, 421, 474, 510
- Geneva Conference, 46, 49, 51, 67–68, 71, 83, 112
- Hungarian revolution, 299, 321–322, 390–392, 394–395, 404n, 419, 421,
440n, 463
- Public statements, 274–275, 277, 297, 310, 317n, 328n, 347n, 350–352, 436–438, 496, 518–519, 678
- Refugees, 534–539, 580
- U.N. Security Council appeal, 290–291, 306–307, 309, 369n
- U.S. complicity allegations, 424–426, 435–438, 470, 473, 480, 518–519
- U.S. policy, 305–307, 321–322, 386–387, 390, 420, 424–426, 431, 465
- Poland, 247, 248n, 256n, 265, 287, 298, 317n
- Soviet bloc:
- Eisenhower Doctrine, 562, 570
- Eisler, Gerhart, 630n
- Elbrick, C. Burke, 2–3, 182n, 184, 211–212, 268–270, 294, 459n, 671, 699n
- Entezam, Nasrollah, 372
- Ernst, Roger, 532
- Erskine, Gen. Graves B., 620
- Escapees. See Soviet bloc escapees and political exiles.
- European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), 415
- European Defense Community (EDC), 54, 59
- Export-Import Bank, 259, 441, 449, 527–528, 607, 615, 630, 633, 635
- Fagerholm, Karl-August, 705–706
- Farkas, Mihaly, 261–262
- Finland, 43, 705–706
- Finn, Richard B., 461n
- FitzGerald, Dennis A., 574
- Flemming, Arthur S., 213
- Ford Foundation, 676
- France (see also U.N. General Assembly appeals and U.N Security Council appeals under Hungarian revolution; Suez crisis; France, French, and Tripartite subheadings under other subjects), 46, 127–128, 140, 152, 170, 444
- Frantescu, Caius, 595–598, 604
- Free Europe Committee. See Committee for Free Europe.
- Freers, Edward L., 3, 344n, 366n, 373n, 481n, 499, 529, 546, 698–699
- Friedman, Richard, 553n
- Frohlich, William, 627n
- Fry, Leslie, 304
- Fryer, Peter, 546n
- Fuller, Leon, 259
- Fulton, James G., 634
- Gabor, Andrew G., 270n, 598, 600
- Garst, Roswell, 99, 102, 108, 379, 455, 665
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), 447n, 450
- Geneva Conference, 35–36, 45–46,
51, 73
- Atmosphere of conciliation, 52–53, 65–79, 82–83, 88
- German reunification, discussion of, 113, 124–125, 193, 219–220
- Hungarian position, 99–100
- Soviet bloc, discussion of, 46–47, 49, 71, 74, 100, 112–113, 124–125, 193, 219–220
- U.S. propaganda, 53, 65–70, 72–79, 100–101
- Volunteer Freedom Corps and, 55, 62, 160
- George, Walter F., 399
- Germany:
- Germany, Democratic Republic of (see also Germany; German Democratic Republic subheadings under other subjects), 5–6, 8–9, 193, 219–220, 332–333, 568, 691
- Germany, Federal Republic of (see also
Germany; German Federal Republic
subheadings under other subjects):
- Hungarian revolution, 399–400, 436–437, 444, 536, 556–558
- Labor Service Organization, 47n, 54, 56, 59–61, 63, 491–493
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 191, 217, 399
- Paris Agreements, 14, 24
- Rearmament, 13–14, 22, 41, 160n
- Soviet bloc escapees in, 111, 113, 151–152, 444, 536
- Soviet Union, relations with, 37, 39, 40–41, 43, 79
- Suez crisis, 399–400
- West Berlin, U.S. economic aid to, 129
- Gërö, Ërno, 223–227, 232–237, 240, 242, 248–249, 261n, 264, 278, 282, 284
- Gheorgiu-Dej, Gheorghe, 102–103, 106, 174–175, 195–196, 205, 462, 525
- Gleason, S. Everett, 72n, 79–80, 120, 128–130, 163–167, 190, 212–216, 461n, 584n, 587n
- Gleason, Capt. Thomas R., 620
- Gomulka, Wladyslaw (see also Political situation under Poland), 258, 288, 331, 408–410, 548, 594n, 611–612
- Goodpaster, Col. Andrew J., 309–310, 347n, 390n, 394n, 435, 535
- Gordon, Thomas S., 634
- Greece, 1, 35, 92, 140, 143, 145, 152, 204
- Greene, Joseph, 395n, 639n, 642n
- Grew, Joseph, 480, 519
- Grewe, Wilhelm, 557
- Grosz, Joseph, 159, 169
- Gruber, Karl, 326–327, 457n
- Gundersen, Oscar, 434, 544n
- Hagerty, James C., 11–12, 51, 243n, 391n, 424, 518
- Halleck, Charles A., 424
- Hallstein, Walter, 557
- Hammarskjöld, Dag, 210
- Hanes, John W., Jr., 71, 703n
- Hanke, Hugo, 82n
- Hansen, Col. Kenneth K., 300–301, 502, 504, 529, 531, 533, 543
- Harben, William, 170
- Harlem Globetrotters, 689
- Hatoyama, Ichiro, 254n
- Hay, Gyula, 260–262
- Hayter, William, 335, 338
- Hearst, William Randolph, Jr., 514
- Higgs, L. Randolph, 343, 396, 398, 401–403, 482
- Hill, Robert B., 138n, 182, 529n
- Holland, Henry F., 139–140
- Hollister, John B., 534–535, 538–539, 559–561, 607, 618n, 633n
- Hoover, Herbert C., Jr., 23, 79–80, 121n, 418n, 432n, 514n
- Horner, John E., 3, 322, 360, 396, 401, 436, 481n, 491, 495, 502
- Horváth, Imre, 223, 284, 309n, 434, 493n, 679
- Horváth, Marton, 233, 237, 238, 460, 501, 502n
- Howe, Fisher, 141n, 182n, 375, 416n
- Hoxha, Enver, 202, 205
- Hughes, Rowland R., 119–120
- Humphrey, George M., 164, 182, 212–214, 218
- Humphrey, Hubert H., 533, 509–514, 616–617
- Hungarian revolution (see also
Hungary), 263–264, 309–310, 313–314, 344–345, 352, 464–465
- Austrian position, 319
- British position, 384, 543–544
- Budapest strike, 459, 461
- Chinese People’s Republic position, 296–297
- Congressional briefing, 421, 423–424
- Destalinization and, 333–334
- Economic situation and, 352
- European responses to, 309
- Global war, possibility of, 299, 335, 356, 463, 465
- Humanitarian aid (see also U.S. humanitarian aid below), 388, 393, 397, 404–405, 417, 427, 428–429, 434, 443, 497, 576
- Indian reactions, 321–322, 404, 419–420, 428, 462, 509
- International labor boycott of Soviet Union, 403, 418, 439, 525
- Nagy role in, 262–264, 283–284, 300,
323, 329n, 331,
336, 341–345, 355, 359
- U.N. Special Committee report, 637
- NATO involvement, 390, 443–444
- Negotiations, 312–313, 320–322, 340–343, 353, 370, 384, 391
- Polish political situation and, 296, 548, 551
- Polish position, 345, 428, 486, 488, 534, 594, 672–673
- Provisional government policy, 310–311, 319–320
- Public meetings, Oct. 16 and 22, 1956, 260–263
- Refugees, 402, 427, 438, 535–539, 546
- Austrian admission of, 301, 309–310, 326–327, 357, 362, 448, 457–458, 467, 533
- Labor Service Organization enrollment, 491–493
- President’s Committee for Hungarian Refugee Relief, 534n
- U.N. General Assembly Resolution 1007 (ES-II), 428–429
- U.S. admission of, 417, 444, 494, 537–538, 651–652
- U.S. aid for, 357, 362, 417, 429, 444, 448, 467, 533, 538–539
- U.S. propaganda, 402, 417, 532
- Western countries admission of, 327, 357, 417, 443–444, 458, 536–538
- Yugoslav admission of, 467, 579–581, 651–652
- Romanian role in, 454
- Soviet bloc countries positions, 345
- Soviet bloc escapee policies and, 397, 401
- Soviet bloc political situations and, 296, 326, 332, 367, 399–400, 461, 487, 548, 551, 561–563
- Soviet deportations, 439, 459–462, 484, 493n, 494
- Soviet military intervention, 273, 280–286, 295, 320, 323, 329, 334, 354–355, 396n
- Soviet-Soviet bloc relations and, 482–490
- Soviet Union, international sanctions against, 403, 418, 439, 443–444, 466, 498, 525, 632
- Soviet Union, U.S. sanctions against, 390, 394, 396, 398, 403, 418–419, 467, 504
- Suez crisis and, 365, 388, 394, 397–399, 402, 404, 425, 439, 631–632
- Turkish position, 444
- U.N. General Assembly
actions (see also
Humanitarian aid
above; U.N. observers and U.N. Special
below), 392, 427–429, 486, 497–498, 501,
534, 538, 543–544
- Hungarian position, 422, 434, 500, 552, 631, 703–704
- Indian position, 460, 641n
- Kádár government credentials, 402, 422, 433, 462, 496–499, 502–503, 544, 583, 642–644, 650n, 654–655
- Kéthly appearance, 396–397, 401, 405, 417, 440, 444, 531–532, 544
- Neutral countries abstention, 393–395, 398, 403–405, 417, 439–440
- Prince Wan mission, 662, 679–681, 684, 696, 703
- Resolution 1004 (ES-II), 393, 394n, 404, 417, 422, 429, 434, 466, 486, 662
- Resolution 1005 (ES-II) (Five-power draft resolution), 422, 428, 662
- Resolution 1006 (ES-II) (U.S. draft resolution), 423–425, 427–429
- Resolution 1007 (ES-II) (Austrian draft resolution), 428–429, 538n
- Resolution 1008 (ES-II) (U.S. draft resolution), 429
- Resolution 1127 (XI) (Cuban draft resolution), 460–461, 1127
- Resolution 1128 (XI) (Asian draft resolution), 460–461, 486
- Resolution 1130 (XI) (14-power draft resolution), 500–501
- Resolution 1131 (XI) (U.S. draft resolution), 496–497, 502n, 503, 662
- Resolution 1132 (XI), 552, 638, 661–662
- Resolution 1133, 660–662
- Soviet deportations, 460–461
- Suez crisis and, 439, 493, 641
- U.N. police force proposals, 391n, 402, 417, 631
- U.S.-Hungarian relations, 658, 670
- U.S. position, 463, 466, 534, 648–650
- Yugoslav position, 534
- U.N. General Assembly appeals (see also U.N. General Assembly actions below), 360–362, 389–390, 392–393, 638–645, 652–655
- U.N. observers, 352–353, 393, 397–398, 402–403, 422, 425, 429, 434, 460, 500
- U.N. Security Council appeal, 297–298, 302, 315–316, 323,
355, 361–362, 371–373, 383–385, 388, 399
- Australian position, 273n, 309, 376n
- British participation, 273, 292–293, 311
- British position, 303–304, 308–309, 368–369
- French participation, 273, 293, 308, 311
- Letter proposal, 290–293, 309
- Soviet position, 316, 388
- Suez crisis and, 394
- Tripartite discussions, 315–316
- U.S. position, 273, 277, 307, 325, 345, 360–362, 368
- Yugoslav participation, 292, 298, 361
- U.N. Special Committee, 530, 543–544, 552, 643, 648, 650n, 655–656, 696, 703–704
- U.S. complicity allegations, 324, 345n, 388, 436–438, 445, 473n, 481,
496, 531, 533, 556–558
- Hungarian position, 460, 472, 494–495, 552
- Indian position, 438
- Kéthly testimony, 405, 440n, 471, 495
- Labor Service Organization and, 492
- Radio Free Europe analyses, 473–475, 520–522, 557–558
- Refugee surveys (Operation Lookout), 481–482
- Romanian position, 596
- Soviet draft resolution, 508–509, 531, 545–546, 557
- Soviet position, 512
- U.N. position, 424–426
- U.S. public opinion, 398
- U.S. public statements, 436–438, 518–519, 532
- Voice of America analyses, 460, 470–471, 476–479, 520–521
- Western European allegations, 430, 435–437, 556–558
- U.S. economic aid to Poland and, 407–408, 413
- U.S. humanitarian aid, 345, 352, 364, 417, 467, 502, 571–572, 575
- U.S. intelligence, 364
- U.S. material support (see also U.S. complicity allegations above), 301–303, 311–312, 325, 362, 631
- U.S. propaganda (see also
U.S. complicity allegations
above), 262–263, 274–278, 280,
310, 324–325, 357, 440,
462, 468
- Deportations, 462
- German Federal Republic position, 400
- Humanitarian aid, 350–352, 403, 525
- Mongol troops, 438
- Movie footage, 420–421, 424, 426
- Neutralist countries as targets, 398, 418, 426
- Post-revolution, 522–525, 685
- Refugees, 402, 417, 532
- Russian Revolution photographs, 531
- Soviet troops as target, 363, 401, 417, 462, 474
- U.S. policy explanations, 506–507
- White book, 398, 403, 417, 420, 493, 546
- U.S. public statements, 272, 274–275, 278, 284–286, 297, 310, 317–318, 321, 350–352, 416, 431–432
- U.S.-Soviet relations and, 509–514
- Western European reactions, 419, 423, 430
- Yugoslav position, 296, 316, 345, 388, 396n, 438, 462, 488–489
- Hungary (see also
Hungarian revolution; Soviet
bloc; Hungary and Hungarian subheadings under
other subjects):
- Austrian State Treaty, 100
- British economic aid to, 467
- Economic situation, 12, 14, 17–19, 22, 25–27, 29, 30–31, 153–155, 238, 333, 359
- Foreign policy, 241
- France, relations with, 170
- German Federal Republic economic aid to, 467
- International economic organization membership, 450–451
- Italy, relations with, 170
- Kádár government (post-revolution) (see also Political situation below), 376n, 382–383, 389, 392, 419, 444, 461, 566–569, 637, 686 [Page 717]
- Military capabilities, 17, 20–22
- Neutrality, 264, 302, 305–307, 360n, 366,
368n, 431, 439,
467, 499
- Austrian position, 353
- Political situation (see also
- Christianity, 262, 359
- Communist Party, 13, 20, 25–28, 31
- Destalinization and, 155–156, 240, 261
- Farkas trial, 261–262
- Geneva Conference and, 52
- German Federal Republic rearmament and, 13–14, 22
- Grosz trial, 159, 169
- Kádár, influence of, 232–234
- Liberalization, 13, 28, 31–33, 225, 232, 237–241, 248–250
- Mindszenty trial, 147, 158–159, 262
- Nagy, influence of, 232, 234–236, 249–250, 262, 284, 309
- Nationalism, 13, 28–29, 261–262, 330
- “New Course,” 13, 19–22, 29
- People’s Patriotic Front (PPF), 234–236
- Petófi Club, 223, 224–225, 237, 478
- Popular resentment toward Communist regime, 14, 16–17, 19–20, 147
- Post-revolution, 524, 569–571, 591–593
- Poznań riots and, 225
- Rajk rehabuitation, 147–148, 154–157, 169–170, 249
- Rákosi, role of, 12–14, 20, 25–32, 147, 153–155, 168–170, 222–227, 231–241, 478
- Soviet-Hungarian relations and, 25, 28–29
- Soviet influence on, 13, 22, 29, 32, 154–155, 222–224, 234, 241, 249
- Writers’ Congress, 154, 202
- Yugoslav influence, 231n
- Yugoslav position, 248–250
- Yugoslav-Soviet relations and, 52, 156
- Soviet economic aid to, 333, 609–610
- Soviet forces in (see also Hungarian revolution), 46–47, 101, 199, 202–203, 262–263, 649, 686
- Soviet Union, relations with (see also Political situation above), 17, 22–23, 203, 242, 261–262, 330, 484–485, 515, 517, 568
- Strategic importance of, 23
- U.N. economic aid to, 499
- U.N. membership, 81–82, 110, 200, 497
- United States, relations with, 14–15, 206–207, 232,
251n, 620–622, 658, 670,
- Cultural exchanges, 467, 669–670, 679, 682, 686–690
- Employee arrest incidents, 52–53, 147–148, 158, 162, 170
- Hungarian position, 81, 162
- Kádár government recognition question, 405, 432–433, 439, 446, 461, 583, 679–684
- Kéthly action, 396–397, 401
- Mindszenty asylum, 657–660, 682–683, 696
- Nagy government, 373–374
- Rajk trial, 147–148, 156–159, 169–170
- Rákosi speech, May 18, 1956, 168–170
- U.S. post-revolution sanctions, 396–397, 401, 497–499, 503
- Yugoslav position, 250
- U.S. economic aid to (see also U.S. humanitarian aid under Hungarian revolution; Western economic aid to below), 15, 333, 350, 431, 446–448, 499, 515, 517, 545
- U.S. propaganda (see also U.S. complicity allegations under Hungarian revolution), 15–16, 100–101, 104–105, 148, 156, 227, 478, 571n
- U.S. trade with, 127, 447–452
- Yugoslavia, relations with, 34, 52, 155, 234, 242, 248, 250, 261–262
- West, relations with, 14, 333, 467
- Western economic aid to, 431, 439, 459, 467, 576–577
- Iceland, 403
- India (see also India and Indian subheadings under other subjects), 44–45, 104, 394–395, 440, 513, 537, 625
- Indonesia, 404, 428, 460, 462n, 503n
- Intelligence Advisory Committee (IAC), 396n
- Interagency Committee on Agricultural Surplus Disposal, 526
- Interdepartmental Escapee Committee, 89–95
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), 447n, 450–451, 676
- International Cooperation Administration (ICA), 89n, 90–94, 408, 538, 574
- International Coordinating Committee (COCOM). See Strategic controls under East-West trade.
- International Court of Justice (ICJ), 121
- International Development Agency, 415
- International Finance Corporation, 450–451
- International Labour Organization (ILO), 544
- International Monetary Fund (IMF), 451
- International Peasant Union, 229
- International Red Cross:
- Iraq (see also Arab states), 394n
- Ireland, 422
- Ismay, Baron Hastings Lionel, 443–444
- Israel (see also Suez crisis), 456
- Italy, 92, 140, 152, 170, 204, 444, 456
- Iwaszkiewicz, Edward, 582
- Jackson, C.D., 24, 463
- Jackson, William H., 164, 189, 447, 479
- Jacobs, Joseph E., 3, 39–41
- Janczewski, Zbigniew, 671
- Jandrey, Fred W., 660, 699n, 701
- Janza, Lt. Gen. Karoly, 309n
- Japan, 254n, 255
- Jaroszek, Henry, 256, 448n, 698–699
- Jedrychowski, Stefan, 257n
- Jerdaman, Jean, 437n
- Jernegan, John D., 554
- Johnson, Charles E., 171n, 622n
- Johnson, Lyndon B., 424
- Johnson, Richard G., 3
- Johnson, U. Alexis, 3, 37–39, 51, 176–180, 259
- Johnson, Valdemar N.L., 627n
- Joint Chiefs of Staff, 47–48, 215, 357n, 461–462
- Joint Distribution Committee, 676
- Jozwiak-Witold, Franciszek, 257n
- Justice, U.S. Department of, 89n, 538, 580
- Kádár, János, 223, 225–226, 232–237, 278n, 282, 342
- Kalijarvi, Thorsten V., 571–577, 617n, 619n
- Karpinski, Zygmunt, 582
- Kekkonen, Urho, 705
- Kelsey, Warren A., 505, 529–533, 546
- Kennedy, John F., 589–590, 695
- Keppel, John, 481
- Kéthly, Anna, 235n, 342, 353, 396–397, 401, 417, 440, 471, 495, 531, 544
- Khan, Mohammed Mir, 403
- Khrushchev, Nikita S., 36, 53, 69–70, 110n, 128, 254, 335, 706
- King, Spenser Matthews, 15n
- Király, Maj. Gen. Béla, 544
- Kirkpatrick, Ivone A., 304, 308
- Kiss, Arpád, 223, 309n
- Klay, Andor, 437n
- Kleemola, Kauno, 705–706
- Klieforth, Alexander A., 476n
- Kliszko, Zenon, 230n, 245, 253n
- Klosson, Boris, 170, 253–255, 259, 360, 502, 504, 543
- Knowland, William F., 589n, 617
- Kohn, Helene Clepcea, 600
- Komor, Imre, 236
- Kopacsi, Sandor, 703n
- Korbonski, Stefan, 109, 111–112
- Korea, Republic of, 73
- Korean war, 410
- Kós, Péter, 313, 397
- Kossa, István, 309n, 382
- Kossuth, Louis, 262
- Kostov, Traicho, 141–143, 332n
- Kotlicki, Henryk, 582, 619
- Kovacs, Béla, 235n, 300–301, 324, 341–342, 353, 383–384, 398, 472–473
- Kovács, István, 384n, 703n
- Kreisky, Bruno, 352, 373n
- Krekeler, Heinz L., 606
- Kuznetsov, Vasiliy Vasiliyevich, 424n, 509–514, 534, 541
- Labor Service Organization (LSO), 47n, 54, 56, 59–61, 63, 491–493, 586
- Lacy, William S.B., 398
- Lall, Arthur S., 403, 434, 544n
- Larson, Thomas B., 3
- Latin America, 140, 144, 460, 537
- Lay, James S., Jr., 53n, 85n, 121n, 128, 216–217, 354n, 584n
- Lazareanu, Alexandru, 338, 646, 665–668
- League of Red Cross Societies, 11–12, 302
- Lebanon, 440
- Leddy, John M., 614n, 615n, 633n
- Leddy, Raymond, 582
- Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich, 70
- Less-developed countries (see also Near East):
- Leverich, Henry P., 286, 323n, 378, 386, 400, 402–403, 663, 685–690
- Libya (see also Arab states), 394n
- Lightner, E. Allen, 2, 518n, 531
- Lipski, Josef, 227n
- Lister, George T., 82–83, 85–88, 96n, 131n, 227n, 228, 553
- Lleras Camargo, Alberto, 434, 544n
- Lloyd, Selwyn, 307–308
- Lobel, Evzen, 332n
- Lodge, Henry Cabot, Jr., 23–25, 79n, 80, 114, 160, 209–210, 222, 514n, 669
- Loga-Sowinski, Ignacy, 253n, 257n
- London, Artur, 332n
- Looram, Matthew, 641
- Losonczy, Geza, 236–237, 342
- Luce, Clare Booth, 390
- Lybrand, Sgt. Henry, 157n
- Lychowski, Tadeusz, 684
- Lyon, S.C., 634n
- MacArthur, Douglas, II, 72n, 435, 479–480
- McCardle, Carl W., 130–140, 182n, 211n, 243n, 343n
- MacCormac, John, 233
- McFadden, William A., 543
- Machrowitz, Thaddeus M., 634
- McKisson, Robert M., 81n, 366n, 373n, 529, 533, 703n
- McLeod, R.W. Scott, 397
- Macomber, William B., 115n, 181n, 435n
- Macone, A.J., 571n
- Malenkov, Georgiy Maksimilianovich, 70
- Mansfield, Mike, 617
- Marjai, Jozsef, 433
- Mark, David, 581
- Marosan, Gyorgy, 223, 225, 233, 235, 382
- Marshall, John, 71
- Marshall Plan, 408
- Marton, Endra, 382–383
- Masens, Vilis, 109–110, 114
- Mates, Leo, 580–581
- Matsch, Franz, 428
- Mazur, Franciszek, 257n
- Meany, George, 166
- Meeker, Leonard C., 281, 386
- Mehta, G.L., 459n
- Melbourne, Roy M., 401
- Meléter, Gen. Pál, 384n, 703n
- Menuhin, Yehudi, 687
- Merchant, Livingston T., 4–5, 49, 72n, 106–108, 616, 620n, 705
- Merrill, Frederick, 3
- Meso, Imre, 223
- Mészáros, Károly, 621n
- Meyer, Cord, Jr., 396–398, 436–437, 439, 473n
- Michalowski, 608–610, 619
- Micolajczyk, Stanislaw, 494
- Mićunović, Veljko, 248n, 376n
- Middle East. See Near East.
- Mikolajczyk, Stanislaw, 227–229
- Mikoyan, Anastas Ivanovich, 34, 36, 223, 226, 243, 342
- Millikan, Max F., 11
- Minc, Hilary, 251–252
- Mindszenty, József Cardinal, 147, 158–159, 262, 316, 359, 380, 631–632
- Mod, Peter, 704n
- Moghioros, Alexandru, 196, 645–647
- Mollet, Guy, 400
- Molnar, Erik, 309n
- Molotov, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich, 36, 66, 347–348
- Morawski, Jerzy, 230, 257n
- Moscow Declaration, Nov. 21, 1957, 699–700, 702
- Mouser, Grant E., 506n
- Mrozinski, Roman V., 170–171
- Múnnich, Ferenc, 309n, 376n, 382
- Murphy, Robert D., 182n, 294n, 323n, 432n, 459n, 481n, 620n, 621n, 642n, 658n, 699n
- Nabokoff, Catherine, 340
- Nagy, Imre, 225, 232, 234–236, 249–250, 353, 359, 373n, 377, 383
- Nanos, Maria, 600
- National Intelligence Estimates (see also Special National Intelligence Estimates):
- National Security Council:
- Actions:
- Documents:
- NSC 86/1, 89, 93–94, 149–151, 163–167
- NSC 143, 48, 57
- NSC 143/1, 58
- NSC 143/2, 48n, 53–59, 63–64, 79–80
- NSC 174, 4, 8, 10, 84–85, 121–128, 130, 190, 211–212, 216
- NSC 5435, 56, 63
- NSC 5435/1, 60
- NSC 5501/1, 84–85, 124, 126, 211, 212
- NSC 5505, 11
- NSC 5505/1, 84–88, 128, 130
- NSC 5523, 48
- NSC 5524/1, 46–47
- NSC 5601, 124, 468
- NSC 5602, 119
- NSC 5602/1, 130
- NSC 5607, 357, 466–467, 625
- NSC 5608, 190–194, 198–209, 211–212, 215, 217
- NSC 5608/1, 215, 216–222, 356, 468, 623, 690–694
- NSC 5616, 354–358
- NSC 5616/2, 463–469, 497–499, 526–528, 541–542, 622, 691–693
- NSC 5705/1, 622
- NSC 5706, 579–580, 584–588
- Hungarian revolution, 295–299, 358–359, 418–421
- Meetings:
- 234th, Jan. 27, 1955, 11
- 251st, June 9, 1955, 33
- 254th, July 7, 1955, 46–47
- 258th, Sept. 8, 1955, 79–80
- 277th, Feb. 27, 1956, 119–120
- 280th, Mar. 22, 1956, 128–130
- 285th, May. 17, 1956, 163–167
- 290th, July 12, 1956, 212–216
- 297th, Sept. 20, 1956, 242
- 298th, Sept. 28, 1956, 242–243
- 301st, Oct. 26, 1956, 295–299
- 302d, Nov. 1, 1956, 358–359
- 303d, Nov. 8, 1956, 418–421
- 313th, Feb. 21, 1957, 579–580
- 316th, Mar. 14, 1957, 590–591
- 339th, Oct. 10, 1957, 668
- National Security Council Intelligence Directives (NSCID) 13 and 14, 149n
- Poland, 295–299, 413, 668
- Soviet bloc:
- Soviet bloc escapees, 24, 48, 53–59, 63–64, 163–167
- Near East (see also Suez crisis):
- Nehru, Jawaharlal, 44–45
- Nepal, 404
- Netherlands, 407, 443–444, 536
- Newbegin, Robert, 140n
- Nickels, Horace J., 481
- Nixon, Richard M., 79–80, 212, 214, 394–395, 419–421, 534–539
- Noble, Andrew, 49–50, 131–133, 138, 244n
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 191, 217, 222, 327, 399, 409, 443–444, 624–625, 677
- Norway, 43, 444
- Novak, Zenon, 594, 624
- Novomesky, Laco, 332n
- Novotný, Antonín, 38–39
- Nový, Vilém, 332n
- Nowak, Roman, 245
- Nowak, Zenon, 257n
- Nuclear weapons. See Atomic weapons.
- Nunley, William T., 495–496
- Nyerges, Anton, 3, 281, 520n, 591n
- Nykopp, Johan A., 705
- Oatis, William N., 178
- Ochab, Edward, 188, 230, 245–246, 254
- Olympic Games, 403, 438, 443–444
- Operations Coordinating Board (OCB), 4–10, 12n, 84–85, 121–128, 167, 171, 215, 690–698
- Ordonneau, Pierre, 369
- Organization for European Economic Cooperation (OEEC), 415
- Paasikivi, Juho, 705
- Page, Edward, Jr., 3, 343–344
- Pakistan, 402–403, 417, 422
- Palmer, Joseph, II, 160n
- Panama Canal, 403
- Pate, Gen. Randolph McC., 461n
- Pauls, Rolf F., 326
- Peaslee, Amos J., 216
- Pedersen, Richard, 509
- Perkins, George W., 3, 443–445
- Peru, 385, 422
- Phleger, Herman, 369n, 390n, 394, 433n, 459n
- Piasecki, Boleslaw, 132
- Pinkus, Leo J., 270n
- Placa, Sylvia, 340
- Poland:
[Page 722]
- Atomic energy and weapons, 42, 674
- Austrian State Treaty, 42
- Bulgaria, 140
- Canada, trade with, 407
- Chinese People’s Republic, relations with, 550
- Economic situation, 44, 88, 296, 298, 333, 359, 485
- France, relations with, 42–43, 407, 504, 530, 550
- Geneva Conference, 45, 82–83
- German Democratic Republic, relations with, 86, 367, 409, 530, 548, 674–675, 691
- India, relations with, 44, 246, 550
- International economic organization membership, 447n, 450–451, 676
- Military capabilities, 44
- Political situation, 44–45, 251, 296, 364, 485,
549, 553, 668
- Anti-Communism, 548, 551, 623
- Catholic Church, 86, 88, 504, 546–548, 551, 623, 626, 690
- Destalinization and, 132, 163, 172, 188, 230–231, 246–247, 258, 271, 333, 412
- Gomulka restoration, 230–231, 245, 252, 254, 266, 331
- Gomulka speech, Oct. 20, 1956, 258, 270, 278–280, 287, 298
- Hungarian political situation and, 568
- Hungarian revolution and, 296, 548, 551
- Liberalization, 43–44, 131–133, 172–174, 188, 244–247, 331, 367, 550, 590–591, 593–594, 623–624, 690–691
- Nationalism, 50, 86, 230–231, 259, 271, 330, 354, 464
- Natolin group, 609, 623–624
- Romanian political situation and, 561–562
- Soviet bloc political situation and, 267, 550, 579, 623
- Soviet-Yugoslav relations and, 40, 42, 132, 173, 271
- U.S. public statements, 265, 287, 317–318, 351–352
- Writers’ Congress, 202
- Yugoslav position, 488
- Poznań riots, 181–189, 209–210, 224–225, 250–251, 258–259, 412
- Economic situation and, 185, 187–188, 266, 406, 410
- Liberalization and, 244, 246
- U.N. discussion proposals, 189, 197–198, 210, 222, 227–229
- U.S. complicity allegations, 198, 209–210, 243n, 258, 270
- U.S. economic aid offers and, 182–185, 269
- U.S. propaganda and, 182–183, 189, 221–222, 357
- U.S. public statements, 182, 189, 247–248
- Yugoslav position, 194–195, 296
- Repatriation program, 82, 96–97, 173
- Soviet economic aid to, 267–268, 333, 442–443, 591, 609
- Soviet forces in (see also Soviet military intervention below), 245, 254, 257, 331, 409, 411, 532, 550, 605
- Soviet military intervention, possible, 259–260, 268, 273, 280, 337–338, 486, 579
- Soviet Union, relations with, 43–44, 259, 367, 408–412, 486,
548, 551, 594
- Economic relations, 407, 410–411, 609
- Gomulka appointment and, 231, 253–255, 259
- Liberalization and, 245–247, 255–256, 258
- Polish-German Federal Republic relations and, 367, 548, 551
- Polish position, 50, 168, 288, 331, 355, 412, 464
- Popular antipathy, 254, 259, 330, 464, 485, 548, 623
- Soviet-Yugoslav relations and, 39–40, 45
- U.S. position, 131–134, 259–260, 550, 623
- United Kingdom, relations with, 42–43, 407, 530, 550, 691
- United States, relations with (see also U.S.
subheadings below, 42, 49–50, 88, 206–207, 251,
356, 466, 550, 626–627, 633, 697
- Cultural exchanges, 137–138, 288–289, 414–416, 466, 629–630, 676, 700
- Election observation, 251, 407
- German Democratic Republic-Polish relations and, 43, 86
- Information exchange, 135–137, 357, 411
- Moscow Declaration and, 699–700, 702
- Official visits, 626, 671–678
- Outstanding U.S. claims, 411, 452, 624, 627, 633, 698
- Polish émigrés, 82, 86, 96–97
- Polish position, 168, 288, 700–702
- Private U.S. aid, 414, 441, 628
- Republic of China ship interceptions, 93n
- U.S. citizens, 411
- U.S. economic aid to, 333, 355, 406–416, 446,
624, 631, 633–636
- Amount of, 558–561, 605–610, 614–618, 694–695
- Canadian position, 616, 618–620, 630
- Congressional opinion, 589–590
- Export-Import Bank loans, 441, 449, 615, 630, 633, 635
- “Friendly nation” determination, 527, 529–530, 542, 593, 673, 700
- German Federal Republic role in, 528, 606–607, 611, 615
- Gomulka appointment and, 259–260, 268–270, 287, 407
- Moscow Declaration and, 700
- NSC 5616/2, 463–469, 497–499, 526–528, 541–542
- Polish political situation and, 590, 611–614
- Polish position, 257, 288–289, 407, 441–443, 494, 675
- Polish-Soviet relations and, 408–413, 609, 613
- Poznań riots and, 182–185, 269, 406
- Publicity, 293–294, 408, 605
- Soviet bloc political situations and, 613–614
- Soviet position, 612–614
- Strategic trade controls and, 442, 684–685
- Surplus agricultural commodities, 406–407, 441–442, 448–449, 452n, 464, 469, 504, 526–529, 542, 546, 593n, 626
- U.S.-Polish talks, 558, 561, 582, 684–685, 701
- U.S. military aid to, 469
- U.S. policy toward, 86, 131–134, 268, 622–630
- U.S. propaganda, 86–88, 133–135, 270–271, 278–280, 404, 468, 553, 625, 628–629, 634–636
- U.S. trade relations with (see also East-West trade), 356, 414, 466, 624
- Warsaw Pact membership, 408, 623
- West, relations with, 131–132, 138, 623
- West, trade with, 45, 333, 355, 407, 464, 528, 530, 551, 594, 624, 691, 700
- Western economic aid to, 407, 415, 551, 594, 691
- Yugoslavia, relations with, 35, 246, 486, 550, 594
- Polish National Democratic Committee, 227–229
- Popiel, Karol, 227–229
- Popović, Koća, 292n
- Portugal, 444
- Potrubach, M.M., 509, 514
- Preoteasa, Grigore, 98, 102, 103n, 195, 595–597, 598–599, 601–604
- President’s Committee for Hungarian Refugee Relief, 534n
- Prica, Srdja, 140–141, 534n
- Prochnow, Herbert V., 182n, 269n, 447–452
- Propaganda. See under Soviet bloc and specific countries.
- Protitch, Dragon, 501
- Psychological warfare. See Propaganda headings under other subjects.
- Puhan, Alfred, 3
- Raczkowski, Stanislaw, 582
- Radford, Adm. Arthur M., 297, 421, 461–462
- Radhakrishman, 176
- Radio Free Europe (RFE), 3, 68, 123, 344
- Radio Liberation, 3, 151, 343–344
- Radkiewicz, Stanislaw, 173
- Rajk, Laszlo, 147–148, 154–158, 169–170, 249
- Rákosi, Mátyás, 13–15, 20, 25–30, 32, 148, 156, 168–170
- Ramsbotham, Peter E., 369
- Randall, Clarence B., 2–3, 447, 452n, 506n
- Rapacki, Adam, 245, 287n, 504n, 671–677, 700, 703n
- Ravndal, C.M., 99, 105, 156–157, 374
- Recknagel, Thomas M., 481
- Refugees. See Soviet bloc escapees and political exiles.
- Reinstein, Jacques J., 606
- Revey, E. Louis, 277–278, 476n
- Richards, Arthur L., 167, 189n, 221n, 504n, 505n, 642n
- Richards, James P., 529n
- Riddleberger, James W., 3, 36, 298, 534n
- Ritzau, Col. Erik W., 529, 543
- Roberts, Chalmers, 532
- Robertson, Walter S., 51, 85n
- Rockefeller, Nelson A., 65–66, 84–85, 128n
- Rockefeller Foundation, 676
- Rogers, John T., 153n, 231n, 285–286, 323n, 631–632, 669n
- Rogers, William P., 534–535, 537
- Rokossovskiy, Konstantin, 210, 253n, 257, 411, 551, 623
- Romania, 456
- Atomic energy, 103n
- Disarmament, 174, 647
- Economic situation, 563, 692
- Political situation, 106, 332, 367, 454–455, 461–462, 487, 561–564, 692
- Soviet forces in, 46–47, 101, 199, 202–203, 367
- Soviet Union, relations with, 34, 99, 106, 203, 564, 667–668
- U.N. membership, 102, 110, 200
- United Kingdom, relations with, 456
- United States, relations with, 106–107, 175, 206–207, 251n, 338–340, 411, 563,
- Agricultural information exchanges, 195–196, 453, 645, 665, 692
- Cultural exchanges, 453–456, 563–565, 599, 601–602, 645, 692
- Hungarian revolution and, 454, 562, 598–599
- Outstanding U.S. claims, 411, 601–602, 668, 698
- Romanian position, 98–99, 103, 106, 175, 453–454, 456, 601–604, 645–647, 666–668
- Soviet position, 103
- Trade relations, 102, 103n, 106–109, 175, 453–455, 564, 596, 602, 645, 665–667
- U.S. propaganda, 103n, 106–107, 109, 195–196, 411, 646, 666, 668
- Yugoslavia, relations with, 34–35, 194
- Ronai, Sandor, 382
- Rountree, William M., 309, 391n
- Rusk, Dean, 502
- Salajan, Col. Gen. Leotin, 196
- Salt, Barbara, 543n, 544n
- Samuelli, Nora, 340
- Satterthwaite, Livingston, 53n
- Saudi Arabia (see also Arab states), 394n
- Saunders, William, 501
- Savage, Carlton, 259
- Scandinavia, 544
- Schaaf, Col. Oscar R., 277, 279
- Sebald, William Joseph, 139–140
- Segall, Edward E., 3
- Sekaninova, Gertruda, 176
- Serov, Gen., 384n
- Shawcross, Hartley, 316
- Shehu, Mehmut, 205
- Shepilov, Dmitrii Trofimovich, 337
- Sherer, Albert W., 37n, 698n
- Sidzikauskas, Vaclovas, 109, 111
- Siegfried, Sgt. Jennings, 157n
- Sik, 28, 162, 284
- Simon, Lajos, 261
- Široký, Viliam, 176, 525
- Sisco, J.J., 533n, 642n, 703
- Siscoe, Frank G., 277–279
- Slavik, Juraj, 109
- Smith, Gen. Dale O., 24
- Sobolev, Arkady N., 316, 371–372, 388, 392
- Sobotka, C.J., 651n
- Sokolovsky, Vasili Danilovich, 370, 401n
- Soldatić, 248–250
- Soviet bloc (see also
Albania; Bulgaria; Czechoslovakia; East-West
contacts; East-West trade; Germany, Democratic Republic of; Hungary; Poland; Romania;
Soviet Union):
- British propaganda, 532
- Economic situations, 73, 105, 117–118, 122, 199–201, 267, 332–333
- German Federal Republic, relations with, 41
- Mutual security pacts within (see also Warsaw Pact), 203
- Nationalism (see also Political situations below), 112, 192–193, 200–201, 219
- Neutrality, 41, 302, 305–307
- Political situations (see also Nationalism above), 73, 105, 113, 116–117, 123, 200, 217–218
- Soviet domination of (see also Political situations above), 8, 40, 115, 122–123, 127–128, 199, 202–203, 210
- Soviet economic aid to, 334
- Soviet forces in, 334–335, 488
- Soviet policy toward, 2–3, 35–36, 334
- Soviet Union, relations with (see also Political situations and Soviet domination of above), 52n, 482–490
- U.N. membership, 114, 125–126
- U.S. citizens imprisoned in, 121
- U.S. economic aid to (see also U.S trade with below), 3, 105, 119–121, 208, 212, 635–636, 695
- U.S. policy toward (see also East-West contacts; U.S. propaganda below), 84–88, 128–130, 206–207, 211–212, 243–244, 358, 532, 690–698
- U.S. propaganda (see also under specific
countries), 2–3, 84–85, 121, 123, 129,
227, 243n, 244,
- Destalinization and, 171
- East-West contacts, 127
- Economic passive resistance, 105, 122
- Free Europe balloon operation, 98, 118, 319
- Geneva Conference and, 53, 65–70, 72–79, 100–101
- Hungarian revolution, U.S. reactions to, 506–507
- Repatriation programs, 95, 121, 149
- Soviet aid to less-developed countries and, 104–105, 182–183
- Soviet bloc countries positions, 123
- Soviet bloc escapees, 95, 121, 149–150, 206, 585, 588
- U.S. economic aid to Poland, 634–636
- U.S. trade with. See East-West trade; U.S. economic aid to above.
- Warsaw Pact, 33–34
- West, relations with. See East-West contacts; East-West trade.
- Soviet bloc escapees and political exiles (see also Labor Service Organization; Refugees under
Hungarian revolution; Volunteer Freedom Corps):
- Africa, 144
- Alien Enlistment Program, 56, 62, 94, 150, 586
- Assembly of Captive European Nations (ACEN), 109–114, 124, 205–206, 248
- Austrian State Treaty and, 90, 149
- Chiefs of Mission Conference, 3
- Destalinization and, 152
- Far East, 94, 150, 587
- Refugee Relief Act, 91, 149–150, 152
- Repatriation programs, 82, 111–112, 121, 149, 160n, 163–166, 585, 587
- Soviet anti-emigration campaign, 151
- Soviet bloc propaganda, 89–90, 151
- Soviet escapees, U.S. assistance to, 93, 150
- U.S. admission of, 91, 93, 114, 149, 397, 586
- U.S. aid for, 111–113, 123–124, 150, 586, 588
- U.S. propaganda, 95, 121, 149–150, 206, 585, 588
- Western countries admission of, 584–586, 588
- Yugoslavia, 92–93, 150, 152, 587–588
- Soviet Union (see also
Soviet bloc; Soviet Union and
Soviet subheadings under other subjects), 35–36, 49–50, 100, 104n, 128, 132, 254n, 255, 443–444, 705–706
- Destalinization (see also German Federal
Republic and
Yugoslavia: Soviet
Union, relations with), 119,
152, 154–155, 160, 167,
179, 333
- Hungarian political situation and, 155–156, 239–240, 261, 333, 568
- Polish political situation and, 132, 163, 172, 188, 230–231, 246–247, 258, 271, 333, 412
- Soviet bloc political situations and, 192–194, 201–202, 219, 225
- Soviet-Soviet bloc relations and, 201–202, 483–484, 487, 568, 578
- U.S. propaganda, 156–157, 473–474, 478, 635
- Political situation (see also Destalinization above), 36, 132, 255, 297, 321–322, 329, 336, 482–483, 487
- Twentieth Congress of the Communist Party. See Destalinization above.
- United States, relations with, 93n, 251n, 328, 347–348, 398, 509–510, 513
- Destalinization (see also German Federal
Republic and
Yugoslavia: Soviet
Union, relations with), 119,
152, 154–155, 160, 167,
179, 333
- Spain, 309, 631
- Sparkman, John, 617, 634
- Spasowski, Romuald, 96–97, 256–258, 610n, 615n, 619, 671, 676n, 699–702
- Special Committee on Soviet and Related Problems:
- Special National Intelligence Estimates (see also National Intelligence Estimates):
- Special Working Group on Stalinism, 170–171
- Spender, Percy, 273n
- Sprecher, Daniel, 565n
- Spychalski, Marian, 230n, 253n
- Squire, Christopher A., 520n, 524n
- Staats, Elmer B., 6, 8n, 85n, 121n, 506, 526n
- Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovich (see also Destalinization under Soviet Union), 36, 70, 142, 203, 494
- Starr, Harold, 183n
- Stassen, Harold E., 165–166, 298–299, 305–306, 505
- Stelle, Charles C., 259
- Stephens, Oren M., 277, 300, 322, 360, 363, 395, 436, 490
- Stevens, Francis B., 10, 12n, 106n, 108n, 109, 138n, 170, 211n, 227n
- Stevenson, Adlai, 243, 248, 474
- Stoessel, Walter J., Jr., 3
- Stoica, Chivu, 98–99, 102, 196, 596, 598, 600–601
- Strauss, Adm. Lewis L., 165–166
- Streibert, Theodore C., 66n, 72n, 76n, 343n, 436
- Sudan (see also Arab states), 394n
- Suez crisis (see also under Hungarian revolution), 329–330, 346, 364, 399–400, 421
- Sukselainen, V.J., 706
- Suslov, Mikhail Andreyevich, 342
- Sutterlin, James S., 251n, 289n, 386, 491, 494, 554n, 620n, 657n, 685n
- Sweden, 43, 444, 459
- Swiatlo, Jozef, 87
- Switzerland, 459
- Syria (see also Arab states), 394n, 420
- Szabá, János, 361n, 371–372, 389, 422
- Szúcs, Col. Miklás, 384n
- Tardos, Tibor, 478
- Taylor, Lt. Col. Kenneth G., 595
- Taylor, Gen. Maxwell D., 461n, 535
- Thayer, Robert E., 3, 174, 194–195
- Thompson, Llewellyn E., 3, 49
- Thompson, Tyler, 457n
- Thomson, David R., 3
- Tiedtke, Fred, 158, 169–170
- Tildy, Zoltán, 341–342, 353, 377
- Timmons, Benson E.L., 3
- Tito, Josip Broz (see also Yugoslavia), 143, 147n, 202, 205
- Titoism. See Nationalism headings under individual countries.
- Todd, Col. J.C., 620n
- Torbert, Horace G., Jr., 326n, 457n
- Treasury, U.S. Department of the, 207n, 208n, 211–213, 505, 627, 633
- Treaty of Bled, Aug. 9, 1954, 1
- Tresize, Philip H., 259, 266–268
- Trimble, William C., 399–400
- Trivers, Howard, 85, 170, 294n, 366n, 593n, 610n
- Trueheart, William C., 3
- Tuck, William Hallam, 534n
- Tunisia, 552, 637
- Turchányi, Egon, 386–387
- Turkey, 1, 35, 140
- Twining, Gen. Nathan F., 194, 461n, 462
- United Kingdom (see also U.N. General Assembly appeals and U.N. Security Council appeals under Hungarian revolution; Suez crisis; British, Tripartite, and United Kingdom subheadings under other subjects), 46, 50, 127–128, 140, 444, 537 [Page 728]
- United Nations (see also U.N. subheadings under
Hungarian revolution):
- Albanian membership, 110, 200
- Bulgarian membership, 110, 139, 141–143, 200
- Chinese People’s Republic membership, 36, 497, 644
- Disarmament Subcommittee, 73
- Hungarian membership, 81–82, 110, 200, 497
- Poland, 189, 197–198, 210, 222, 227–229, 260, 273, 626
- Romanian membership, 102, 110, 200
- Soviet bloc countries membership, 114, 125–126
- Uruguay, 552, 637
- U.S. Escapee Program (USEP), 90–95, 149–151
- U.S. Information Agency, 68, 72n, 89n, 90, 95, 182–183, 182–183, 343n, 532
- Valdes, Philip H., 481
- Vanter, Leonhard, 109
- Vatican, 554, 657, 659, 663–664
- Vedeler, Harold C., 3
- Vejvoda, Ivo, 38–39, 109–111
- Visoianu, Constantin, 109–111
- Voice of America (VOA), 2–3, 15–16, 123, 151, 243n, 244
- Volunteer Freedom Corps (VFC), 23–24, 47–48, 53–64, 59, 160–161
- Von Fieandt, Rainer, 706
- Voorhees, Tracy S., 492, 534, 539
- Vosahlo, Gen., 176
- Wadsworth, James J., 429, 501, 704n
- Wailes, Edward T., 349n
- Wainhouse, David W., 3
- Walker, E. Ronald, 376n
- Wallinger, Geoffrey A., 353
- Walmsley, Walter N., Jr., 292n, 459n, 543n, 544n, 639–641, 650
- Walter, Francis E., 538
- Wan Waithaiakon, Prince, 662, 679–681, 684, 696, 703n
- Warsaw Pact (see also Soviet bloc; Soviet Union), 33–36, 41, 191, 199–200, 217, 408–409, 623
- Washburn, Abbott, 470–471, 476
- Waugh, Samuel C., 633n
- Weeks, Sinclair, 452n
- Wenmohs, John R., 441
- White, Lincoln, 183n, 184, 189n, 378
- Whitman, Ann C., 534n
- Wilcox, Francis O., 197–198, 210, 514n, 533n, 642–645, 660
- Wiley, Alexander, 634
- Williams, Manning H., 693
- Williamson, Francis G., 400, 436
- Wilson, Charles E., 165–166, 213
- Winiewicz, 49–50, 132, 168, 287–289, 293–294, 441–443
- Wyszynski, Stefan Cardinal, 411, 414, 548, 551, 668
- Yalta Conference, 632
- Yemen (see also Arab states), 394n
- Young, Kenneth T., 608–610
- Yugoslavia:
- Albania, relations with, 204
- Balkan Pact, 1, 35
- Bulgaria, 34–35, 140, 143
- Czechoslovakia, relations with, 34
- Escapees from, 92–93, 150, 587–588
- German Democratic Republic, relations with, 691
- Hungary, relations with, 34, 52, 155, 234, 242, 248, 261–262
- Poland, relations with, 35, 230, 246
- Romania, relations with, 34–35
- Soviet bloc escapees in, 92, 152, 467, 651–652
- Soviet Union, relations with (see
Soviet bloc), 1,
34, 41,
92, 112,
205, 242–243, 248, 262–262
- Bulgarian reactions, 143
- Chinese People’s Republic position, 36
- Czech reactions to, 37–38
- French position, 40
- Hungarian reactions, 100
- Polish political situation, 40, 42, 132, 173, 271
- Polish reactions, 40–41
- Soviet bloc political situations, effects on, 73, 122, 192–193–194, 201–202, 205, 211, 218–222
- Soviet-Soviet bloc relations and, 192–193, 201–202, 218–219, 484
- U.S. position, 211
- Western Communist parties, effects on, 36
- Yugoslav position, 38
- United States, relations with, 205, 271, 408, 462
- West, relations with, 205
- Zador, Tibor, 313–315
- Zhukov, Marshal Georgiy Konstantinovich, 70, 254, 255n, 297, 333, 335
- Zorthian, Barry, 270, 274, 276n