187. Telegram From the Office of the Permanent Representative to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization to the Department of State1

Polto 1082. Pass Defense ISA. NAC continued discussion of Hungarian and Middle Eastern situations in private session November 13.2

Hungary. Ismay thought previous Council discussions had resulted in agreement that Perm Reps should urge respective governments to: (a) coordinate efforts in UN to exert maximum pressure on Russia, (b) give asylum to Hungarian refugees and provide supplies to Red Cross for Hungarian relief and (c) ban all cultural and sport activities with Russia. Regarding latter, asked what governments doing about Olympic Games. US indicated it cancelling participation in Moscow 1957 trade fair and suspending all bilateral cultural exchanges with Russians. Thought this would not include Olympic Games. Netherlands reported it had withdrawn from games, stressed was not governmental decision but decision of sports authorities. Decision taken because atmosphere inappropriate and money could more usefully be given to Hungarian relief. France and UK had no information about their intentions participate in Olympic Games. Canada thought [Page 444] it was too late cancel games. Germany reported its teams were going to games. On basis discussion, Ismay thought decision on participation should be left to individual governments.

Regarding issuing stamp commemorating Hungarian resistance, US expressed view governments might appropriately decide on individual basis to issue stamp, but would be difficult obtain NATO position on this in view differing traditions and regulations on issuing stamps. UK and Denmark had no answer from their governments. No one else spoke.

US reported Presidential decision admit 5,000 Hungarian refugees. Italy reported its authorities prepared accept 2,000 refugees in addition to children. Canada stated it giving priority to admission Hungarian refugees and had given $100,000 to UN refugee organization and $100,000 to Red Cross for Hungarian refugee relief. Germany indicated it accepting 3,000 refugees. France said Hungarian refugees already arriving in France, thought no limit had been set on entries. Emphasized need to help aged and infirm. Portugal said its authorities prepared accept 5,000 Hungarian refugees. Ismay thought this evidence of spontaneous desire assist Hungarian people should be publicized. At US suggestion, Council agreed urge member governments support report by UN of steps taken this regard.

US reported Norway, Denmark and Sweden supporting Kethly appearance before General Assembly. Thought would be helpful if another NATO government joined in support, although thought US and UK should not do it. France reported it had information Kethly appeared recently at public meeting in New York, where she “raised fist and said in no case should Hungary be separated from Soviet Union.” France said also Kethly speaking November 13 in Paris, so NATO could get idea of her views. Netherlands said it planning support Kethly appearance before Assembly.

Ismay recalled general Council view NATO countries should not withdraw missions or heads of mission from Moscow. Canada asked what were governments’ views on recognition new Hungarian regime. UK reiterated view question of recognition need not involve withdrawing or leaving mission since head of state unchanged. France pointed out was unwise state officially recognition withdrawn, because would be forced withdraw missions. Netherlands thought question should be left open and examined again if Hungary raised it.

Turkey wished report its government’s views on Hungarian situation. Thought was relatively simple question of popular revolt against Soviet domination. Nothing could justify Soviet repression. Thought Soviet action showed insincerity of its peace propaganda. Turkey could envisage similar moves occurring in other satellites and thought matter should be kept before NAC.

[Page 445]

[Here follows discussion of the Middle East.]

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 764.00/11–1356. Secret. Repeated to USUN.
  2. These matters had first been taken up on November 7. (Polto 1033 from Paris, November 7; ibid., 764.00/11–756)