183. Editorial Note
On November 12, the Kádár government informed Secretary-General Hammarskjöld “that the sending of representatives to be appointed by the Secretary-General of the United Nation is not warranted.” At the same time, Hungary expressed a willingness to cooperate with the International Red Cross in relief aid. (U.N. doc. A/3341) While he was pleased with this latter response, Hammarskjöld sought to persuade the Hungarian Government to reconsider its other decision. (A/3346) On the afternoon of November 13, the Secretary-General took up these points with Hungarian Foreign Minister Imre Horváth, in New York. Hammarskjöld raised the possibility of going to Hungary personally to deal with the U.N. role in relief administration. While he noted that he would have to check with his government, Horvath stated “You are always welcome”. The Secretary-General, who was to leave for Cairo the next day to negotiate the entry of the U.N. Emergency Force into Egypt, was reasonably certain that he would be able to travel to Hungary. (Delga 88 from USUN, November 14; Department of State, Central Files, 764.00/11–1456)
Hammarskjöld hoped to set up two groups, an observer team which would proceed to Hungary and an investigation group based in New York. On November 16, pursuant to paragraph 4 of Resolution 1004 (ES–II), he named as members of the latter group: Judge Oscar Gundersen of Norway, Ambassador Arthur S. Lall of India, and Alberto Lleras Camargo, former Director General of the OAS and ex-President of Colombia. As it turned out, the Hungarian Government offered to meet with Hammarskjöld in Rome concerning relief aid and other United Nations resolutions. (A/3358) The Secretary-General replied on November 16 that Budapest and not Rome was where he proposed to confer. He indicated furthermore that he would take up this matter in New York upon his return from the Middle East. (A/3362)