67. Circular Telegram From the Department of State to Certain Diplomatic Missions1

12. Following are Department’s preliminary views concerning some possible policy implications for USSR of dismissal top CP leaders.


Khrushchev has emerged more powerful than ever through elimination of leaders who have clearly spearheaded opposition to current “20th Congress” policy lines championed by him. Impact of development on continuance “collective leadership” principle not yet clear. There are no indications as yet Khrushchev turning to police in way Stalin did to eliminate potential opposition or that he has embarked on all-out effort obtain supreme power of Stalin.

Most other strong personalities of regime in political and prestige sense have of course now been removed and newly constituted Presidium can be expected share Khrushchev’s policy objectives.

Current Soviet policies will probably remain unchanged but ability Soviet Government to pursue them may be enhanced by elimination of opposition. (Mikoyan made flat statement along these lines to Davis at July 4 reception.2)
Elimination opposition, particularly Molotov, may facilitate closer cooperation between Poland and Yugoslavia and Soviet Union. Position of Stalinist elements in Eastern European satellites may be weakened with more emphasis on 20th Congress policy lines (satellite developments subject separate message)3
There are no clear signs of any effects on such important foreign policies as those with regard to disarmament and German reunification. Domestically USSR is likely to press forward with current Khrushchev programs in industry (reorganization of management) and agriculture (livestock campaign, etc.) with less effective opposition from bureaucratic and other elements who undoubtedly now aware that they no longer have spokesmen in top Party circles.

Addressees selected because of special interest in Soviet affairs. Your early comments requested.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 761.00/7–557. Confidential. Drafted by Stefan and Nathaniel Davis (EUR/EE) and cleared with Swank (OIR/DRS), Freers (EUR/EE), and Knox (EUR/RA). Sent to Paris, London, Bonn, Rome, Belgrade, Frankfurt for SRD, Munich for PRU, Manila, Saigon, Vienna, Warsaw, Prague, Bucharest, and Budapest and repeated to Paris for USRO and Moscow.
  2. Davis’ discussion with Mikoyan was described in telegram 24 from Moscow, July 4. (Ibid., 761.00/7–457)
  3. Not further identified.