6. Editorial Note
At the meeting of the National Security Council held on January 13, Admiral Radford reported on his trip to Asia and the Pacific, December 22, 1954–January 5, 1955. The memorandum of discussion concerning Admiral Radford’s report [31 lines of source text] was not declassified. (Memorandum prepared by Gleason, January 14; Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, NSC Records)
The question of Japanese war criminals came up at a meeting held January 14 between the Joint Chiefs of Staff and a Department of State group led by Murphy. The portion of the memorandum of this meeting that deals with Japan [18 lines of source text] was not declassified. (Department of State, State–JCS Meetings: Lot 61 D 41 7)
In the elections held in Japan at the end of February 1955, candidates of the Democratic and Liberal parties won 64 percent of the seats in the lower house of the Diet and polled approximately 63 percent of the popular vote. (Telegram 2115 from Tokyo, March 1; ibid., Central Files, 794.00/3–155)