39. Telegram From the Embassy in Japan to the Department of State1

299. Shigemitsu told me last night that despite failure to get Defense Council bill and constitutional revision study bill through Diet, Cabinet was determined to press forward in these fields. There has therefore been formed an Inner Cabinet Council on National Defense (see Embtel 297).2 According to Shigemitsu this council, although a strictly government body has approval of Ogata and Liberal Party.3

[Page 82]

A bipartisan group of Diet members has been formed to press forward study of constitutional revision and a meeting was held yesterday afternoon at which both Ogata and Shigemitsu were speakers. Shigemitsu believes this group of Democratic and Liberal Party leaders will do much to further cause of conservative merger.

With respect to defense matters Foreign Minister gave me an “oral statement” full text of which is being pouched.4 This reports formation of Inner Cabinet Defense Council charged with formulating long-range defense plan for Japan. Paragraph 2 of statement requests as detailed information as possible on strength of US forces in Japan for consideration in developing Japan’s own defense plans. Paragraph 3 of statement refers to press reports of possible withdrawal of US forces and states Japan “should be kept informed in detail of such a plan”. Paragraph goes on to request “precise information” be furnished “in advance” on areas concerned, order and time of withdrawal, etc.

[2 paragraphs (15 lines of source text) not declassified]

Copies of this message and document in question are being given FEC.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 794.5/8–455. Confidential.
  2. Dated August 3, telegram 297 contains a detailed description of events surrounding formation of the Council. (Ibid., 794.5/8–355)
  3. Taketora Ogata, President of the Liberal Party and former Vice Premier in the last Yoshida Cabinet (1953–1954).
  4. Enclosure to despatch 117 from Tokyo, August 5. (Department of State, Central Files, 794.5/8–555)