522. Telegram From the Embassy in Thailand to the Department of State1
678. Herter–Richards. Following is summary three conversations Herter–Richards visit:2
- 1.
With Prime Minister September 6:
After usual amenities and routine conversation Prime Minister made point thanking Under Secretary for American aid and support. Secretary then remarked he and Ambassador Richards would appreciate hearing Prime Minister’s views situation in SEA. Prime Minister in reply launched rather lengthy discussion difficulties which his government and Thailand face because of attitudes of some western nations, particularly UK and France, towards Communist China and toward neutralism, SEA. Described at length political pressure put upon him and his government by opposition political elements Thailand and by leftist press taking advantage fact that attitude many [Page 931] powers, particularly UK, more lenient and tolerant than attitude of TG. Under Secretary did not comment at any length on British and French policies but did emphasize steadfast position and attitude US towards Communism and towards Communist China. Ambassador Richards mentioned Secretary Dulles’recent speech in California3 and pointed out this strong reaffirmation US policy and opposition Communist China.
Prime Minister went to considerable pains point out emphatically his own government “contrary to some of rumors which have been spread” intends also remain steadfast in opposition to Communism and in support of free world. Prime Minister said Thailand would never recognize Communist China until after regime had been admitted to UN membership, if ever. Said his government would also remain firm in support of SEATO and free world and friendship and cooperation with US. Under Secretary indicated his appreciation of Prime Minister’s stated position.
In response Under Secretary’s questions, Prime Minister said situation in Laos very unstable and confused; that he has greatest sympathy for any Lao Prime Minister who must handle situation including Parliament of about 30 members made up of five or six separate political parties, each led by former or would-be Prime Minister.
Re Cambodia, Prime Minister said Thailand has done all it could promote good relations but that because there only one party in Cambodia and it has only one leader, Prince Sihanouk, who unpredictable, flighty, emotional and often absent, it practically impossible develop such good relations. Pointed out Thailand has offered Cambodia mediation for any border disputes as well as rights, privileges of in-transit agreement (similar to that between Laos and Thailand) and that Thailand has made every effort stabilize its relations with Cambodia.
Some remarks exchanged re improved conditions in Vietnam and excellent job President Diem has done there. Several references made to recent successful visit Diem to Bangkok.4
Under Secretary presented gifts to Prime Minister and Madame Pibulsonggram and conversation terminated.
. . . . . . .
- 3.
With Acting Foreign Minister, September 6:
Conversation limited entirely to routine amenities and social remarks except for statement which Acting Foreign Minister handed Under Secretary saying: [Page 932]
“It is good to remind ourselves from time to time of our (common) ideals …5 we stand for peace. We stand for freedom. We stand for justice. And we defend these things for which we stand with all our strength.
To achieve this aim we cannot stand alone. We stand firmly with America and other friends who share same ideals . . . .”
Herter–Richards visit in every sense an unqualified success.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 110.12–HE/9–957. Limited Official Use. Repeated to Taipei.↩
- Under Secretary of State Herter and Ambassador James P. Richards visited several Asian countries during a trip undertaken primarily to attend the independence ceremonies in Malaya on August 31. In addition to Malaya and Thailand, Herter and Richards visited the Philippines, Vietnam, Burma, Hong Kong, the Republic of China, Korea, and Japan from August 23 to September 22. Documentation on the Herter–Richards trip, is ibid., 110.12–HE.↩
- See footnote 2, supra.↩
- Vietnamese President Diem visited Thailand in mid-August.↩
- This and following ellipsis are in the source text.↩