78. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Thailand1

2025. Representative British Embassy called at Department December 21 give UK views on points raised December 1 meeting British Representative and Sir Berkeley Gage. Our 1764.2 There follows summary of memorandum3 handed Department by UK representative:

General agreement necessity buildup strength and effectiveness SEATO.
There are disadvantages in too active direction SEATO activities from Western capitals or in over rigid and elaborate instructions to delegates in Bangkok. First objective should be more active participation by Asians.
Suggest might be useful UK and US representatives Karachi and Manila develop habit discussing specific SEATO items with Pakistanis and Filipinos to arouse interest and stimulate proper instructions.
Foreign Office and Sir Robert Scott agree need international secretariat preferably headed by Asian with Western deputy on contributed basis to avoid need common budget which might lead to unnecessary expansion of organization.
Foreign Office hopes Scott will be able attend all “important Council Representatives meetings” especially if they held at less frequent intervals (British Representative emphasized belief Council Representatives meet too frequently).
Foreign Office agrees importance March report to Council. It endorses Scott’s view that Council Representatives should concentrate on selection and definition insure on which Ministerial decisions needed and drafting report for publication by Ministers. Report should be based on functional not geographic scheme. Suggest non-Military report, i.e. Council Representatives report should consist one fairly brief summary and recommendations and second part lengthy papers including country chapters as annex. Annex would be useful for references if necessary by Ministers. First part summary and recommendations would be useful for direct discussions during Ministers meeting.
Agree importance avoiding flamboyant and bellicose information activities.
Need more practical study ways and means improving existing National security services and facilities and strengthening cooperation.
Agree need buildup economic aspect without impairing existing channels economic aid. Unlikely UK able contribute anything substantial outside existing UK aid program.
UK would oppose too much public emphasis of Military aspect SEATO at March meeting. Recommend US inform SEATO US Military aid activities in area “and thus put a SEATO Label on them”. End summary British Memorandum.

We commented to UK along following lines:

Re Paras 2 and 3. Agree importance Asian members taking more active role in SEATO.

Re Para 4. We agreed need for strengthening Secretariat including appointment Executive Secretary, preferably Asian. In this connection, we drew attention serious problem confronting Asian members in shortage qualified personnel participate SEATO activities. We said greatest need we thought was for each member nation assign permanently in Bangkok qualified individual on staff Council Reps to participate full time SEATO affairs. We thought such individuals might form permanent working group of Council Reps to give continuing thought and attention to matters for consideration by Council Reps and to carry out activities as directed by Council Reps. Such working group would of course be closely linked with Secretariat and Executive Secretary to serve Council Reps. (UK Reps seemed to agree this concept but it did not appear that UK thinking has developed very far re organizational matters. We also told UK we had general discussions with Australian and New Zealand Reps on SEATO matters but did not reveal extent to which our discussions with latter had delved into organizational problem.)4

Re Para 5. We said we thought there was utility in Council Reps meeting fairly frequently and hoped they continue meet biweekly. We would not think that constitution of permanent working group of Council Reps should lead to latter meeting less often, although working group would of course be able themselves deal with some detailed matters which now handled by Council Reps.

Re Para 6. We stressed importance we attached to individual country parts of report since real progress by SEATO can in last instance be documented only by activities countries themselves have undertaken. As to format report, we said this was question which we thought should be left to Council Reps who would be in better position to organize material properly as the drafting of the report progressed [Page 166] We said we thought it difficult attempt give specific guidance to Council Reps re public report until progress had been made in getting together parts of confidential report.

Re Para 10. We noted UK suggestion that US should inform SEATO of US Military Aid activities in area and said that US submission to report would of course contain some information these activities.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 790.5/12–2255. Secret; Niact. Drafted by Bell and approved by MacArthur. Repeated to Singapore, London, Paris, Karachi, Manila, Canberra, Wellington, and CINCPAC (Honolulu). The time of transmission is illegible on the source text.
  2. Document 75.
  3. Not found in Department of State files.
  4. Several telegrams in December 1955 indicate that the recommendations in this paragraph had previously been discussed among Australia, New Zealand, and the United States, and that the three countries were in agreement on the need for some sort of body to implement the work of the Council Representatives. (Telegrams 1900, 1901, and 1903 to Bangkok, December 14; Department of State, Central Files, 790.5/12–1455; telegrams 1977 and 1978 to Bangkok, December 19; Ibid., and 790.5/12–1955, respectively)