75. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Thailand1

1764. Dept officers met Dec 1 with Hubert Graves UK Embassy Washington and Gage, UK Ambassador Thailand. Our position outlined in some detail with emphasis on need for strengthening SEATO particularly in view major Soviet offensive in South and Southeast Asia aimed at discrediting Western-inspired “military blocs” fostering growth of neutralism and emphasizing Soviet desire to cooperate and assist in economic development to raise living standards, etc.

We also pointed out recent meeting Baghdad Pact indicated much more rapid organizational development than SEATO and Asian SEATO members would interpret this development as indication primary [Page 157] emphasis by Western powers on Middle East to neglect of SEA where SEATO in being for over a year has developed less rapidly. We emphasized strongly:

Need for effective backstopping organization in FonOffs so SEATO Reps Bangkok could receive effective and timely guidance;
For every member to be represented Bangkok;
For each Mission at Bangkok to have an officer to devote full time to SEATO; and
March meeting must have substance and be success, particularly in view Soviet offensive in area. This in part depends on comprehensive report to Council2 with sound recommendations for future. We asked UK Embassy for Foreign Office views particularly on how keep spirit alive and strengthen SEATO.

Gage agreed in general presentation. Pointed to agreement on Public Relations office as step forward and cited need for effective Secretary-General.

Graves summarized SEATO needs as follows:

Improve backstopping by Foreign Offices;
Strengthen representation Bangkok;
Demonstrate we regard treaty as vital;
Increase feeling among other Asian countries that treaty is essential for preservation of area;
Prepare report for Council which will show Asia and world what SEATO has done, is capable of doing and will do.

Gage referred to legalistic haggling over words at Council Reps meetings particularly by Filipinos. We agreed suggest Filipinos this be avoided. UK agreed attempt get Pakistan strengthen its representation Bangkok.

We gave British brief outline progress plans leading to March meeting. Emphasized timing and necessity producing report with evaluations and recommendations by Feb 1.

We stated there appears to be some misapprehension as to Public Relations office. Emphasized Dept does not desire bellicose propaganda but rather to create greater understanding purposes and objectives SEATO and how it benefits Asian members.

Graves promised forward our views Rob Scott Singapore and FonOff prior Dec 6.3

[Page 158]

Gage raised question earlier fiasco Council Reps re Laos and suggested such developments could be avoided through prior bilateral UK–US consultations such matters.

We also saw Offroy (French Amb Bangkok) subsequently and outlined our views as above. He concurred and cited need greater emphasis economic aspects SEATO.

Offroy believes for March Council meeting to be success it imperative we strike new note and not simply repeat presentations made Bangkok last Feb. He believes while continuing to make progress on military side, which has been very useful, new emphasis must be on Article III of Treaty, particularly re economic cooperation, so that Treaty is not construed solely as military alliance. He felt if there were a few projects such as Mekong River survey which could be undertaken under SEATO rubric much would be done to give Asian partners new lift and to counter Soviet effort aimed at developing spirit of neutralism in area thus detaching then isolating SEA countries from West. Dept reps said they recognized need develop Article III, and UK here also concurred.4

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 790.5/12–255. Secret. Drafted by Bell and MacArthur; cleared by Sebald; and approved by MacArthur. Repeated to Singapore, London, and Paris.
  2. This report in its final form, “Report of the Council Representatives to the Council”, is designated SCR(56)/REP–C and dated March 1956. (Ibid., Conference Files: Lot 62 D 181, CF 666) For a partial summary, see footnote 2, Document 91.
  3. The opening date of the next scheduled meeting of SEATO Council Representatives. A summary of developments at this meeting, which lasted until December 10 and was devoted to the drafting of the report to the SEATO Council is contained in despatch 320 from Bangkok, December 13. (Ibid., Central Files, 790.5/12–1355)
  4. According to telegram 170 to Canberra, December 7, sent also to Wellington, Bangkok, and Singapore, Department officers outlined views regarding SEATO similar to those set forth above to representatives of the Australian and New Zealand Embassies on December 5. (Ibid., 790.5/12–755)