326. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Laos1

582. Department telegram 532 to Vientiane repeated Saigon 1964 Bangkok 1807 CINCPAC Paris unnumbered.2 We wish clarify our views over-all problem Lao Army air support requirements. We strongly favor CAT contract authorized reference telegram to become operative in event military emergency but for political reasons prefer other measures in interim to attempt find solution air support problem.

We continue believe 1) so far as possible Lao foreign assistance needs should be filled by Asians rather than by U.S.-linked CAT, which also in Asian eyes heavily involved KMT irregulars; 2) it politically unwise be responsible for introducing into Laos foreign competitor at possible ruin Lao national airline if new airline facilities not militarily necessary; 3) perhaps most important, steps should be taken not only fill Laos’ immediate needs but also plan for long-term objective give Laos some degree air self-sufficiency.

We therefore informing Defense our concurrence CINCPAC recommendation for 700-man Lao Air Force within present force level and requesting it reconsider allocation four C–47’s Laos in view overriding political considerations. … If Embassy succeeds obtaining reduction Air Laos charter fees, if necessary by threatening introduction CAT, only major “peacetime” disadvantage using local airline, i.e., exorbitant cost, would be removed.

In side-talks with French during NATO meeting Paris we expect make strong démarche on fulfillment French military responsibilities Laos, specifically provision air support even in combat situations and training Lao Army. We not sanguine results however.

Meanwhile CAT standby contract will give Laos emergency protection it needs while keeping CAT in background now and permitting attempt establish nucleus of C–47’s for long-range Lao Air Force project.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 751J.5/12–1455. Secret. Drafted by Byrne, approved by Hoey, and cleared in substance with Robertson. Repeated to Saigon (with instructions to pass to MAAG), Bangkok, CINCPAC, and pouched to Paris and Phnom Penh.
  2. In telegram 532, December 7, the Department authorized the Embassy to proceed at once in assisting in negotiations of a standby contract between CAT and the Government of Laos. (Ibid., 751J.5/12–755)