325. Memorandum From the Joint Chiefs of Staff to the Secretary of Defense (Wilson)1


  • Bilateral Thai-Laos Military Planning
The American Embassy, Thailand has proposed, for consideration, a program for bilateral Thai-Lao planning to assist the Laotians in resisting Pathet Lao/Viet Minh aggression.2 In discussing these proposals it was indicated that Thai Army Commander in Chief Sarit and other important government officials would probably favor such a forward strategy for Thailand, for military and probably political reasons. The Department of State, CINCPAC and the American Embassy, Vientiane are generally agreed that the United States should encourage and support bilateral Thai-Laos planning for the defense of Laos as long as such planning is in keeping with the principles of the Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty (SEATO) and the attainment of U.S. objectives in the area. It is recognized that the defense of Laos, including Thai participation, is largely dependent upon U.S. logistic support.
The Joint Chiefs of Staff generally concur in the views expressed by the Department of State, CINCPAC and the Embassies and recommend that the United States encourage and support bilateral Thai-Laos planning for the defense of Laos, subject to the following conditions:
The planning is in consonance with SEATO and U.S. objectives.
The planning is directed toward the immediate threat but of such a nature that it may be subsequently integrated into SEATO planning.
The planning will result in a practical plan that can be supported logistically by the United States.
CINCPAC is represented during planning discussions in order to influence resulting plans as to feasibility, practicability and suitability.
The plans as developed do not include employment of U.S. forces other than those which may be required by provision of U.S. logistic support to Thai and Lao forces.
It is envisaged that Thai participation in the defense of Laos would probably be limited to one RCT, supported logistically by the United States. The determination of the level and source of U.S. logistic support should await CINCPAC recommendations, following his review of the planning results. However, it is not believed that the solution to the logistic support problem need delay the initiation of planning discussions.
It is recommended that the Secretary of Defense:
Note the above conclusions.
Request the Department of State to send the substance of the draft message in Appendix “A”,3 to the American Embassies at Bangkok and Vientiane.
After obtaining State Department concurrence, send the substance of the draft message in Appendix “B”4 to CINCPAC.
The Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, did not participate in the action of the Joint Chiefs of Staff outlined in this memorandum.
For the Joint Chiefs of Staff:
N.F. Twining5
Chief of Staff, United States Air Force
  1. Source: Washington National Records Center, OASD/ISA Files: FRC 60 B 1025, 092.2 Laos. Top Secret.
  2. See telegram 2269, supra.
  3. Attached but not printed, Appendix A reiterated as Department of Defense conditions acceptance of bilateral Thai-Lao military staff planning as cited by the JCS in paragraph 2 above.
  4. Attached but not printed. In this telegram CINCPAC was authorized to provide representation and guidance to joint Thai-Lao military planning as requested by the Ambassador in Thailand.
  5. Printed from a copy that bear this typed signature.