322. Telegram From the Department State to the Embassy in Laos1

462. ARMA telegram 95–55 November 20.2

We understand Army has replied Gordon to effect subject his message is one which should be handled by Ambassador and Department and that Army taking no action.
It is important for us to know if Chief Staff Lao Army has acted upon Gordon’s advice in any way by preparation planning or actual implementation.
Department is of course sympathetic with assumed result of operation ARMA has advised. Our reason for not having already instructed you advise along similar lines was that neither Embassy nor Department has assumed chances success were as good as those implied reftel. We here still do not have information which would support such assumption of success.
It may be events have altered situation and time has actually come to encourage plan such as ARMA has, regrettably without Blancke’s indicated knowledge, put forward to Chief Staff.
We would like your full views including comments on the cease fire agreement reached by the two parties at Rangoon.3 In interim we cannot take further step regarding any type CAT contract since ARMA may have connected in Lao minds our support of his proposed operation with CAT, and to support one might imply support of both.
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 751J.5/11–2055. Top Secret; Limit Distribution. Drafted by Hoey; cleared in PSA and FE; and approved by Robertson. Also sent to CINCPAC. Paragraph 1 was cleared with the Department of Defense.
  2. Supra.
  3. See infra.