321. Telegram From the Army Attaché in Laos (Gordon) to the Department of the Army1
MC 95–55 (Army message). Department of State for Walter S. Robertson. This matter urgent.
Subject: Proposed ANL airborne attack on PL supply depots.
Subsequent to receipt this office information confirming previous reports exact loc, type, size and security measures provided for all major ordnance supply depots Sam Neua Province, this ARMA advised CG, ANL, to plan employ his six parachute commandos striking all 10 known arms and munitions depots simultaneously and destroy by demolition and fire.
If successful, this operation would, with one stroke, reduce PL operating capacity to negligible for remainder dry season and very probably result in total collapse PL military effort in Laos. Viet Minh not estimated capable moving in time to prevent.
CG, ANL, receptive to idea and this ARMA requested him not divulge plan to other nations especially French, to which he agreed.
French will not supply airlift under present policy. Suggest employ CAT or similar organization under direct contract to Royal Government.
This for your initial information and reaction ASAP, as PL will soon learn of defector reports re total lack security Lao army and government. If reaction favorable, recommend immediate placing nearest qualified airborne OPNSO on TDY this office to study problem carefully and advise ANL covertly.
The destruction PL movement would allow reduction any force basis and subsequent multi-million dollar savings to us in support for Laos in ensuing years.
Am[bassador] absent for approximately 3 days. Will obtain his concurrence or non-concurrence immediately upon his return. Recommend you proceed with consideration on assumption he will concur. Signed Gordon.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 751J.5/11-2055. Top Secret; Priority. Sent to the Army for G–2 and G–3 and repeated to CINCPAC, USARPAC, and the Department of State, which is the source text.↩