238. Memorandum of a Discussion Between the President and His Special Assistant for National Security Affairs (Cutler), White House, Washington, June 12, 19571


I spent a half an hour with the President on the June 11 text of “U.S. Position on the First Phase of Disarmament”.2

He again expressed the wish to have as a subtitle, “For Discussion With Our Allies”. Following a considerable discussion on the telephone with the Secretary of State on this point,3 he accepted the Secretary’s position that this subtitle should not be used, and that this and other matters be covered in explicit written directions by the Secretary to the U.S. Delegate.

I gave the President the memorandum4 indicating that the June 11 draft was based on informal views expressed by the Secretary of State which was participated in by representatives of the interested agencies, including myself and Governor Stassen, and that the Inter-agency Working Group believed that this text would be satisfactory to the Secretary of State.

I gave the President in writing Admiral Strauss’ last minute indicated amendment of 8–b:5

“To cooperate in planning as feasible prior to the effective date of the agreement, for the installation of an international inspection arrangement to monitor tests, and to install the agreed system at the beginning of the 12 months’ period.”

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The President read it carefully and said he was perfectly willing to change 8–b to read as follows:

“To cooperate in setting up during the 12 months’ period, or earlier if mutually agreeable, an effective international inspection arrangement to monitor tests.”6

Robert Cutler7
  1. Source: Eisenhower Library, Project Clean Up, Disarmament—Basic Papers. Top Secret.
  2. Supra.
  3. A memorandum summarizing this telephone conversation, June 12, 10:44 a.m., is not printed. (Eisenhower Library, Dulles Papers, White House Telephone Conversation)
  4. Cutler’s memorandum to the President, June 12, is not printed. (Ibid., Whitman File, Administration Series, Cutler)
  5. Cutler had also added Strauss’ proposed amendment as a postscript to his June 12 memorandum to the President.
  6. The revised version of paragraph 8–b was incorporated in the position paper Supra. The President also approved the entire paper, “U.S. Position on the First Phase of Disarmament.” Telegram 8722 to London, June 12, reads: “For the exclusive information USDel revised basic policy paper based on May 25th presentation by Secretary to President in White House conference that date has now been finally approved.” (Department of State, Central Files, 330.13/6–1257)
  7. Printed from a copy that bears this typed signature.