135. Memorandum of a Conversation Between the President and the Deputy Representative at the United Nations (Wadsworth), White House, Washington, April 19, 19561


  • International Atomic Energy Agency Negotiations

The President exhibited keen interest and gratification in the successful completion of the negotiatious on the International Atomic Energy Agency Statute.2 He felt that this marked a momentous step toward completion of this project which is so close to his heart.

I told him of the proposed September meeting in New York and suggested that consideration should be given to his appearance before this world forum. He expressed considerable interest and seemed to be favorably inclined to the idea.3

In connection with a possible U.S. announcement on material to be made available to the Agency, he felt that he might be able to make such an announcement at that time but that it should not include any specific figure as to amount. He thought that perhaps tripartite consultations might be held among the U.S., the U.K., and the U.S.S.R., leading toward an agreement as to what should constitute an initial “kitty”, with the United States being ready to assume, say, 75% of the total and thereafter match any other contributions equally. He urged me to keep in touch with Admiral Strauss and said that he would give both those matters very serious consideration.4

  1. Source: Department of State, Atomic Energy Files: Lot 57 D 688, IAEA—General. Confidential. Drafted by Wadsworth.
  2. See Document 120.
  3. Eisenhower later declined the invitation to address the closing session of the conference on the Statute of the IAEA because of other commitments. For his October 23 letter to João Carlos Muñiz, president of the conference, see Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1956, pp. 1027–1028.
  4. For the U.S. announcement on material to be made available to the IAEA, see Eisenhower’s statement, October 26, which was read to the conference that day by Strauss, Ibid., pp. 1028–1033.