- Adams, Sherman, 57n, 68, 196n, 276, 321, 378, 697
- Adenauer, Konrad, 349, 500, 504
- Ad Hoc Working Group on Publicity in Connection with the Launching of Ballistic Missiles, 377
- Afghanistan, 144
- Africa (See also specific countries), 143, 144, 217, 251, 263–265, 267, 277, 284, 433, 439, 527, 666
- Afro-Asian Conference, 133
- Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act, 1954 (P.L. 480), 214, 592
- Agriculture, Department of, 628
- Airborne Early Warning system, 51, 106
- Airborne Instruments Laboratories, 629
- Aircraft (see also Air Force, Department of the;
Strategic Air Command):
- Atomic-powered, 378, 483
- B-36 bombers, 270
- B-52 bombers, 78, 82–83, 88, 89, 148, 270, 274, 277, 279, 289, 308n, 327, 366, 390, 483, 487, 583, 614, 618, 679, 683
- B-56 bombers, 679
- B-58 bombers, 483, 583, 683
- Bison bombers, 148
- F-86s, 303
- F-100s, 82
- F-110s, 279
- F-125s, 279
- Intercontinental bombers, 273
- Jet tankers, 366, 679
- Losses of, cost, 240
- Manned, 529–530, 658–659
- Nuclear-powered bombers, 356
- Numerical strength, 550
- Seaplane nuclear bombers, 48
- Type 37 bombers, Soviet, 78, 82
- Air Force, Department of the (see also
Strategic Air Command):
- Air Force Ballistics Missiles Committee, 163
- Anti-missile missile program, 600
- Army, support for, 283
- Atomic weapons capabilities, 292–293
- Budget, 387–388, 390, 395–396, 531, 541, 555, 558, 576, 611, 662, 683, 690
- Capabilities of, Congressional investigation, 270
- Civilian personnel, 269, 544
- Continental defense program, elements, 88, 90
- Contracts, bidding on, 487
- Deployment, 699–700
- Early warning system, 342–343
- ICBM and IRBM programs, 117, 118n, 162–164, 169, 279, 401–403, 570–572, 599, 618, 625
- Intelligence organization of, 85n, 131n, 442n, 665n
- Mobility of, 558
- Navaho missile program, 580
- Other armed forces, comparison with, 286, 289, 613–614
- Outer Space Program, 692
- Pacific-Far East, deployment in, 679
- Ploesti fields, attacks during World War II, 93
- Quantico Panel reports, 84, 154
- Reconnaissance satellite program, 663, 664, 682
- SAC, vulnerability of, 90, 171, 338–341
- Size limitations, 9n, 76, 364, 542, 543, 544, 548, 551, 552, 576, 597, 662, 678, 690, 691, 699
- Special Panel of the Air Force Scientific Advisory Board, 53
- Western Development Division, 163
- Western Europe, deployment in, 679
- Air Force Ballistics Missiles Committee, 163
- Air Force Missile Test Center, 164
- Alaska, 51, 73, 106, 703
- Albert, Carl, 699
- Aleutian Islands, 51
- Aleutians-Midway line, 106
- Algeria, 440
- Allen, George, 698, 707, 708
- Allen, Leo E., 3, 39, 57n, 196n, 698
- Alsop, Joseph and Stewart, 180
- American Assembly, 373, 568
- Amory, Robert, Jr., 68, 140n
- Anderson, Clinton P., 60, 117, 118, 698, 700, 701
- Anderson, Dillon, 75, 87, 88, 90–93, 95–97, 98n, 99, 102, 109n, 111, 113, 117, 118, 119, 121, 126, 130, 146, 149, 167, 171, 177, 188–191, 201–219, 222, 223, 224, 226–229, 322, 327, 329, 331, 338, 342, 346, 347, 350, 353, 354, 359
- Anderson, Maj. Gen. Frederick L., 153
- Anderson, Robert B., 63, 67, 594, 611, 612, 637, 685, 692, 693
- Anderson, Gen. Samuel E., 529
- Anti-missile missile program, 600, 606, 615–617, 625
- Anti-submarine program, 663
- Arab-Israeli conflict, 134, 143–144
- Arctic, 55
- Arends, Leslie C., 3, 39, 57n, 196, 698
- Argentia, 343
- Armaments regulation policy (see also
Atomic energy policy; Defense,
Department of):
- Armed forces, size limitations, 3–4, 5–6, 9–23, 26, 57–58, 271, 349, 360, 364, 450, 482, 488, 528, 531, 533, 534, 535, 539, 542–544, 548, 551–554, 557–559, 563, 577, 595–597, 599, 614, 699, 701
- Bacteriological weapons, 74, 203, 206–208, 230, 246, 258, 261, 489, 511
- Chemical weapons, 74, 203, 206–208, 230, 246, 258, 489, 511
- Disarmament, 95, 100, 139, 196, 202, 223, 232, 243, 253, 323, 427, 481–482, 518–519, 534, 548, 555, 558–559, 562, 564, 590, 667
- General war, 14–16, 22, 246, 247, 248, 419–421, 421–423, 467, 468, 470, 489, 511–512
- Limited wars, 97, 104, 189, 190, 204, 210–211, 420–421, 469, 472, 493–495, 497, 499–500, 502–506, 512
- Military equipment, allocation of, 77
- Mobilization program, 37–38, 76, 178–179, 182–186, 224–227, 231, 357, 467–469, 490–492, 501, 621
- Radiological weapons, 74, 203, 206, 207–208, 229, 230
- War games, 127–128, 189–190, 379–380, 673
- Armed forces (see also Air Force, Department of
the; Army, Department of the; Defense, Department of; Marine Corps;
Military program; Navy,
Department of the):
- Comparison, 613–614
- Deployment, 75–77, 273, 313, 549–550, 699–700
- Europe, withdrawal of troops from, 483–484
- Europe-Middle East area, deployment, 679
- Future improvements, 292–293
- Mobility and deployment of, 195
- Modernization of, 366
- Pacific-Far East area, deployment, 678–679
- Readiness, 22, 94, 234–238, 247, 257, 290–293, 365, 493–494, 512, 613
- Redeployment, 557, 559, 562, 589, 600
- Reorganization of, 369–370
- Reserve forces, 277, 545, 551, 576–577, 691
- Rivalry among, 280, 285–288, 298, 573, 588, 600, 602, 603, 618–619, 622, 623, 624–625, 627, 633
- Size limitations, 3–6, 9–23, 26, 39, 57–58, 271, 349, 360, 364, 450, 482, 488, 528, 531, 533–535, 539, 542–544, 548, 551–554, 557–559, 563, 577, 595–597, 599, 614, 699, 701
- Armed Forces Policy Council, 199, 288, 575, 578, 595
- Army, Department of the:
- Anti-missile missile program, 600
- Atomic weapons capabilities, 292
- Budget, 386–389, 394, 396, 532, 541, 555, 576, 662, 682, 690
- Capability assessment, 75
- Civilian personnel, 269, 544
- Continental defense program, elements of, 88
- Future wars, role in, 190, 208, 209, 210, 314
- Intelligence organization of, 85n, 131n, 442n, 665n
- Intermediate-range ballistic missiles program, 162–163, 165, 278, 573, 583–586
- Joint Army-Navy Ballistic Missiles Committee, 163
- Korea, withdrawal of forces from, 681
- Missile program, 283–284, 403, 581, 582, 588–589, 591, 599, 600, 606, 612, 625
- Mobility of, 558
- Other armed forces, comparison with, 286–287, 613–614
- Pacific-Far East area, deployment in, 679, 682
- Redeployment, 589
- Role of, 564n
- Size limitations, 239, 302, 364, 542, 544, 548, 551, 552, 557, 563, 576, 597, 662, 678, 690, 699
- Western Europe, deployment in, 679
- Western Europe-Middle East area, deployment in, 682
- Asia (see also specific countries and areas), 28, 154, 217, 251, 263, 264, 265, 267, 348, 439, 527, 666
- Assassination attempts:
- Atomic Energy Act, 59, 358, 497n
- Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), 58, 59, 174, 233, 464
- Atomic energy program projection, 337
- Atomic weapons stockpile, vulnerability of, 341
- Budget, 353, 617, 618, 628
- Civil defense, informing the public about, 99
- Intelligence organization of, 87n, 131n, 442n, 665n
- Missile testing, 616
- Shelter program, study of, 463
- Soviet nuclear tests announcement, 465
- Technological Capabilities Panel recommendations, 66
- Atomic energy policy (see also Atomic weapons; Nuclear weapons):
- Atomic weapons (see also
Intercontinental ballistic missiles; Intermediate-range ballistic missiles; Missile systems; Nuclear
- Allies, supplying to, 474–475, 496, 498, 506
- Anti-missile missiles, 600, 606, 615–617, 625
- Asians’ attitude toward, 527
- Conventional use of, 60–61
- Dispersal of, 376
- Future wars, use in, 274n, 302–303, 311
- General war, use in, 311–315, 420, 421–422
- Policy directive, 472
- Soviet Union:
- Specific use for, 525
- Stockpiles, 341, 501, 618
- Technological capabilities, 41–56, 63–67, 83, 92, 95–108, 132, 145–150, 168, 171, 278, 338, 342, 356, 358, 361–363, 367, 368, 385
- Testing, 64–65, 148, 149, 527
- Austin, Vice Adm. Bernard L., 627, 627n
- Australia, 74
- Austria, 79, 132, 133, 134
- Azores, 52, 334, 342n, 343
- Bacteriological weapons, 74, 203, 206–208, 230, 246, 258, 261, 489, 511
- Baghdad Pact, 282, 294, 307
- Bandung Conference. See Afro-Asian Conference.
- Baruch, Bernard, 102, 191, 275, 282, 287, 298
- Baxter, James Phinney, III, 68, 629
- Beach, Cdr. Edward L., 60
- Beam, Jacob D., 1–2, 71n
- Beckler, Dr. David Z., 68, 457, 464n, 607
- Bell Laboratories, 629
- Belmont, Alan H., 71n
- Bennett, W. Tapley, Jr., 410–412
- Benson, Ezra Taft, 3–4
- Berkner, Dr. Lloyd V., 456, 456n, 458, 607
- Berlin blockade, 74, 206, 334
- Bernau, Phyllis D., 677
- Bethe, Dr. Hans A., 607
- Biological weapons. See Bacteriological weapons.
- Blast shelters. See Shelter program.
- Boeing Corporation, 612
- Boggs, Marion W., 338–347, 449n, 553–565
- Bohr, Niels H. D., 617
- Bolte, Lt. Gen. Charles L., 585
- Bonesteel, Brig. Gen. Charles H., III, 67, 173n
- Bothwell, Col., 88
- Bowie, Robert R., 1n, 6–9, 67, 79n, 88n, 110–111, 123n, 173, 205n, 316–317, 361, 363–366, 501n, 579
- Boyer, Cdr. W. G., 342–343
- Bragdon, Maj. Gen. John S., 464
- Brazil, 366
- Bridges, H. Styles, 3, 39, 57n, 196n, 698
- Bronk, Dr. Detlev W., 456, 607
- Brookings Institution, 84, 629, 631
- Brownell, Herbert, Jr., 24, 67, 122, 155n, 161n, 196n, 222, 242, 415, 417, 507
- Brucker, Wilber M., 163, 181, 278, 369, 371, 388–389, 395, 557, 564, 574, 577n, 583, 585, 595n, 682
- Brundage, Percival F., 120, 147, 224–226, 233, 242, 276, 285, 286, 323–324, 346, 352, 354, 378, 394, 398, 405, 451–453, 468, 470, 472, 483, 491, 507, 508, 524n, 529, 537, 566, 586, 600, 611, 612, 636, 686, 694, 697, 698
- Brussels Pact, 152
- Budget, Bureau of the, 66, 213, 217, 224, 226, 227, 232, 243, 269n, 270, 322n, 337, 346, 350, 405, 409, 440–441, 520n, 566
- Budget, U.S. (see also Economy, U.S.), 23, 180–182, 196, 212, 255, 282, 287–289, 306, 314, 333, 405–409, 440–441, 449, 451, 563, 632
- Burgess, W. Randolph, 462
- Burke, Adm. Arleigh A., 277, 280, 286, 289, 305, 387, 394, 396, 524n, 557, 564, 574, 626, 627, 706, 707
- Burma, 18
- Burns, Arthur F., 19, 20, 507, 508, 637
- Byrd, Harry Flood, 589–590, 698, 701
- Cabinet papers:
- No. 56–32/1, 459
- “Caesar” Lofar system, 107
- Calkins, Dr. Robert D., 629, 631
- Campbell, John C., 11n, 79n
- Canada:
- Canine, Lt. Gen. R. J., 63
- Cannon, Clarence, 699, 701
- Carnegie Corporation, 629
- Carnegie Institute, 456n
- Carney, Adm. Robert B., 15, 16, 67, 75, 620, 620n, 629
- Central Europe, 483, 484
- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 58, 62, 66, 85n, 89, 104, 108, 131n, 174, 192, 233, 442n, 473, 579, 630–631, 639, 665n, 711n
- Ceylon, 334
- Chase Manhattan Bank, 620n
- Chemical weapons, 74, 203, 206–208, 230, 246, 258, 489, 511
- Chesney, Earle, 57n
- China, People’s Republic of:
- Afro-Asian Conference, 133
- Bombing, possibility of, 431
- Communist bloc, influence within, 136, 667
- Economic and military growth, 436–438
- Hostile intent, evaluation of, 28–35, 266, 299, 446
- Industrialization, 263, 321
- Influence, 261
- Military capabilities, 8, 9, 134, 260
- Non-recognition of, 36, 254, 519
- Soviet Union, relations with, 27, 80, 131, 137, 261–262, 436, 519
- Trade with, international, 141
- U.N. membership, 266, 436, 437
- Underdeveloped countries, role in, 705
- China, Republic of, 28, 29n, 74, 75, 133, 138, 152, 237, 266, 274, 299, 307, 308n, 355, 365, 430, 438, 503, 534, 558
- Chiperfield, Robert B., 698
- Chrysler Corporation, 606, 606n
- Churchill, Sir Winston L. S., 151, 430
- Civil defense (see also
Continental defense; Mobilization program):
- Active defense, 631
- Cost of, 325, 351–352, 382, 442, 632, 647–649, 654–655, 656
- Defense resources, management of, 644–646
- Deterrent power, securing and augmenting, 642–643
- Drills, 104n
- Economic consequences of, 648–649
- Evacuation program, 382–383, 461, 653n
- Federal role, 326
- Foreign policy, integration with, 647
- Funding for, 92, 99, 317
- Legislative recommendations, 382–384, 459n
- Nuclear weapons development, human effects of, 102, 108n, 372–375, 413–419
- Objectives, 37, 255, 521
- Operation Alert 1955, 90–91
- Operation Alert 1956, 91n
- Organization and management of, 631, 632
- Post-attack survival considerations, 655–656
- Presentation on, 357
- Public, informing, 99, 106, 649
- Radar, vulnerability of, 644
- Radar early warning system, 642
- Relocation, emergency, 90–91
- Security Resources Panel report, 620–624
- Shelter program, 326, 352, 382–383, 414, 442–445, 459–464, 621, 622, 628–634, 637, 644, 653–655, 656, 712
- Soviet Union, attack capability, 649–650
- State and local government responsibility for, 91
- Strategic Air Command, 42, 46, 64, 88–90, 96, 98, 103, 157, 171–172, 183, 188, 291, 325, 327, 328, 338–342, 364, 376, 404, 416, 479, 528, 545, 613, 614, 642–643, 650, 651, 659, 663, 703
- Strategic warning and hard intelligence, 646
- Timetable for, 650–653
- Weaknesses in, 643–644
- Claxton, Philander P., Jr., 696n
- Cline, Dr. Ray S., 71n
- Coast Guard, U.S., 53
- Columbia Broadcasting System, 620n
- Columbia University, 84, 153, 373n, 456n
- Commander in Chief, Atlantic, 50, 105
- Commander in Chief, Continental Air Defense Command, 105
- Commander in Chief, Pacific, 50, 105
- Commerce, Department of, 298
- Commodity Credit Corporation, 490
- Communications systems, 54–55, 97, 104, 233–234, 613, 614
- Communications zone indicator system (COZI), 53
- Communist bloc (see also
Soviet Union):
- Atomic weapons capabilities, 25–28, 86, 141–142
- Changes in, encouraging, 435–436, 513, 514
- Character of regimes, changing, 13, 22, 31
- Coexistence policy, 29–30
- Diplomatic pouches, immunity for, 233
- Economy, 135–136, 705
- Expanding contacts with, 125
- Expansion, 265, 267–268, 295, 423
- Free world:
- General war, policy, 421–423
- Hostile intent, evaluation of, 266–267
- Limited war, possibility of, 138
- Military capabilities, 134–135, 259–260
- Negotiations and exploitation of vulnerabilities, 252–254
- Nuclear capabilities, effects on public attitudes and national policies, 85–87
- Policy shift, 131, 133–134
- Political strategy against, 36, 517–519
- Port security policy, 592
- Racial problems in U.S., portrayal of, 527
- Solidarity of, 667
- Soviet aid and support, dependence on, 667
- Stability of, 136–137
- Conference of the National Women’s Advisory Committee on Civil Defense, 415n
- Congress, U.S. (see also Taxes):
- Acts of:
- Atomic information, barring United Kingdom from, 609
- Defense budget, 82, 180, 181, 212, 237, 288–289, 309, 353, 388, 396, 470, 486, 487, 540, 541, 545, 547–548, 555, 560, 575, 587, 598–599, 632, 693, 695
- Economic assistance programs, 215
- Economy drive in, 453
- Foote confirmation procedures, 589
- House Armed Services Committee, 39n, 192
- Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, 192, 474, 616
- Long-Range Minerals Program, 491
- McElroy confirmation procedures, 589
- Mutual Security Program, 321
- National Security Council, relations with, 203, 237
- Retaliatory striking power of U.S., 327
- Senate Armed Services Committee, 279, 285
- Senate Preparedness Committee, 711
- Soviet aircraft, faulty intelligence estimates of, 78
- Soviet intercontinental ballistic missiles program, 192
- Tax reduction, 441
- Trade, international, 218
- U.N. Disarmament Subcommittee, 482
- Congressional Record, 589
- Continental Air Defense Command (CONAD), 49, 50, 260, 340
- Continental defense (see also
Civil defense; Defense,
Department of; Technological Capabilities
- Adequacy of, 316–317
- Aircraft development, 315
- Anti-missile missile program, 600, 606, 615–617
- Ballistic missiles, defense against, 659
- “Caesar” Lofar system, 107
- Canada, agreements with, 47, 49, 52, 99, 105, 107, 362
- Continental Air Defense Command, 49, 50, 260, 340
- Cost of, 323, 330, 331, 341–342, 346, 347, 356, 483
- Early warning system, 47, 49, 51, 52, 103–104, 106, 107, 129, 147, 152, 327, 339, 340, 342–343, 345, 362, 368, 407, 478–479, 550
- Funding for, 88n, 89
- Improvements in, 260
- Infrared detection system, 659
- Intercontinental ballistic missiles, 44, 46, 48, 53, 99, 100–103, 110–111, 129, 154–170, 174–175, 273, 275, 279–281, 340, 341, 366, 377, 378, 401–405, 410, 454–455, 479, 484, 487, 528–530, 534–538, 569–572, 601–605, 657–658, 659, 660, 684, 687, 688, 700, 701, 703
- Intermediate-range ballistic missiles, 161–170, 174–175, 273, 275, 279–281, 366, 377, 378, 401–405, 410, 454–455, 484, 487, 528–530, 534–538, 569–573, 580–583, 583–589, 591, 599–605, 657–658, 662–664, 684, 687, 688, 691, 692, 693, 697–698, 700, 701, 703
- Joint Chiefs of Staff, views on, 322n
- Maintaining, 246–247, 511–512
- Manned bombers, defense against, 658–659
- Progress report, 87–94
- Public education and participation, 332
- Radar, early warning network, 658
- Retaliatory striking power of U.S., 327–328, 330
- Shelter program, 478
- Status report, 358
- Strategic Air Command, 42, 46, 64, 88–90, 96, 98, 103, 157, 171–172, 183, 188, 291, 325, 327, 328, 338–342, 364, 376, 404, 416, 479, 528, 545, 613, 614, 615–616, 620–622, 632, 633, 635, 636, 642–643, 650, 651, 659, 663, 703
- Strengthening, 385, 835n
- Support for, public, 50
- Target systems, U.S. and Soviet Union comparison, 105–107
- Three-mile limit, extension of, 47, 53, 99
- Timetable for, 41–56, 95–108, 145–150, 319, 324, 325, 338, 342, 650–653
- U.S.-Canada air defense, 474
- Weaknesses in, 364
- Cooper, Jere, 699
- Cordiner, Ralph J., 599n
- Cordiner Committee, 599, 606, 662, 678, 680, 683, 694, 695, 700, 703
- Corson, John J., 629
- Council of Economic Advisors, 449, 464, 464n, 520n, 609
- Coyne, J. Patrick, 63n, 67, 68, 94, 171n, 379–384, 382–384
- Criss, Col. George W., 127, 128
- Cutler, Robert, 3, 5, 9–23, 24n, 60, 63, 68, 75, 399–401, 404, 405, 409, 413–417, 425, 428–430, 432–434, 436–441, 446–451, 454, 455, 459, 461, 462, 463n, 464n, 465, 467–469, 472, 474–476, 478, 480–485, 489–493, 496–499, 501, 503–505, 524, 529, 533–535, 538–540, 553, 554, 556, 562, 564n, 566–569, 571, 578–580, 589n, 596n, 601, 603, 607, 609, 611, 613–617, 630–632, 634, 635, 672, 673, 675, 676n, 677, 678n, 684–686, 689, 694, 704–707
- Cyprus, 134, 142, 334, 335, 440
- Czechoslovakia, 217–218
- Dearborn, Frederick M., Jr., 580n
- Defense, Department of (see also Air Force,
Department of the; Armed forces; Army, Department of the; Civil
defense; Continental defense; Joint Chiefs of Staff; Marine
Corps; Military program; Navy, Department of the), 58, 77, 87,
88, 92, 100, 108, 464, 589, 711n
- Air vehicles, defense against, 327
- Anti-missile missile program, 600, 606, 615–617, 625
- Anti-submarine program, 663
- Atomic weapons capability, 410–411
- Budget, 78, 82, 107, 115, 146, 147, 148, 151–152, 171–172, 180–181, 213, 226, 234n, 235, 268–272, 276–279, 282, 287–289, 308n, 309–311, 314–315, 322–323, 329–330, 348, 349, 353, 357, 371, 378, 384–396, 405–409, 449, 453, 457, 461, 468, 470, 479, 482–488, 502, 520, 528, 533, 538–549, 551, 554–556, 574–578, 586–587, 595, 596, 605, 611–612, 623, 632, 659, 662, 664, 677–686, 683n, 687–695, 699, 700, 702–704
- Civilian personnel, 269n, 452
- Communications systems, 104
- Cooperation with regional defense organization, authorization for, 59
- Educational program, 232, 232n, 243
- Future wars, 205, 209
- Hard goods, production of, 364
- ICBM and IRBM programs, 117, 118n, 119–121, 161–170, 175, 196, 361, 377, 378, 401–405, 410, 454–456, 528–530, 534–538, 569–572, 580–588, 591, 599–605, 622, 657–660, 662–664, 684, 687, 688, 691–693, 697–698, 700, 701, 703
- Limited wars, 104n, 211, 579
- Military assistance program, 358, 595–597, 689–695, 705, 706, 708
- Military bases, overseas, 336–337, 411–412, 495, 512, 527, 534, 709–710
- Mobilization program, 182n, 183n, 186, 232, 243, 467–469
- Mutual Security Program, 321, 354–355, 357, 534n, 561, 704–705, 708
- Non-ballistic missiles program, 535–538
- NSC 5501 Committee, 207
- Nuclear weapons:
- Office of the Division of Guided Missiles, creation of, 661
- Organization of, 623
- Overseas internal security program, 475
- Reorganization of, 645–646, 661
- Research and development programs, 213, 214, 545
- SAC, vulnerability of, 171
- Satellite and Outer Space Programs, 692, 700
- Seaplane nuclear bomber, feasibility study, 48
- Search and rescue operations, international agreements, 363
- Secretaries’ Conference, 526
- Shelter programs, 463
- Soviet attack, action in event of, 300
- Soviet Union, military strength of, 202
- Strategic materials stockpile, 492, 493
- Technological Capabilities Panel recommendations for, 66
- Three-mile limit, extension of, 99
- Trade, international, 298
- Unification Act, 1947, 304
- U.S. military capabilities, assessment of, 195
- Vietnam:
- Weapons System Evaluation Group, 529–530
- Defense Advisory Committee on Professional and Technical Compensation, 599, 606
- Defense Mobilization Board, 179
- Defense Production Act, 490
- Dickson, Sir William, 282, 282n
- Dillon, C. Douglas, 698
- Dirksen, Everett, 698
- Disarmament. See Armaments regulation policy.
- Distant Early Warning line, 49, 51, 106, 107, 129, 147, 327, 339, 340, 343, 362, 368, 479
- Dodge, Joseph M., 130, 216, 217, 233, 243
- Doolittle, Gen. James H., 68, 629
- Douglas, James H., Jr., 557, 564, 574, 577n, 595n, 614, 635n, 683, 693, 694
- Dryden, Dr. Hugh L., 456, 456n
- DuBridge, Dr. L. A., 64, 68
- Duff, James H., 285n
- Dulles, Allen W., 11, 18, 56, 63, 68, 155n, 161n, 186, 322n, 332,
419, 426, 428, 433, 434, 635n, 636, 637, 673
- Chinese People’s Republic industrial potential, 321
- Communist bloc, influencing, 13
- Delegations, exchange of, 219, 220, 221
- Foreign intelligence program presentation, 352
- ICBM and IRBM programs, 685
- Intelligence system, adequacy of, 20
- National Intelligence Estimates, comments on, 438, 441
- Newly-developing nations, subversion of, 473, 475
- Nuclear war, implications of, 85n
- Planning Coordination Group, 62
- Preventive war, 16
- Security Resources Panel, 711
- Soviet Union:
- Aircraft, 78, 89
- Capabilities, 128, 129, 317
- Civil defense, 351
- Emphasis shift from military to economic assistance, 707
- Fissionable material, availability, 317–318
- General war, possibility of, 431
- Guided missiles program, 409–410, 530
- Intentions and capabilities, intelligence estimate, 202
- Intercontinental ballistic missiles program, 192, 571, 593–594
- Nuclear testing, 148, 465, 525
- Power reactors, 320
- Radar capability, 344
- Subversive war, necessity of reviewing, 393
- Dulles, John Foster, 3, 6–9, 79n, 109, 154n, 202–203, 205n,
210, 229n, 240, 268, 295, 338n, 399n, 452, 533n, 589, 636, 637, 676n, 677, 698
- Armed forces, 360, 561, 596
- Atomic weapons, 60–61, 151, 499
- Budget, 451
- China, People’s Republic of, 437, 438
- Civil defense, 633–634
- Collective security program, 526
- Congress, relations with, 203, 217–218
- Continental defense, 316–317, 407–408
- Defense budget, 391
- Economic and military assistance programs, 148, 215
- European integration, 433
- Foreign policy concerns, briefing, 150
- Free world, strengthening, 526
- Geneva Summit Conference, 125
- Germany, future of, 484–485
- ICBM and IRBM programs, 109, 167, 169, 693, 697–698
- Limited wars, 190
- Military and foreign policies, interdependence, 343–344
- Military bases, overseas, 333–337, 344, 448, 527, 710
- Military program, 363–366, 561, 564
- Minerals, stockpiling, 492
- Missile testing, 616, 617
- National security policy, revision of, 489–507
- NATO and the United Kingdom, supplying IRBMs to, 691
- North Atlantic Council ministerial meetings, 435n
- NSC status reports, 342n
- Nuclear capabilities, security consequences of, 427–431
- Nuclear weapons:
- Retaliation policy, 173
- Security commitments, overseas, 447
- Security Resources Panel report, 712, 712n
- Shelter program, 461, 462
- Soviet Union:
- State of the Union message for 1958, 696–697
- Strategic Air Command, 635
- Suez crisis, 435
- Surprise attack, possibility of, 638
- Technological capabilities, report on, 95–108, 361
- United Nations, 440, 481
- U.S.S. Saratoga meeting, 524n
- Vietnam, 211
- West Berlin, blockade of, 206
- Western European integration, 433–435
- Duncan, Adm. Donald B., 181
- Dunn, Dr. Frederick, 84
- Durham, Carl T., 699
- Early Warning line, 47, 103–104
- Eastern Europe (see also specific countries), 667
- Economic and military assistance programs, U.S., 16–18, 23, 33, 34–35, 148, 214–216, 235–236, 272, 273, 274, 293–295, 306–311, 329–330, 385–386, 388, 397–398, 475–476, 515–516, 705–707
- Economic corps for peace, 705, 709
- Economy, U.S. (see also Taxes), 19–21, 36–37, 125, 136, 147, 181, 234n, 241, 255, 262, 271–272, 281, 308–309, 314, 330, 331, 348, 408, 440–441, 449–450, 452, 453, 520–521, 559, 632, 648–649, 685, 692–693
- Egypt, 133, 134, 282, 295, 303, 321, 452, 707
- Eisenhower, Dwight D., 39, 63, 67, 69, 108n, 533, 698
- Aircraft industry, wage rates in, 598
- Allies, scientific collaboration with, 609, 610
- Anti-missile missile program, 600
- Armed forces:
- Army, role of, 564n
- Army missile program, 283–284, 583–586, 588–589, 591, 600, 625
- Atomic energy policy, 63–67, 229n
- Atomic missile submarines, 663
- Atomic submarine Sea Wolf, status of, 683
- Atomic weapons, conventional use of, 60–61, 280, 281, 312, 313, 314, 472
- B-52 bombers, production of, 82–83, 270
- B-58, status of, 683
- Budget, U.S., 152, 171–172, 353, 441, 623, 632
- Cabinet, regular meetings with, 590, 601
- Chemical, bacteriological, and radiological weapons, 208, 489
- Civil defense program, 91n, 383, 631–632, 634, 638–661
- Civilian personnel, 269, 269n
- Communications systems, 614
- Congress, relations with, 217–218, 285, 302, 351, 353, 453, 623, 628
- Continental defense, 87–94, 147–148, 171–172, 346–347, 416, 620–624, 622
- Cooperation with regional defense organization, authorization, 59
- Cordiner Committee report, 599, 606, 662, 683
- Cutler, appointment of, 399n
- Defense budget, 239, 268–269, 276–279, 286, 287, 289, 308n, 309, 347–349, 353, 367, 378, 388–396, 449, 452, 457, 470–471, 473, 483, 485–488, 504, 531–532, 540–546, 547–548, 555, 560, 563–565, 586–587, 596n, 605–606, 611–612, 623, 632, 664, 679, 683–684, 686–689, 692, 694, 695, 703
- Defense Department, organization of, 631–632
- Diplomatic pouches, immunity for, 359
- Disarmament, 482, 548, 562, 564
- Economic assistance programs, 214, 215–216, 241
- Economy, U.S., 281, 452, 555, 598, 632, 692–693
- Educational program, 227, 228, 229, 232
- English Speaking Union speech, 151
- Fortress America strategy, 447
- Free world, assistance to, 33, 97, 307–308
- Fuchs case, 609
- Future wars, 102, 183, 184, 208, 209, 302–303, 352
- General war, 312, 428, 431
- Geneva Summit Conference, 125
- Health, 122, 181, 699
- ICBM and IRBM programs, 100–103, 111, 118n, 147, 161, 166–170, 191, 192, 196–198, 239, 273, 275–281, 378, 401–405, 410, 454–455, 479, 484, 487, 529–530, 536, 537, 570–574, 580–583, 587–588, 591, 602–604, 616–618, 621–623, 663–664, 684, 687, 688, 691, 692, 701–702
- Information leaks, 438
- Jeweled bearings, stockpiling, 490–491
- Joint Chiefs of Staff, 240, 241, 281, 282, 289, 301–302, 304, 305, 314, 618–619, 625–628
- Korean conflict, 191
- Limited initial resistance, definition of, 397–398
- Limited wars, 97, 104, 204, 210, 210–211, 429, 432, 502–503
- McElroy, meeting with, 695n
- Macmillan, meeting with, 454, 591
- Middle East, 282
- Military bases, overseas, 333, 334n, 448, 477, 505, 709–710
- Military equipment, allocation of, 77
- Military program, 238–241, 271, 285n–286n, 302–304, 355–357, 393n–394n, 511–513, 540–546, 549–553, 553–556, 563, 564–565
- Minerals, stockpiling, 492, 493
- Missiles, authority for purchase of, 692
- Mobilization program, 177–178, 182n, 183–186, 225–227, 231, 243, 419–421, 468–469, 566
- Mutual Security Program, 321, 354–355, 704–705, 708
- National security, radio and television address, 677
- National security policy:
- National security programs, status reports, 322n
- Net Evaluation Subcommittee reports, 123–130, 379–382, 390, 672–676
- Neutrality, use of, 201–202
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 150–153, 306, 562
- Nuclear capabilities, effects on public attitudes and national policies, 85n
- Nuclear war, evaluation of damage to U.S., 187–191
- Nuclear weapons:
- Operations Coordinating Board, establishment of, 12
- Outer Space Program, 692
- Overseas internal security program, 475
- Planning Coordination Group, establishment of, 62
- Public, informing, 708
- Quantico II Panel, 153–154
- Reconnaissance satellite program, 664
- Regulus missile, 367
- Research and development programs, 456–459, 607–610, 662, 684, 703
- Ridgway testimony, response to, 39–40
- Satellite program, 682
- Science, importance of, 608–610, 621
- Science adviser, 608, 609, 661
- Science Advisory Committee, transfer to White House of, 661
- Science and national security, radio and television address, 661
- Security Resources Panel report, 620–624, 628–629, 638–661, 712
- Shelter program, 459–464, 622, 633, 712
- Soviet Union:
- Special Assistant to the President for Science and Technology, creation of, 661
- Sputnik I earth satellite, 632, 661
- State of the Union messages, 3, 5, 302, 696–697
- Stockpiled materials, use of for military production, 693
- Strategic Air Command, 635
- Surprise attack, possibility of, 41–56, 92, 93, 381, 638
- Technological Capabilities Panel report, 41–56, 63–67, 83, 92, 95–108
- Trade, international, 276, 282, 297––298, 453
- United Kingdom, relations with, 434
- United Nations, permanent military force for, 481
- U.S.S. Saratoga meeting, 524–526
- Vietnam, 211
- War by miscalculation, danger of, 201
- Western Europe, unity with, 150–153
- Eisenhower, John S. D., 583–591
- Elbrick, C. Burke, 360
- Elliott, Dr. William Y., 67, 217, 324, 579
- Europe (see also specific countries), 284, 365, 600
- European Coal and Steel Community, 152
- European Defense Community, 434
- Executive branch, emergency relocation, 90–91
- Fallout shelters. See Shelter program.
- Far East (see also specific countries), 18, 61, 74, 138–139, 143, 222, 235, 260, 268, 365, 543
- Faroe Islands, 51, 343, 362
- Farrell, Lt. Gen. Francis W., 579, 580n
- Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 85n, 220, 359
- Federal Civil Defense Act, 1950, 383
- Federal Civil Defense Administration (FCDA), 50–51, 58, 66, 87n, 91, 92, 99, 108, 332, 372, 413, 414, 418, 453, 461, 464, 567, 568, 632, 646
- Finland, 74, 133
- Finucane, Charles C., 286
- Fisk, Dr. James B., 64, 68, 301, 303, 456, 607
- Flemming, Dr. Arthur S., 18, 19, 56,
63, 67, 76, 99, 100, 102, 128, 129, 206, 212, 217, 224, 225, 233, 320, 415
- Chemical, bacteriological, and radiological weapons, 207–208
- Communications systems, 96–97
- Continental defense, 325
- George Committee report, 98
- ICBM and IRBM programs, 113, 117, 119–121
- Mobilization program, 185–186, 226, 351
- National security policy, status reports, 329, 331
- Nuclear weapons, use of, 209
- Operation Alert 1955, 90–91
- Sciences, education program for, 228
- Shelter program, 332, 352
- Soviet Union:
- Stockpile, 177, 178, 179
- Technological Capabilities Panel recommendations, 95, 147–148, 171, 172, 324
- Technological Capabilities Panel report, 92
- Western Europe, future of, 434
- Foote, Dr. Paul D., 589, 589n
- Ford, Lt. Col. Vincent, 68
- Ford Foundation, 464n
- Foreign Affairs, 440
- Foreign information program, 254, 520
- Foreign Ministers Conference, 150
- Foreign Policy Association, 568
- Formosa. See China, Republic of.
- Fortress America policy, 447, 647
- Foster, Adm. Paul F., 130
- Foster, William C., 620, 623–624, 629, 631, 635n
- France, 79
- Francis, William, 698
- Franke, W. B., 577n, 595n
- Fremont-Smith, Dr. Frank, 372–374
- Fuchs, Klaus, 609n
- Fulbright, J. William, 698
- Funston, George Keith, 611, 611n
- Furnas, Dr. Clifford C., 367, 368
- Future wars, 102, 183, 184, 190, 205, 208–211, 224, 274, 302–303, 311, 314, 352, 468–470
- Gaither, Horace Rowan, Jr., 464n, 628, 629
- Gaither Committee, 464n, 620–624, 628–634, 636–661, 680, 681, 711, 711n, 712
- Gallagher, Gerald R., 382
- Gardner, Trevor, 67, 169, 169n, 198
- Gates, Thomas S., Jr., 67, 524n, 574, 683
- General Electric Company, 599n
- General Motors Corporation, 186
- General war, 14–16, 22, 246, 247, 419–423, 426–429, 467, 489, 511–512
- Geneva Summit Conference, 1955, 94, 125, 132, 150, 220–222
- George, Lt. Gen. Harold L., 56, 67, 98, 126, 127, 129, 187, 189–191, 332
- George Committee, 98
- Gerhart, Maj. Gen. John K., 68, 88
- German reunification, 667
- Germany, Democratic Republic of, 74, 81, 138, 150, 157, 267, 485
- Germany, Federal Republic of, 26, 29, 80, 124, 132, 137, 142, 150, 407, 483, 485, 534, 561
- Gleason, S. Everett, 68, 70, 75n, 77, 82–83, 109, 111–122, 130, 145–150, 148n, 166–172, 179–186, 193n, 199n, 201–233, 305–311, 317n, 317–333, 366–369, 384–394, 397–398, 401–409, 413–419, 425–441, 446–455, 459–486, 488–507, 524–526, 528–530, 535–538, 601–605, 613–615, 630–635, 672–686, 689–695, 704–709
- Glenn L. Martin Company, 164
- Goa, 343
- Goodpaster, Brig. Gen. Andrew J., 3, 5, 63, 68, 192, 196n, 238, 241n, 278, 280, 283–290, 296–298, 301–305, 311–315, 360, 369–370, 372n, 376, 378, 393n–394n, 395–396, 456–459, 486–488, 524n, 531–532, 547–548, 598–601, 605–612, 615–617, 617–624, 635n, 662–664, 687–688, 699, 702–704
- Gray, Gordon, 91n, 300n, 360, 410, 412, 457, 488n, 505, 508, 615, 620, 635n, 673, 676n
- Chemical and bacteriological weapons, 489
- Future wars, 469–470
- Military assistance program budget, 388, 391, 394
- Mobilization base, definition, 566
- Overseas internal security program, 476
- Shelter program, 460
- Stockpile program, 490–492, 693
- Urban redevelopment, 463n, 464n
- U.S.S. Saratoga conference, 524n
- Gray, Robert K., 580n
- Greece, 102, 334, 354
- Greene, Jack, 382
- Greenland, 51, 52, 107, 343, 362, 368
- Greenland-Azores warning line, 52
- Greenland-Iceland-Europe line, 52
- Gruenther, Gen. Alfred M., 4, 239, 306, 313, 370
- Gruenther, Homer, 57n
- Guam, 55
- Guatemala, 102, 481
- Guided missiles. See Intercontinental ballistic missiles; Intermediate-range ballistic missiles; Missile systems.
- Gulf Oil Company, 589n
- Hagerty, James C., 3–6, 39–40, 57n, 61, 196n, 400n, 699
- The Hague Peace Conference of 1907, 500
- Halleck, Charles A., 3, 39, 57n, 196n, 698
- Harlow, Bryce, 3, 57n, 196n, 698
- Harr, Karl, 412, 412n
- Harvard Center for International Affairs, 579
- Harvard University, 153
- Haskins, Dr. C. P., 607
- Haworth, L. J., 68
- Hayden, Carl, 698
- Health, Education and Welfare, Department of, 174, 227–228, 232, 243, 610, 628
- Hennings, Thomas C., 698
- Herbes, Col. Edward, 127
- Herter, Christian A., 401n, 410, 426, 473, 568, 684, 698, 707
- Higgins, Frank B., 67
- Hill, Dr. Albert G., 456, 607, 610
- Hilliard, John F., 173n
- Hirsch, Richard, 377
- Hobby, Oveta Culp, 233, 610
- Hoegh, Leo A., 567, 569, 637, 673
- Holaday, Guy, 701
- Holaday, William M., 535, 538, 570, 572n, 601–603, 661, 688, 698
- Hollister, John B., 295, 354, 708
- Holloway, H. G., 64, 68
- Hoover, Herbert C., Jr., 62, 63, 67, 110–111, 115–117, 119, 120, 129, 148, 149, 154n, 222, 223, 229, 351, 355, 359, 487
- Hoover, J. Edgar, 67, 221, 359
- Hoover Commission Report on Budget and Accounting, 487n
- Hughes, Rowland R., 10, 17, 20, 24, 25n, 62, 67, 93, 152, 155n, 161n, 180, 182, 213, 217, 269, 270, 276, 277, 279
- Hull, Gen. John E., 629
- Humphrey, George M., 13, 14, 17, 19, 21, 24, 57n, 67, 155n, 161n, 216, 242, 274, 285, 299, 430–431, 507, 508
- Armed forces, redeployment of, 273, 484, 562
- Atomic weapons, use of, 472
- Budget, U.S., 20, 180–182, 271–272, 289, 306, 347, 353, 405–409, 451, 563
- Continental defense, 90, 93, 327, 330
- Defense budget, 209, 212, 226, 322, 323, 331, 391, 470–471, 504, 555, 562, 564
- Distant Early Warning line, 129
- Economy, U.S., 308–309, 348, 452, 453, 555
- Foreign aid program, 215, 329, 397
- Future wars, 208, 211, 224
- ICBM and IRBM programs, 111–116, 118–120, 455
- Long-Range Minerals Program, 491
- Military bases, overseas, 308n
- Mobilization program, 225, 227
- Mutual Security Program, 354–355
- Nuclear war, results of, 417, 418
- Nuclear weapons, number of, 350
- Preparation for war, costs of, 205
- Research and development programs, 351, 356
- SAC, vulnerability of, 90
- Shelter program, 352
- Soviet Union, threat to U.S., 450
- Stockpiling, 468
- U.S.S. Saratoga conference, 524n
- Western European allies, reliance on U.S. by, 428, 434
- Hungary, 435, 452, 593, 667
- ICBM Scientific Advisory Committee, 163
- Iceland, 51, 52, 297, 334, 342n, 362
- Illinois Manufacturers’ Association, 173
- India, 144, 240, 263, 264, 265, 343, 397, 436, 445
- Indochina, 97, 138, 152, 266, 335, 355, 430
- Industrial College of the Armed Forces, 274n
- Infrared detection system, 659
- Intelligence Advisory Committee (IAC), 58, 85n, 131n, 219, 318, 418, 419, 665n
- Intelligence program, 523, 646
- Intercontinental ballistic missiles:
- Acceleration of program, 110–111
- Achievement of:
- Administrative arrangements, 162–163
- Air Force program, 117, 118n, 162–164, 169, 279, 292–293, 401–403, 570–572, 599, 618, 625
- Atlas missiles, 570, 571, 572, 684
- Bases for, 621
- Cost of, 114, 116, 164–166, 378, 487, 687, 688
- Defense against attack by, 53, 340, 341, 479
- Development program, 46, 48, 99, 100–103, 273, 275, 279–281, 361, 366, 401–405, 454–455, 623, 700, 701
- Domestic political implications, 114–115
- Early capability, consequences of, 657–658
- Foreign policy implications, 115–116, 119, 121, 167–170
- Interception of, 659, 660
- Interservice rivalry and, 622
- Launch sites, 410
- Military advantages, relative to non-ballistic missiles and manned aircraft, 528–530
- Priorities and organizational programs, 174–175
- Procurement of, 703
- Program objectives, 604
- Relative advantages, 535–538
- Soviet Union:
- Status report, 161–166
- Technological Capabilities Panel recommendations, 358
- Test launching, 377
- Titan missiles, 684
- Titan program, reducing, 570, 571, 572
- Usefulness, evaluation of, 129
- Interdepartmental Committee on Internal Security (ICIS), 58, 66, 87n, 92, 357, 359, 592
- Interdepartmental Intelligence Conference (IIC), 58, 66, 87n, 92, 357, 359
- Interior, Department of the, 491
- Intermediate-range ballistic missiles:
- Acceleration of program, 273, 275, 378, 691, 697–698
- Administrative arrangements, 162–163
- Army missile program, 278, 284, 583–586
- Cost of, 165, 166, 580–583, 591, 662–664, 687, 688
- Defense Department objectives, 164–165
- Development program, 280–281, 366, 401–405, 454–455, 487, 623, 662, 700, 701
- Early implementation of, consequences, 657
- 500-mile missile, Army intention of building, 573
- Foreign policy implications, 167–170
- Ground installations, cost of, 691–692
- Interservice rivalry and, 622
- Joint Army-Navy program, 169
- Jupiter missiles, 402, 403, 536, 537, 569–572, 582, 584, 587–588, 599, 601, 602, 604, 643, 662, 684, 688, 691, 697, 701, 703
- Land-based, 162, 164–165
- Launch sites for, 410
- Military advantages, relative to non-ballistic missiles and manned aircraft, 528–530
- NATO, supplying to, 691
- Objectives of program, 604
- Operational capability, increasing, 643
- Polaris submarine IRBM system, 643
- Priorities and organizational programs for, 174–175
- Procurement of, 703
- Recommended actions, 164
- Relative advantages, 535–538
- Ship-launched, 162–165
- Soviet achievement of, 154–160, 167
- Status report, 161–166
- Test launching, 377
- Thor and Jupiter programs, combining, 569–572, 587–588, 601, 602, 604
- Thor missiles, 402, 403, 454, 536, 537, 569–572, 582, 584, 587–588, 599, 601, 602, 604, 643, 662, 684, 688, 691, 697, 701, 703
- United Kingdom:
- Internal security program:
- International Business Machines Company (IBM), 456n
- International Cooperation Administration (ICA), 354, 357, 358, 401n, 477, 705
- International Geophysical Year, 1957–1958, 362
- Iran, 74, 282n, 299, 307
- Israel, 241, 303, 321, 435, 452
- Italy, 19, 150, 212, 268
- Jackson, C. D., 84, 153
- Jackson, Henry M., 1n, 117, 118
- Jackson, William H., 221, 359, 366, 367, 370, 372, 373
- Japan, 26, 74, 137, 142, 143, 155, 156, 263, 273, 276, 407, 436, 443, 534, 558, 589, 600
- Johns Hopkins University, 84, 153
- Johnson, Dr. Ellis A., 84, 153
- Johnson, Lyndon Baines, 321, 698, 712, 712n
- Johnson, Robert, 95n, 97
- Joint Army-Navy Ballistics Missiles Committee, 163
- Joint Chiefs of Staff, 28n, 70n,
75, 77, 88n, 104n, 140n, 242, 397n, 488n, 700, 707
- Additional authority for, 304
- Ad Hoc Committee on Air Defense of North America, 658
- Allies, supplying nuclear weapons to, 496–497
- Armaments regulation policy:
- Armed forces:
- Army missile program, 585
- Cold war, strategic concept for, 423–424
- Conflict short of general war, strategic concept for, 423–424
- Continental defense, 60, 322n, 332, 385, 418
- Defense budget, 289, 349, 384–396, 483, 484, 554–556, 575, 578, 623, 684
- Free world, military posture of, 386
- Future wars, Army and Navy roles in, 208, 209, 210
- General war, 206, 312, 421–423
- ICBM and IRBM programs, 600, 703
- Intelligence organization of, 85n, 131n, 442n, 665n
- Joint Strategic Objectives Plans, 311–315, 531, 546, 549n, 549–553
- Limited initial resistance, definition of, 397–398
- Limited wars, 471
- Military assistance programs, 235–236, 705, 706, 708
- Military bases, overseas, 477
- Military strategy, assessment of, 234–238
- Mission, 281, 282
- Mobilization program, 185, 186, 224–226, 419–421, 566, 567
- National security, military requirements, 290–296
- Nuclear weapons:
- Organization of, 301–302, 305, 618–619, 623, 625–628
- Report, Eisenhower’s suggestions for, 241
- Soviet Union:
- Vietnam, 210
- War by miscalculation, danger of, 201
- Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, 192, 474, 616
- Joint Strategic Objectives Plans, 302, 311–315, 531, 546, 549n, 549–553
- Justice, Department of, 221, 243
- Keller, Kaufman T., 197, 197n
- Kelly, Dr. Mervin J., 629
- Kelsey, Col. S. D., 379, 674
- Key West agreements, 286
- Khrushchev, Nikita Sergeevich, 665, 668, 669, 705, 708
- Killian, Dr. James R., Jr., 41n, 63–65, 68, 100, 301, 303, 305, 385, 456, 458, 607, 609, 620, 661, 687, 691, 692, 694, 695, 698, 702, 703, 711n
- Killian Committee. See Technological Capabilities Panel.
- Kindred, Col. Worth L., 127, 379
- Kishi, Nobusuke, 534
- Kissinger, Dr. Henry A., 153
- Knowland, William F., 3, 39, 57n, 196n, 198, 698
- Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of, 138
- Korea, Republic of, 74, 152, 274, 299, 307, 351, 355, 365, 407, 429, 430, 531, 534n, 552, 553, 557, 558, 561, 587, 589, 679, 681, 682, 691, 706
- Korean Armistice Agreement, 473
- Korean conflict, 191, 197, 210, 211, 302, 335, 353, 472, 552, 560
- Land, Dr. Edwin H., 63, 64, 68, 456, 458, 607, 608
- Lanphier, Robert C., Jr., 182, 182n
- Laos, 143, 211, 266, 393
- Larson, Arthur, 524n, 603, 677
- Latin America, 144, 216, 263
- Lawrence, Dr. Ernest O., 616, 629
- Lay, James S., Jr., 1–2, 6n, 24–25, 58, 63, 68, 83, 95n, 97, 104n, 105n, 108n, 130n, 155n, 161n, 173n, 186n, 199–200, 229n, 242–243, 268, 300–301, 322, 322n, 337, 342, 345, 350, 358–359, 359, 372–374, 397, 418n, 419–421, 425, 446, 448, 459, 465, 466, 480, 488, 507–508, 565, 566n, 567, 630, 635, 638–639, 676, 704, 711
- Lebanon, 366
- LeMay, Gen. Curtis, 240, 277
- Lemnitzer, Gen. Lyman, 583, 585, 589n
- Leonhart, William, 123n
- Leverton, Capt., 88
- Liberia, 220
- Libya, 335, 411, 411n
- Limited wars, 97, 104, 189, 190, 204, 210–211, 420–421, 427, 469, 471–473, 493–495, 497, 499–500, 502–506, 512, 549–550
- Lincoln, Col. George A., 153
- Lindsay, Maj. Gen. R. C., 171, 171n, 172, 338–341, 342, 344
- Linebarger, Dr. Paul, 84, 153
- Lloyd, Selwyn, 435n
- Local aggression. See Limited wars.
- Local wars. See Limited wars.
- Long-Range Minerals Program, 490–492
- Loper, Maj. Gen. Herbert B., 376
- Lovett, Robert A., 620, 629, 631
- Luedecke, Maj. Gen. A. R., 376, 376n
- MacArthur, Douglas, II, 360, 534
- McCloy, John J., 620, 620n, 622, 629, 632, 633
- McCormack, John W., 699, 702
- McDonnell, W. Barrett, 68
- McElroy, Neil H., 609,
635n, 636, 637, 662, 676n, 698, 709
- Armed forces, 627, 664
- Carrier strength, 663
- Confirmation proceedings, 589, 589n
- Defense budget, 605–606, 611, 612, 678, 679, 682–684, 686–689, 691–695, 699, 702–704
- ICBM and IRBM programs, 604, 625, 697, 701, 702
- President, regular appointments with, 601
- United Kingdom, supplying IRBMs to, 693, 694
- McGuire, E. Perkins, 354
- McKinsey and Company, 629
- Macmillan, Harold, 435, 454, 591
- McNeil, W. J., 276, 277, 355, 356, 360, 378, 391, 394, 466, 467, 611, 679, 680, 686, 689, 690, 692, 695, 698
- Macomber, William B., Jr., 299, 698
- Magazine Publishers Association, 79n
- Mahon, George H., 548
- Mancinelli, Gen. Giuseppe, 212
- Manhattan District, 588, 600, 602, 604
- Manhattan Project, 116–118, 275, 622
- Manpower program, 38, 257, 523
- Manufacturing Chemists Association, 629
- Marine Corps:
- Martin, Ed, 698
- Martin, I. Jack, 57n, 196n
- Martin, Joseph W., Jr., 3, 39, 57n, 196n, 698
- Martin, William McChesney, 611
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 84, 153, 456n, 457n, 607n, 631, 661
- Mathews, Elbert G., 104n
- May, Stacy, 153
- Medaris, Maj. Gen. John B., 169, 403
- Mexico, 74
- Mid-Canada line, 479
- Middle East (see also specific countries), 27, 105n, 133, 138–139, 143, 154, 238, 260, 267, 268, 280, 282, 365, 386, 407, 439, 481, 558, 627, 666
- Midway Island, 51
- Military program (see also Defense, Department of; Joint Chiefs of Staff):
- Millikan, Dr. Max F., 84, 153
- Millikin, Eugene D., 3, 39, 57n
- Minnich, L. Arthur, Jr., 57n, 196n, 698–702
- Missile systems
- Air-to-surface missiles, 583
- Anti-missile missiles, 600, 606, 615–617, 625
- Atlas missiles, 401, 402, 454, 570–572, 582, 643, 657, 684
- Bomarc missiles, 582
- Corporal missiles, 701, 702
- Cost of, 355–356, 536, 537, 557, 585
- Future of, 291–292
- Hawk missiles, 582
- Hercules missiles, 581, 582, 642, 643
- Honest John missiles, 303, 315, 410
- Jupiter missiles, 402, 403, 536, 537, 569–572, 582, 584, 587–588, 599, 601, 602, 604, 643, 662, 684, 688, 691, 697, 701, 703
- Lacrosse missiles, 583
- Land-based, 582
- Matador missiles, 356
- Navaho missiles, 536, 580, 581, 701
- Nike missiles, 284, 290, 314, 356, 368, 557, 581, 582, 642, 643
- Non-ballistic missiles, 528–530, 535–538
- Polaris missiles, 403, 536, 537, 582, 643, 657, 658, 662–663, 700, 701, 703
- Rascal missiles, 618
- Redstone missiles, 356, 573, 583–586, 588, 600–601, 606, 610, 701
- Regulus II missiles, 582, 583
- Sergeant missiles, 701, 702
- Ship-launched missiles, 277, 582
- Snark missiles, 277, 700
- Soviet and U.S., comparison, 259
- Submarine-launched missiles, 657, 660
- Surface-to-air missiles, 582
- Surface-to-surface missiles, 273, 583
- Talos missiles, 277, 356, 581, 582, 642, 643
- Tartar missiles, 537, 582
- Terrier missiles, 537, 582
- Test firings, 377, 602
- Thor missiles, 402, 403, 454, 536, 537, 569–572, 582, 584, 587–588, 599, 601, 602, 604, 643, 662, 684, 688, 691, 697, 701, 703
- Titan missiles, 401, 402, 454, 570, 571, 572, 582, 643, 657, 684, 700
- Triton missiles, 582
- Vanguard missiles, 289, 600, 602
- Mobilization base. See Mobilization program.
- Mobilization program (see also Defense, Department of; Office of Defense Mobilization):
- Mollet, Guy, 433, 433n, 435
- Montague, Dr. Ludwell L., 128, 379, 674
- Montgomery, Lord, 303
- Morgan, Gerald, 57n, 196n, 699
- Morocco, 334, 411, 411n, 412, 477
- Morse, Capt., 579, 580n
- Mosely, Dr. Philip E., 84, 153
- Murphree, Dr. E. V., 401–405
- Murphy, Robert D., 300n, 410, 410n
- Mutual Security Act funds, 294
- Mutual Security program, 321, 354–355, 357, 534n, 561, 704–705, 708
- Nash, Frank C., 334n, 505, 534, 709–710
- National Academy of Sciences, 362, 456n
- National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, 456n
- National Bureau of Standards, 456n
- National Guard, 577, 691
- National Intelligence Estimates (see also Special
National Intelligence Estimates), 72, 379, 438
- NIE 11-2-56, 316, 317n, 321, 322n, 342, 342n, 345
- NIE 11-3-55, 242
- NIE 11-4-54, 9–24
- NIE 11-4-56, 665n
- NIE 11-4-57, 665–672
- NIE 11-5-57, 528, 530, 594
- NIE 11-6-54, 9–24
- NIE 11-7-55, 89n, 242
- NIE 11-13/1-55, 242
- NIE 11-13-55, 242
- NIE 11-56, 321, 322n, 342, 345
- NIE 100-3-57, 425, 425n, 441, 446
- NIE 100-4-57, 567, 568
- NIE 100-5-55, 85–87, 413
- NIE 100-5-57, 553
- NIE 100-6-57, 567, 568
- NIE 100-7-55, 131–145, 242
- NIE 11-2A-56, 316n
- National Science Foundation, 174, 195, 213n, 232, 243, 362, 607
- National Security Act, 1947, 304
- National Security Council:
- Actions:
- No. 1251, 24n
- No. 1260, 1n, 56, 379, 672
- No. 1272, 24n
- No. 1273, 87–94
- No. 1277, 182–186
- No. 1279, 24n
- No. 1286, 9–23, 21n, 23, 24
- No. 1290, 9–23, 24n, 466, 475–477
- No. 1293, 21–23, 24n, 25
- No. 1314, 38
- No. 1315, 38
- No. 1330, 379, 672
- No. 1342, 104
- No. 1355, 66, 83, 95, 361, 367
- No. 1366, 70n
- No. 1373, 77
- No. 1410, 83n
- No. 1417, 94, 105, 321
- No. 1430, 95n, 103n, 111, 123n, 145, 161, 165, 167, 171–172, 321, 338, 367, 368, 372n, 379, 413, 567, 672
- No. 1431, 77
- No. 1433, 121n, 147n, 154, 161, 165–167, 170, 175n, 368, 401n, 405, 454, 454n, 455, 569, 570, 601
- No. 1448, 413, 567
- No. 1463, 130n, 379, 672
- No. 1471, 178
- No. 1476, 146n, 149n
- No. 1480, 152
- No. 1483, 167n
- No. 1484, 170n, 175n, 401n, 405, 454, 455, 569, 601, 604
- No. 1486, 310, 311, 466
- No. 1488, 172n, 338, 341
- No. 1498, 179
- No. 1499, 182n
- No. 1502, 413, 567
- No. 1503, 186n, 419, 465
- No. 1522, 230n, 242, 243, 565, 567
- No. 1532, 274n
- No. 1532, 379
- No. 1547, 301
- No. 1560, 310n
- No. 1566, 232n
- No. 1573, 321n
- No. 1574, 332n, 338, 342
- No. 1589, 341n
- No. 1590, 345n
- No. 1594, 350n
- No. 1595, 357
- No. 1599, 397n
- No. 1603, 359
- No. 1614, 367n
- No. 1615, 368n, 401n, 454
- No. 1641, 381n, 672
- No. 1642, 384n, 459, 630, 638
- No. 1643, 394n, 465, 520n
- No. 1649, 398n
- No. 1653, 405n, 454, 455
- No. 1665, 418n, 567, 568
- No. 1670, 77
- No. 1675, 441n, 446, 466n, 477, 480, 488, 507
- No. 1680, 465, 466
- No. 1687, 448
- No. 1688, 454n
- No. 1690, 455n, 528, 530, 569, 601
- No. 1691, 463n, 630, 636, 638
- No. 1699, 477n
- No. 1700, 477n
- No. 1701, 480n
- No. 1704, 486n
- No. 1728, 505n, 507, 508, 524, 525
- No. 1729, 525n
- No. 1733, 530n
- No. 1737, 553
- No. 1742, 553
- No. 1743, 538n, 569, 601, 604
- No. 1747, 522n
- No. 1752, 534n
- No. 1754, 556n
- No. 1755, 564n, 574, 595
- No. 1756, 567n
- No. 1759, 568
- No. 1760, 630, 638
- No. 1761, 593
- No. 1765, 571n, 601, 604
- No. 1775, 593
- No. 1776, 630, 638
- No. 1781, 593
- No. 1787, 596n
- No. 1800, 604n
- No. 1807, 615n
- No. 1811, 630, 638
- No. 1812, 704
- No. 1814, 639
- No. 1815, 676n
- No. 1816, 686n, 689–695
- No. 1817, 695n
- No. 1828, 708n
- No. 1838, 676n
- No. 1842, 629
- No. 1872, 77
- No. 1900, 534n
- Disaster File, 675
- Documents:
- NSC 162/2, 7, 8n, 9–23, 17, 24, 25, 200
- NSC 174, 219
- NSC 5408, 46, 49n, 87–94, 105, 316, 321, 322n, 342, 459, 592, 593, 630, 638
- NSC 5414/1, 179
- NSC 5422/2, 8, 24, 25
- NSC 5423, 2n, 25n, 56
- NSC 5427, 232n, 243
- NSC 5429/5, 18, 300
- NSC 5434/1, 58
- NSC 5440, 6n, 7, 9n
- NSC 5440/1, 6–25
- NSC 5501, 24–38, 88n, 95, 105n, 107, 123–125, 149, 179, 182n, 193, 194, 200, 201–233, 236, 242, 243
- NSC 5502, 38, 95n, 229
- NSC 5502/1, 39, 62
- NSC 5503, 534n
- NSC 5505, 38, 219
- NSC 5505/1, 39, 62, 219n
- NSC 5508/1, 222, 243
- NSC 5509, 58, 59, 75n, 77
- NSC 5511, 56, 98n, 126n, 127, 130, 379n
- NSC 5513, 60
- NSC 5513/1, 60, 104
- NSC 5515, 69n, 70
- NSC 5515/1, 1n, 70–75
- NSC 5517, 77
- NSC 5517/1, 77
- NSC 5520, 106
- NSC 5522, 83, 95, 111n, 145, 161
- NSC 5525, 109
- NSC 5527, 130n, 233, 359
- NSC 5602, 193–196, 199–233, 242
- NSC 5602/1, 123n, 201n, 229n, 232, 242–243, 243, 293n, 328, 333, 346, 365, 421, 425, 446, 448, 465, 466, 477, 488, 493–507, 507, 508
- NSC 5604, 300–301
- NSC 5605, 57, 379, 381, 672, 673, 676
- NSC 5606, 316, 321, 322, 324, 326–328, 331, 332, 338n, 342, 346, 459, 459n, 630, 630n, 638
- NSC 5609, 337
- NSC 5610, 311n, 350n
- NSC 5611, 108n, 358, 361, 363, 366–369, 367n, 368
- NSC 5612/1, 397n, 398
- NSC 5616/2, 592, 593
- NSC 5617, 397n, 398
- NSC 5701, 397n, 398
- NSC 5707, 425–435, 426n, 435–441, 446, 448, 466, 477, 480, 488, 507
- NSC 5707/1, 446–448, 466, 477, 480, 488, 507
- NSC 5707/2, 448–455, 466, 477, 480, 488, 507
- NSC 5707/3, 466, 467, 468, 471, 472, 475, 476, 477, 480, 488, 507
- NSC 5707/4, 466, 477, 478, 480, 488, 507
- NSC 5707/5, 480, 488, 507
- NSC 5707/6, 480, 483, 486, 488, 507
- NSC 5707/7, 488–508
- NSC 5707/8, 472n, 507–508, 549, 565, 566, 704
- NSC 5709, 459–464, 630, 639
- NSC 5720, 556n, 613, 615
- NSC 5724, 629, 638–661, 680n, 711n
- NSC 5724/1, 629, 637
- NSC 5728, 57, 676n
- NSC 5806, 77
- NSC 5808/1, 593
- Intelligence Directives:
- NSCID 17, 106
- Meetings:
- 218th, 24n
- 222d, 2n, 25n, 56, 379n
- 226th, 182n
- 228th, 9n
- 230th, 9–23
- 234th, 38
- 236th, 59
- 237th, 379n
- 239th, 60
- 241st, 63–67
- 243d, 59, 68–70
- 244th, 75–77
- 246th, 59
- 247th, 59, 78
- 252d, 87–94, 385n
- 257th, 83, 95–108
- 258th, 111–122
- 259th, 122
- 264th, 109
- 265th, 109
- 266th, 145–150
- 267th, 150–153
- 268th, 166
- 269th, 109, 148n
- 270th, 171–172, 341
- 272d, 179–182, 192
- 273d, 182–186
- 275th, 191, 192
- 277th, 201–218, 242
- 278th, 218–233, 242
- 279th, 233
- 280th, 268–274
- 281st, 379n
- 283d, 301–308n
- 285th, 305–311
- 288th, 317–333
- 292d, 338–345
- 293d, 345–354, 357
- 294th, 354–357
- 297th, 358
- 299th, 366–369
- 306th, 379–384
- 308th, 397–398
- 309th, 455
- 310th, 409–410
- 312th, 108n
- 314th, 425–441
- 317th, 446–455
- 318th, 459–464, 465
- 319th, 465
- 320th, 480
- 325th, 488, 507–508
- 326th, 524–526
- 327th, 528–530
- 329th, 535–538
- 331st, 553–556
- 332d, 556–565, 595
- 333d, 565–572
- 339th, 601–605
- 343d, 630–637, 639
- 344th, 672–676
- 345th, 677–686
- 346th, 689–695
- 348th, 704–709
- Net Evaluation Subcommittee, 1–2, 25n, 56, 98, 105, 123–130, 187–191, 316–317, 318, 324, 379–382, 390, 672–676
- Operations Coordinating Board, 12, 58, 222, 232, 243, 377, 399, 400, 475, 477, 534, 603
- Planning Board, 1n, 9–23, 66, 69, 71, 77, 83, 87, 95–108, 110, 120, 123n, 130, 146, 150, 193–196, 202–218, 223, 224, 230, 242, 300, 316, 332, 359, 361, 367, 399, 400, 413, 414, 417, 425, 427,N429, 432, 433, 438, 441, 446, 454, 460, 461, 463, 469, 471, 472, 478, 504, 505, 508, 533, 534, 535, 539, 566, 578, 592, 637, 913n
- President, serving the, 399–400
- Special Committee to Coordinate the Implementation of NSC 5513/1, 66
- Actions:
- The National Security Council: Jackson Subcommittee Papers on Policy Making at the Presidential Level, 1n
- National security policy. See:
- Aircraft
- Armaments regulation policy
- Armed forces
- Atomic energy policy
- Atomic weapons
- Civil defense
- Continental defense
- Defense, Department of
- Economic and military assistance programs, U.S.
- Intercontinental ballistic missiles
- Intermediate-range ballistic missiles
- Missile systems
- National Security Council
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization
- Nuclear weapons
- National War College, 274n
- Navaho project, 112, 277
- Naval Radiological Laboratory, 461
- Naval Research Laboratory, 233
- Naval War College, 2n
- Navy, Department of the:
- Anti-submarine effort, 644
- Armed forces, versatility of, 16
- Atomic weapons capabilities, 292
- Budget, 289, 368, 387, 389, 487, 541, 542, 555, 576, 611, 662, 683, 690
- Capability assessment, 75
- Civilian personnel, 269, 544
- Continental defense, 88
- Early warning system, 342–343
- Future wars, role in, 208–210
- Intelligence organization of, 85n, 131n, 442n, 665n
- Intermediate-range ballistic missiles program, 162–163, 165, 279, 403, 404
- Joint Army-Navy Ballistic Missiles Committee, 163
- Missile program, 599
- Mission of, 53
- Mobility of, 558
- Nuclear weapons capabilities, 328
- Other armed forces, comparison with, 285, 286, 613–614
- Pacific-Far East, deployment in, 679
- Redeployment, 589
- Size limitations, 76, 349, 364, 543, 544, 548, 551, 552, 576, 597, 662, 678, 690
- Western Europe, deployment in, 679
- Near East (see also specific countries), 17
- Nehru, Jawaharlal, 393, 398
- Nelson, Charles E., 68
- Net Evaluation Subcommittee, 1–2, 25n, 56, 98, 105, 187–191, 316–317, 318, 324
- New England Electric System, 153, 629, 631
- Newfoundland, 107, 368
- New look policy. See Military program.
- The New York Times, 411n, 463n, 465, 594
- New Zealand, 74
- Nigro, Col., 678, 679
- Nixon, Richard M., 39, 196n, 676n, 697, 698
- Armed forces, rivalry among, 603
- Development loan fund, 705
- Economic and military assistance programs, 706, 707
- Economy drive in Congress, 453
- ICBM and IRBM programs, 197
- Missile program, acceleration of, 693
- National Security Council meetings, presiding at, 111–122, 128–130, 317–333
- Nuclear-capable, definition of, 614
- Paris heads of government meeting, 708
- Submarine-launched missiles, 404
- Technological Capabilities Panel report, 147, 149
- Norstad, Gen. Lauris, 303, 681, 691
- North Africa (see also specific countries), 142, 335, 365
- North American Air Defense System, 343
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 35, 194, 263–264, 533, 609, 610
- Atomic energy agreement, 59–60
- Atomic stockpile, 618
- Atomic weapons, integration into NATO defenses, 248
- Changing attitudes toward, 267–268
- Communist bloc counter to, organization of, 79
- Continental defense system, 368
- Expansion of, 152
- Force commitments, 14, 22, 26, 32, 260, 294, 306, 310, 349, 364–365, 370, 386, 411, 447, 484, 552–554, 562, 664, 679, 681, 682, 691
- Future warning systems, 47, 51, 107
- Intermediate-range ballistic missiles, supplied by U.S., 691, 693, 697
- Maintaining cohesion, 80, 480n
- Military bases, U.S., 336
- Mutual defense guarantees, 73
- North Atlantic Council, 59, 435n
- Nuclear weapons, 473, 616, 647
- Paris heads of government meeting, 688, 691, 703, 708
- Shelter program, effect of, 443, 444
- Soviet ultimatum, possibility of, 74
- Soviet Union role, 124, 138, 667
- Strength, maintaining, 293
- Structural threat to, 142–143, 194
- Support for, 240, 354, 355, 495, 512
- Support for U.S. from allies, 247–248
- U.S. contribution to, 212, 235
- Weapons program, 474
- North Canada line, 49, 107, 368
- Nuclear weapons (see also
Atomic weapons):
- Allies:
- Acceptance of, 503–504, 512
- Supplying to, 496, 498, 506
- Conventional use, 205, 207, 211, 472
- Development, human effects of, 372–375, 567–569
- Dispersal of, 376
- Free world, supplying to, 512
- Future wars, use in, 274
- General war, use in, 189, 203–207, 472
- Increase in number of, 350
- Integration of, 203, 260, 471, 473, 493, 496, 505
- Legislation relating to, 496, 498
- Limited wars, use of in, 204, 494–495, 497, 499, 500, 502–504, 506
- NATO, supplying to, 647
- Naval carriers for, 355
- Presidential authorization for use of, 503, 506, 511
- Striking power, U.S., 26
- Testing, 525
- Types of, 504, 506, 524–526
- Allies:
- OCB Report on the Department of Defense Recommendations with Respect to ballistic Missile Information Policy, 603n
- Office of Defense Mobilization (ODM), 58, 66, 87n, 90, 103, 108, 121, 183n, 195,
214, 225, 232, 298, 353, 463, 464, 469, 566, 632, 646
- Budget, 178–179
- Defense Working Group report, 173–177
- Educational program, 243
- Mobilization program, 178–179, 182n, 186, 232, 243
- Science Advisory Committee, 41–56, 63, 456n, 457n, 460, 463, 615–617, 620n, 628–629
- Security Resources Panel, 464n, 620–624, 630–634, 636–661, 680, 681, 711, 712
- Technological Capabilities Panel, 41–56, 63–67, 83, 92, 95–108, 111, 145–150, 168, 171, 278, 319, 324, 325, 338, 342, 356, 358, 361–363, 367, 368, 385
- White House, transfer to, 661
- O’Grady, Capt. J. W., 678, 679
- Okinawa, 334, 703
- Olin-Mathieson Chemical Corporation, 620n, 631
- Oliver, Edward P., 629
- Ollenhauer, Erich, 433, 433n, 435
- Operation Alert 1955, 90–91
- Operation Alert 1956, 91n
- Operation Candor, 414
- Operation Firm Link, 410, 410n
- Operations Coordinating Board (OCB), 12, 58, 222, 232, 243, 377, 399n, 400, 475, 477, 534, 603
- Organization of American States (OAS), 481
- Organizing for National Security: Inquiry of the Subcommittee on National Policy Machinery, 1n
- OSD Ballistic Missiles Committee, 163
- Outer Space Program, 692
- Overseas internal security program, 475, 476
- Owen, Henry D., 154n
- Pacific Trust Territory, 73
- Pact of Mutual Cooperation between Turkey and Iraq, 282n
- Pakistan, 144, 216, 240, 264, 282n, 321, 366, 397
- Panama Canal Zone, 73
- Panel on the Human Effects of Nuclear Weapons Development, 567n
- Paris Accords, 132
- Pate, Lt. Gen. Randolph McCall, 67, 286, 305, 387, 396, 557, 558, 564, 574
- Pathet Lao, 393
- Pearson, Drew, 180
- Peripheral wars. See Limited wars.
- Perkins, James A., 629
- Persons, Maj. Gen. Wilton B., 3, 57n, 196n, 276, 285n, 321, 378, 524n, 698, 711n
- Pescadores Islands, 74
- Peterson, Val, 24, 56, 91n, 92, 99, 108n, 325–326, 351, 372–375, 382–384, 413, 416, 418n, 419, 431, 460–461, 463, 507, 567
- Pettee, Dr. George, 84, 153
- Philippine Islands, 74, 334, 412
- Pike, Thomas P., 182
- Piore, Dr. E. R., 456
- Planning Coordination Group, 62
- Poland, 431, 592, 593, 667
- Porter, Brig. Gen. R. W., Jr., 67
- Port security policy, 592–592
- Portugal, 343, 477
- Possoniy, Dr. Stefan T., 84, 153
- President’s Committee on Government Organization, 463n
- Prim, Dr. Robert C., 629
- Prochnow, Herbert V., 534n
- Prochnow Committee, 329, 534
- Proctor and Gamble, 589n
- Project Clean Up, 98n, 711n
- Pyle, Howard, 57n
- Quantico Panels, 84, 154
- Quarles, Donald A., 67, 196n, 286, 390, 394, 498, 547, 583, 589n, 590, 635n, 662, 697, 698
- Quemoy, 431
- Rabi, Dr. Isidor Isaac, 456–459, 607, 608, 610, 615–617
- Raborn, Rear Adm. William F., 403
- Radar early warning system, 642, 658
- Radford, Adm. Arthur M., 56, 63, 67, 70n, 88, 155n, 161n, 200, 207, 212, 229, 238, 241n, 282, 290, 296, 301, 322n, 351, 360, 363, 366–367, 379, 396, 469, 499, 531, 564, 583, 590
- Aircraft, U.S., 82
- Allies, military assistance to, 239, 241, 297, 315, 474, 476, 498, 504
- Armed forces:
- Atomic weapons:
- B-36 bombers, development of, 270
- Chemical and bacteriological weapons, 489
- Civilian personnel, 269n
- Congress, relations with, 302
- Continental defense, 319, 322–323, 356, 483
- Defense budget, 147, 148, 151, 309, 310, 330, 349, 452, 479, 527–528, 538–539, 554–556
- Europe, economic assistance to, 214
- Future wars, 211
- ICBM and IRBM programs, 273, 277, 278, 303, 376, 585
- Joint Chiefs of Staff, functioning of, 559, 619
- Limited wars, 471
- Military bases, overseas, 477, 505
- Military program, review of, 384–386, 394
- Military strategy, outline, 234–238
- Mobilization program, 224–225
- NATO, force commitments, 306
- Net Evaluation Subcommittee report, 126–129, 380–381
- Nuclear weapons:
- Soviet Union:
- Trade, international, 297–298
- U.N. permanent military force, 481
- United Kingdom, defense of, 463
- Vietnam, U.S. military position in, 232n
- War by miscalculation, danger of, 201, 392
- Radiological weapons, 74, 203, 206–208, 229, 230
- Rand Corporation, 84
- Randall, Brig. Gen. Carey A., 303, 305, 378, 531, 531n, 547, 557, 561, 586, 598, 605
- Randall, Clarence, 507
- Raney, Col. J. D., 674
- Rayburn, Sam T., 321, 486, 487n, 699, 700
- Reconnaissance satellite program, 663, 664, 681
- Redstone Arsenal team, 165
- Reed, Daniel A., 698
- Reinhardt, G. Frederick, 710
- Relocation, emergency, 90–91
- Report of the Defense Advisory Committee on Professional and Technical Compensation. See Cordiner Committee.
- Research and development programs, U.S., 38, 106, 213, 214, 248, 257, 523–524, 545, 607–610, 662, 681, 684, 700, 703
- Rhee, Syngman, 274, 274n, 355, 561, 587, 589
- Ridgway, Gen. Matthew B., 3, 15, 39–40, 58, 67, 75, 309
- Robbins, Thomas H., 2
- Robertson, Reuben B., Jr., 119, 167–169, 192, 196n, 197, 198, 205, 209, 210, 212, 213, 216, 223, 276, 277, 279, 285, 286, 300n, 326–327, 329, 331, 360, 367–368, 376, 412, 418, 462
- Rockefeller, Nelson A., 12, 18, 20, 62, 63, 68, 84, 93, 129, 153–154, 221
- Rockefeller Committee, 463n
- Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, 456n
- Rockets. See Missile systems.
- Rogers, Maj. Gen. Gordon B., 127
- Rose, H. Chapman, 68
- Ross, Col. Richard, 128
- Rosson, Col. William B., 613
- Rostow, W. W., 84
- Russell, Richard B., 698, 700
- Ryukyu Islands, 74, 334, 703
- Saar, 142
- SAGE system, 368
- Saltonstall, Leverett, 3, 39, 57n, 58, 285n, 698
- Satellite and Outer Space Programs, 700
- Saud ibn Abd al-Aziz, King, 282
- Saudi Arabia, 133, 334, 335, 411, 411n
- Saulnier, Raymond J., 449, 449n, 450, 452, 685
- Savage, Carlton, 79n
- Schriever, Gen. Bernard A., 402–403
- Science Advisory Committee, 41–56, 63–67, 83, 92, 95–108, 145–150, 168, 171, 278, 338, 342, 356, 358, 361–363, 367, 368, 385, 456n, 457n, 460, 463, 464n, 620–624, 630, 631–634, 636–661, 680, 681, 711, 712
- Scoville, Dr. Herbert, Jr., 457, 457n, 607
- Sea Monitor line, 47, 362
- Seaton, Fred A., 57n, 68, 196n
- Security Resources Panel, 464n, 620–624, 628–634, 636–661, 680, 681, 711, 712
- Semi-automatic ground environment (SAGE) system, 368
- Senate Preparedness Committee, 711
- Sheldon, Huntington, 71n
- Shelter program, 326, 352, 382–383, 414, 442–445, 459–464, 478, 621, 622, 628–634, 637, 644, 653–656, 712
- Shepherd, Gen. Lemuel C., Jr., 76, 305
- Sides, Vice Adm. John H., 404, 536, 537, 538
- Singapore, 334
- Skifter, Dr. Hector R., 629
- Smith, Alexander, 698
- Smith, James H., Jr., 64, 67, 705, 708
- Smith, Brig. Gen. W. W., 673, 674
- Smith, Col. Weldon H., 71n
- Snyder, Murray, 57n
- South Asia, 18, 133, 398
- Southeast Asia, 18, 28, 61, 104n, 105n, 138, 143, 365
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO), 294, 410, 447
- Soviet Union (see also Communist bloc):
- Aircraft, 671
- Air Force, evaluation of U.S. damage to, 98
- Alienation of Soviet people, overcoming, 668
- Armaments regulation policy:
- Atomic weapons capabilities, 11–12, 25–26, 41–56, 72, 86, 96, 119–121, 126, 134–135, 174–177, 291
- Attack by, hypothetical, 673–675
- Bases, U.S., 427
- China, People’s Republic of, relations with, 27, 131, 137, 261–262, 436, 519
- Cold war, 137, 139–140, 634
- Communist Party, role of, 669–670
- Diplomatic activity, recent, 79–81
- Earth satellite, launching of, 598, 600–601, 699
- Eastern Europe, position in, 435–436, 667
- Economy, 27, 135–136, 262, 640–641, 668–670
- Expansion of influence in free world, 252–253
- Foreign policy, trends in, 665–667
- Free world, expansion of influence in, 193–194
- Geneva Summit Conference, 94, 125, 132
- Hostile intent, evaluation of, 1–2, 7–10, 28–35, 41–56, 69–75, 123–130, 124, 187–191, 265–266, 299, 324, 379–382, 426n, 446, 620, 650–653, 672–676
- Intercontinental ballistic missiles program, 167, 169, 191, 192, 196, 402, 410, 593–594, 615–617, 621, 641, 642, 651, 652, 670–671, 673, 681, 688
- Intermediate-range ballistic missiles program, 167, 196, 197, 410, 671
- Limited wars, capability for, 497
- Military capabilities, 193–194, 270, 316, 641, 650–653, 670–672
- NATO, role in, 667
- Naval program, 672
- Negotiating with, 518
- Nuclear energy, peaceful uses of, 318, 319, 320
- Nuclear weapons:
- Peace offensive, 7, 29–30
- Peaceful coexistence policy, 666, 667
- Plutonium production, 318
- Policy shift, 267, 335
- Political stability, 261
- Radar capability, 344, 345
- Reactor construction program, 320–321
- Satellites, 261, 392, 667
- Science and technology, progress in, 670
- Scientists and engineers, training of, 176, 195, 262
- Shelter program, reaction to, 445
- Stockpile estimates, 189
- Strategic Air Command, U.S., attack on, 97
- Strategic materials, stockpiling, 318, 319, 320, 321
- Submarine program, 260
- Technological capabilities, 262–263, 304, 318, 319, 478n
- Troop withdrawals, 483–484
- Type 37 bombers, 78, 82
- U-235 production, 318, 319, 320
- U.N. permanent military force, 481
- Underdeveloped countries, policy toward, 194, 666, 705, 707
- United States, visits by delegations to, 219–222
- U.S. atomic weapons capabilities, knowledge of, 128–129
- Warsaw treaty, 79, 80
- West Berlin, blockade of, 74, 206, 334
- Spaak, Paul-Henri, 440, 440n
- Spaatz, Gen. Carl, 287
- Space, territorial sovereignty of, 362–363
- Spain, 150, 214, 230, 250, 277, 334, 412, 412n, 477, 515
- Spear, Ralph E., 68, 242, 325–326, 372
- Special Committee on Shelter Programs, 463n, 654n
- Special National Intelligence Estimates (see also National Intelligence Estimates):
- Special Panel of the Air Force Scientific Advisory Board, 53
- Speier, Dr. Hans, 84
- Sprague, John, 698
- Sprague, Mansfield D., 64, 697, 698
- Sprague, Robert C., 68, 87, 88, 88n, 89, 99, 102, 168, 316, 327–328, 338, 342n, 385, 385n, 579, 620, 620n, 629, 631, 635
- Sprague Electric Company, 620n
- Sputnik I earth satellite, 598, 600–601, 699
- Staats, Elmer B., 68, 233
- Stalin, Iosif V., 29, 85, 131, 132, 141, 668
- Stanton, Dr. Frank, 620, 620n, 623, 624, 629
- Stassen, Harold E., 17, 67, 96, 155n, 161n, 206, 223, 233, 242, 482, 525
- Aircraft capabilities, 614
- Allies, support from, 211
- Armed forces, size limitations, 307, 309
- Civil defense, 417
- Continental defense, 332
- Defense budget, 330, 331, 392
- Disarmament, 95, 100, 202, 323, 548
- Economic assistance program, 216
- Factories, changing locations of, 184–185
- ICBM and IRBM programs, 101, 112, 114, 116, 118–120, 603, 616
- Intelligence program, importance of, 92
- Nuclear weapons, use of in general war, 432
- Operations Coordinating Board, functions, 12, 13
- Soviet Union:
- Strategic Air Command, dispersal, 172
- U.N. voting procedures, 440
- Weapons, phasing out of, 408–409
- Western Europe, prospects for, 434, 435
- State, Department of, 59, 66, 77, 85n, 104n, 116, 121, 123–125, 131n, 149, 154–160, 167, 205, 298, 300, 359, 362–363, 376n, 406, 442n, 472, 483, 485, 563, 579, 665n, 684
- State-Defense-Treasury-ICA Interdepartmental Committee, 311
- Stelle, Charles C., 338n, 342n
- Stevenson, Adlai E., 698
- Stockpiling program, 256, 468–469, 490–492, 493, 501, 522, 522n, 693
- Strategic Air Command, 42, 46, 64, 88–90, 96, 98, 103, 157, 171–172, 183, 188, 291, 325, 327, 328, 338–342, 342n, 364, 376, 404, 416, 479, 528, 545, 613, 614–616, 620–622, 632, 633, 635, 636, 642–643, 650, 651, 659, 663, 703
- Strauss, Adm. Lewis L., 24, 63, 67, 114, 155n, 161n, 188, 192, 229n, 242, 322, 332, 376, 432, 483, 507, 615, 616, 635n, 673, 698
- AEC budget, 617, 618
- Atlas and Titan missile programs, 571
- Atomic energy program, presentation of, 350
- Atomic weapons, 61, 474, 498
- Civil defense, 383
- ICBM and IRBM programs, 189
- Nuclear war, informing the public about, 415
- Nuclear weapons, 431, 500, 504, 675
- Radiological weapons, 206
- Science education, importance of, 228
- Soviet Union:
- Strategic Air Command, readiness of, 90, 172
- U.S.S. Saratoga conference, 524
- Streibert, Theodore C., 67
- Submarine-launched missiles, 657, 660
- Suez crisis, 377, 432–435, 666
- Sullivan, Charles, 410
- Summerfield, Arthur, 57n
- Supreme Allied Commander, Europe (SACEUR), 306
- Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Forces (SHAEF), 618, 625
- Supreme Headquarters, Allied Powers, Europe (shape), 51, 303, 618, 625
- Sweden, 74, 352
- Symington, W. Stuart, 82, 270, 279
- Syria, 133, 663, 666, 707
- Taber, John, 698
- Tachen Islands, 558
- Taiwan. See China, Republic of.
- Talbott, Harold E., 82, 198
- Taxes (see also Economy, U.S.):
- Taylor, Gen. Maxwell D., 210, 271, 280, 282, 283–284, 311, 313, 313–314, 314, 315, 369–370, 386–387, 394, 396, 557, 564, 572–573, 574, 625, 626, 682
- Technological Capabilities Panel, 41–56, 63–67, 83, 92, 95–108, 145–150, 168, 171, 278, 338, 342, 356, 358, 361, 362–363, 367, 368, 385
- Teller, Dr. Edward, 616
- Thailand, 334, 366
- Thomas, Charles Sparks, 163, 169, 286, 288, 371, 389–390, 394, 557, 564
- Thomas, Gen. Gerald C., 379, 380, 381, 673, 674, 675
- Thomson, Dr. Charles A. H., 84
- Time, Inc., 84, 153
- Tito, Josip Broz, 150
- Trade, international, 34, 141, 214, 249–250, 282, 297–298, 434, 453, 514
- Treasury, Department of the, 87n, 214, 224, 226, 227, 322n, 337, 346, 350, 363, 405, 408, 409, 440–441, 462, 464, 464n, 520n, 542
- Treasury Port Security Programs, 593
- Truman, Harry S, 272, 560
- Turkey, 17, 102, 214, 230, 250, 282n, 306, 354, 429, 515, 703
- Turner, Capt. Frank, 127
- Twining, Gen. Nathan F., 67, 119, 181, 192, 280, 286, 394, 557, 564, 589n, 590, 590n, 613, 635n, 673, 676n, 698
- Allies, supplying weapons to, 151
- Armed forces:
- Attacks on Soviet Air Force, effects of, 98
- B-52 bombers, 390
- Defense budget, 387–388, 395–396, 560–561, 678
- Early warning system, 152
- ICBM and IRBM programs, 101, 111–112, 117, 120
- Information leaks, 288
- Joint Chiefs of Staff, organization of, 617, 618–619
- Manned aircraft, 289
- Strategic Air Command, readiness of, 90, 479
- Underdeveloped countries (see also specific countries
and areas):
- Colonial areas, 251, 264, 439, 516, 527
- Chinese People’s Republic role in, 705
- Economic assistance to, 34–35, 133, 214–216, 250–251, 515–516
- Economic growth, 263
- Food for, 16–17
- Instability of, 143–144, 250, 264
- Limited wars in, 503
- Military assistance to, 397–398
- Non-military competition for, 125
- Private investment in, 35, 250, 515
- Shelter program, reaction to, 445
- Soviet policy toward, 138–139, 194, 666, 705, 707
- U.S. policy toward, 194–195, 243
- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. See Soviet Union.
- United Kingdom, 79, 130, 241
- Atomic information, barring from, 609
- Baghdad Pact, 282n
- Balance-of-payments difficulties, 263
- Geneva Summit Conference, 94, 125, 132n
- Intermediate-range ballistic missiles:
- Military bases, overseas, 334
- Missile bases, 402, 403
- NATO forces, reductions in, 411
- Nuclear war, defense of, White Paper, 463
- Nuclear weapons, supplying to, 496–498
- Radar system, 343
- Sea monitor line, 362
- Suez crisis, 432–435
- United Nations, 481
- United Nations:
- United States Communication Board, 233, 234
- United States Information Agency (USIA), 58, 352, 357
- United States Military Academy, 153
- Uruguay, 220
- U.S.S. Saratoga meeting, 524–526
- Van Zandt, James E., 698
- Vance, Harold, 684–685
- Vietnam, 29n, 143, 210, 231–232, 232n, 242, 243, 264, 266, 299, 303, 334, 476, 534n
- Vinson, Carl, 699
- Voice of America, 55
- Von Neumann, Dr. John, 114, 117, 118, 119, 120, 197
- Vorys, John M., 698
- Waggoner, Alvin G., 377
- Walker, William W., 710
- War Industries Board, 191
- Warren, Earl, 343
- Warsaw Pact, 667
- Waterman, Dr. Alan T., 213n, 457, 607
- Weapons Systems Evaluation Group, 104, 456n, 529–530
- Weart, Lt. Col. George S., 342–343
- Webster, William, 153, 629, 631
- Weeks, Sinclair, 698
- West Berlin, Soviet blockade of, 74, 206, 334
- Western Europe (see also specific countries), 151–153, 155, 263, 330, 348, 429, 543, 679, 682
- West Germany. See Germany, Federal Republic of.
- Westinghouse Electric Company, 620n
- White, Gen. Thomas D., 557, 560, 564, 573–574, 574, 585, 625, 635n, 683
- Whitman, Ann, 57n, 196n
- Wiesner, Dr. Jerome B., 607, 607n, 609, 629, 631
- Wiley, Alexander, 698
- Wilson, Charles E., 3, 5, 59, 63, 69, 88n, 97, 113, 148, 161, 186n,
188, 192, 229n, 233, 234, 238, 241, 276n, 280, 281, 285, 295, 299, 300n, 301n, 303, 305, 322n,
333, 334n, 360n, 397n, 428, 432, 450, 488n, 497n, 574, 577n, 590, 595n
- Aircraft industry, wage rates in, 598
- Anti-missile missile program, 600
- Appointments with Eisenhower, 590, 601
- Armed forces:
- Army missile program, 583, 584
- B-52 bombers, 82, 89
- Chemical and bacteriological weapons, 489
- Continental defense, 99, 100
- Defense budget, 107, 146, 148, 151, 152, 180, 181, 309, 350, 351, 353–356, 378, 383, 384, 385, 386, 388, 391, 393–396, 452, 483, 486–488, 532, 537, 540–549, 555, 557–560, 562–564, 574–578, 586–587, 596, 598–599, 605, 679
- Defense Department, organization of, 601
- Disarmament, 590
- Future wars, 209n, 352
- ICBM and IRBM programs, 110, 121, 161, 167, 169, 170n, 172, 289, 368, 401, 410, 454, 538, 569–572, 573, 580–583, 591, 599–600
- Long-Range Minerals Program, 491–492
- McElroy and Foote confirmation procedures, 589
- Military bases, overseas, 344, 477, 505
- Mobilization program, 183–184, 185, 186, 226, 419–421, 467–468, 469, 556
- NSC 5602, views on, 199n, 199–200, 202, 206
- Operation Hardtack, 591
- Overseas internal security program, 475
- Soviet Union:
- Technological Capabilities Panel report, 92, 93
- U.S.S. Saratoga conference, 524n
- Yeagley, J. Walter, 67, 92
- Yugoslavia, 74, 79, 80, 134, 214, 230, 250, 355, 515, 667
- Zacharias, Dr. Jerrold R., 457, 607
- Zeder, James C., 606
- Zhukov, Marshal Georgiy Konstantinovich, 525