35. Editorial Note

On September 24, President Eisenhower suffered a heart attack while visiting relatives in Denver, Colorado. During his illness and convalescence, Vice President Nixon presided at the meetings of the Cabinet and the National Security Council. At the 259th NSC meeting on September 29, the members discussed the functioning of the NSC during the President’s illness and agreed that the Council, with the Attorney General in attendance, should continue to function in accordance with its statutory capacity “with the understanding that each member may request that national security matters, which would normally be brought directly to the President’s attention, be placed on the Council agenda for information and an exchange of views.” (Memorandum of discussion, September 30; Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, NSC Records) On November 21, the President attended his first National Secutiy Council meeting since his illness; the meeting was held at Camp David, Maryland.