167. Memorandum From the Secretary of State to the President1


  • Legislative Program for National Security Suggested for Congressional Leadership Meeting December 3

I know you are concerned, as I am, that the very considerable public and congressional interest in missiles may lead to congressional emphasis on programs of this nature at the expense of other essential but less dramatic and less popular programs such as mutual security and our information program. However, if this aroused public and congressional opinion can be properly channeled, it will help obtain favorable action on these more difficult programs.

In order to accomplish this I would like to suggest that for your meeting with the leadership on December 3 and in your State of the Union Message,2 you bring together the major pieces of legislation closely related to national security and present them as a single balanced “Program for National Security.” I have in mind that this program would include not only such items as (i) strengthening our own nuclear capabilities through missile development, and (ii) maintaining strong ground, naval and tactical air forces, but also (iii) amendments of the atomic energy act to strengthen our NATO position, (iv) the Mutual Security Program, (v) trade agreements, and (vi) the U.S. Information Program. Any other items as closely related to national security might properly be included.

Combining these items into a single program of six (or seven) specific points would help to focus public and congressional attention on each item as important to the entire effort and would perhaps gain increased support for items which are currently less attractive to the public but are equally important to our national security.

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If you agree, I will ask Departmental officers to work out with members of your staff an outline for the December 3 meeting and to undertake an appropriate drafting3 of the State of the Union Message.

  1. Source: Eisenhower Library, Harlow Records, Leadership Meetings (Bi-Partisan). A draft of this memorandum, identical to the text printed here except for the change noted in footnote 3 below, was drafted by Philander P. Claxton, Jr., Legislative Management Officer, Congressional Relations. It was enclosed with a memorandum from Macomber to Harlow, dated November 25, containing a suggested outline for the Congressional leadership meeting on December 3. (Eisenhower Library, Harlow Records, Leadership Meetings (Bi-Partisan))
  2. The President’s State of the Union message on January 9, 1958, included extensive discussion of eight items in the area of U.S. security and peace. For text, see Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1958, pp. 2–15.
  3. The original word was “redrafting”, but the first two letters have been crossed out on the source text.