48. Editorial Note

At the 311th meeting of the National Security Council on January 31, Allen Dulles made the following remarks concerning the situation in Egypt during his review of significant world developments affecting United States security:

“In Egypt, said Mr. Dulles, internal pressures against Nasser were rising—especially economic pressures. There had also been reports of bickering m the Revolutionary Council and rumors of plots to destroy Nasser. Mr. Dulles thought that none of these plots was likely to succeed at this time. He then provided the Council with an analysis of the status of Nasser’s external position vis-à-vis the various countries of the Middle East. The majority of the governments in the area are opposed to Nasser or are lukewarm. The people, on the other hand, are sympathetic.” (Memorandum of discussion; Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, NSC Records)