47. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Israel1

749. Re Delga 606 rptd Tel Aviv 1.2 Ambassador authorized approach PriMin at earliest opportunity and point out fact US continuing [Page 74] give strongest support to UN efforts achieve implementation by all parties UNGA resolution of November 2, 1956. We feel UNSYG’s report and recommendations provide sound basis for further constructive UN action to maintain cease-fire and prevent further risk of hostilities. We urge GOI cooperation in working with UNSYG in carrying out UN resolutions.

Cairo should express similar views re GOE cooperation to GOE officials as opportunity offers.

USUN should express similar views to Israeli representatives in New York.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 684A.86/1–2957. Confidential; Priority. Drafted by Bergus; cleared by Wilkins; and approved by Wilcox who signed for Dulles. Repeated to Cairo and USUN.
  2. In Delga 606 from USUN, January 29, Lodge requested that the Department of State convey to Ben Gurion a message which emphasized that the United States was making every effort to obtain a two-thirds vote in the General Assembly regarding the stationing of U.N. forces as desired by Israel, but that as time passed it was becoming more likely that the Assembly would pass by two-thirds a resolution imposing economic sanctions on Israel. Lodge also requested that Ben Gurion be told that if Israeli leaders ceased making emotional statements, there was a chance of working out a satisfactory solution. (Ibid.)