46. Telegram From the Mission at the United Nations to the Department of State1

Delga 618. Verbatim text. Re SYG Report on Israeli Withdrawals. Following draft resolution developed in order meet points made to us by SYG, Egyptians, Canadians and Norwegians. Both Canadians and Egyptians are consulting their governments.

“The GA,

Having received the report of the SYG of January 24, 1957 (A/3512),

Recognizing that withdrawal of forces must be followed by action which would assure progress towards the creation of peaceful conditions in the region,

Notes with appreciation the SYG’s report and approves the measures proposed by the SYG therein, to be carried out upon the withdrawal of Israeli forces;
Calls upon the Governments of Egypt and Israel scrupulously to observe the provisions of the 1949 Armistice Agreement; and accordingly
Urges that the measures contained in the SYG’s report be observed, respected and given effect to after full withdrawal of Israeli forces from the Sharm el-Sheikh and Gaza areas, so that the SYG will be thus assisted to achieve situations envisaged in his report conducive to the maintenance of quiet and peaceful conditions there;
Requests the SYG, after consultation with the parties concerned, to take steps to carry out these measures and to report, as appropriate, to the GA.”

Principal difficulty has been operative paragraph 3, which was originally drafted pursuant suggestions received from Hammarskjold. He felt that language in paragraph 3 would strengthen his hand to achieve deployment of UNEF envisaged in his report without jeopardizing 2/3 vote in GA. While Fawzi has accepted above resolution including paragraph 3, subject to hearing from Cairo, Pearson still not satisfied. Principal weakness in resolution from Pearson’s point of view is that no explicit references are made to deployment of UNEF. Moreover, he is still clinging to position that resolution should state categorically that UNEF should be deployed in Sharm el-Sheikh, Gaza and on both sides of the demarcation line. We pointed out that operative paragraphs 1 and 3 give us what Pearson wants without going into specifics. We also read to him first sentence in paragraph 29 of [Page 73] SYG’s report which states: “Israel troops, on their withdrawal from the Sharm el-Sheikh area, would be followed by the UNEF in the same way as in other parts of Sinai.”

We are not certain whether Pearson will agree to cosponsor. He said Cabinet was discussing this matter and he would have to consult Ottawa tonight. As Lodge said to Secretary tonight, believe it might be helpful if Department consult with Canadians along above lines. We are making available above text to Menon tonight and Lodge will consult with him and Eban Thursday a.m. Our aim is to try to get a resolution submitted by the end of the day Thursday so that we can push ahead with debate on Friday and week-end, if necessary, to complete action.

If Pearson continues to insist, we intend suggest addition of the phrase “including the suggested deployment of UNEF” after the word “therein” in operative paragraph 1. We, of course, will have to consult with others on this phrasing and do not want to provide Fawzi with pretext to turn from his acquiescence to above resolution.

Department will also note that word “recommendation” has been deleted from operative paragraphs 1 and 4. We dropped reference to this word in deference to Pearson’s view that nowhere in the SYG’s report does he make a specific recommendation even though a number of the proposals or suggestions he makes are, in effect, recommendations. Pearson felt use of this word might give rise to questions in GA.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 674.84A/1–3057. Confidential; Priority. Received at 9:06 p.m.