45. Telegram From the Mission at the United Nations to the Department of State1

Delga 611. Re Suez—withdrawal of forces. Fawzi called at his request to give us Cairo’s reaction to two resolutions which we gave him informally yesterday (Delga 598).2 Fawzi said he appreciated U.S. efforts. He said there was no trouble with Resolution I, and directed his remarks to Resolution II. Without going into any detail, he said Aqaba matter still worries Cairo great deal. He said they found difficulty with operative paragraph 3 of our second resolution, and particularly with phrases which call upon “parties to the Armistice Agreement to refrain from asserting or exercising any belligerent rights in these areas, or from interfering in any way with the right of innocent passage therein”. Fawzi made no reference to our intention put both resolutions to vote consecutively, a point which Lodge had made three times to Fawzi yesterday.

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Lodge asked whether remainder our second resolution was acceptable to Egyptians, and Fawzi responded favorably.

Fawzi suggested Friday might be good time for debate to be resumed we pointed out this would delay matters unduly in light of fact that others were working on other proposals. Fawzi acknowledged this and agreed GA should meet Thursday with view to getting resolution “equally distasteful” to all.

Lodge saw Pearson this evening. He gave him Resolution I and Resolution II with operative paragraph 3 deleted. He explained to Pearson objections which Egyptians made to operative paragraph 3. Lodge said we wanted to go ahead without operative paragraph 3, since, in our view, operative paragraph 1, which approves recommendations and measures proposed by SYG, gives us what we want. Pearson noted our second resolution does not spell out specific steps which SYG should take (UNEF in Gaza, Sharm el Sheikh and along both sides of demarcation lines) and said we must make sure SYG interprets operative paragraph 1 to mean he should take these steps. He said it was important we see SYG to make sure of his interpretation. We suggested possibility SYG or others making interpretive statements in GA so there will be no misunderstanding re operative paragraph 1.

Lodge will see SYG Wednesday morning. Assuming SYG goes along, U.S., Canada, Norway and Colombia will meet about noon on our two texts with view to then seeking additional cosponsors, including India, Brazil, Burma and Yugoslavia.

We have noted Department’s preference for single resolution which would call for withdrawal of forces and endorse recommendations and measures contained in SYG’s report. Fawzi has now acquiesced in submission two resolutions on clear understanding each will be put to vote in succession and without any interval between them. We believe two resolutions instead of one has made it possible for Fawzi to go along. We will be achieving in two resolutions what we sought to achieve in one. We assume Department would not desire us to shift back to one resolution which could provide Fawzi with opportunity to object. We, of course, are aware of importance ensuring both resolutions receive required two thirds vote. We believe Fawzi acquiescence important in getting required two thirds.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 974.7301/1–2957. Confidential; Priority. Received at 8:52 p.m.
  2. Document 43.