138. Telegram From the Mission at the United Nations to the Department of State1
Delga 786. Verbatim text. Re Middle East. Following is draft resolution submitted by Afghanistan, Indonesia, Iraq, Lebanon, Pakistan and Sudan on the Middle East situation during debate in plenary this afternoon:
“The General Assembly,
“Recalling its Resolutions 997 (ES–I) of 2 November 1956, 998 (ES–I) and 999 (ES–I) of 4 November 1956, 1002 (ES–I) of 7 November 1956, A/Res/410 of 24 November 1956, A/Res/453 of 19 January 1957 and A/Res/460 of 2 February 1957,
“Noting the report of the Secretary General dated 11 February 1957, document A/3527,
“Viewing with grave concern the failure of Israel to comply with the terms of the above mentioned resolutions.
- “1. Condemns Israel for its non-compliance with the said resolutions,
- “2. Calls upon all states to deny all military, economic or financial assistance and facilities to Israel in view of its continued defiance of the aforementioned resolutions,
- “3. Requests all states to provide the Secretary General with information on their implementation of this resolution,
- “4. Requests the Secretary General to report again on the implementation of the present and previous resolutions of the General Assembly.”
Later this evening GADel officer sought copy of above resolution in form of usual UN document and was told it was not yet available. GADel officer called Cordier (Secretariat) and asked whether resolution had been “officially” submitted to Secretariat in normal way. Cordier said no, it had not been. He assumed that since Malik in his speech said he was “seizing GA” with above resolution, Malik might through “technical error” have believed that resolution was automatically submitted as result his statement in plenary. Cordier said since no “official” piece of paper had been handed to Secretariat with above resolution, he (Cordier) had not taken the initiative to seek such a piece of paper.2