137. Editorial Note
On February 22, during the 659th meeting of the General Assembly, Secretary-General Hammarskjöld read into the record the following statement as a supplement to his previous report of February 11 on the Gaza Strip (U.N. doc. A/5327):
“The Secretary-General states with confidence that it is the desire of the Government of Egypt that the takeover of Gaza from the military and civilian control of Israel—which, as has been the case, in the first instance would be exclusively by UNEF—will be orderly and safe, as it has been elsewhere.
“It may be added with equal confidence that the Government of Egypt, recognizing the present special problems and complexities of the Gaza area and the long-standing major responsibility of the United Nations there for the assistance of the Arab refugees, and having in mind also the objectives and obligations of the Armistice Agreement, has the willingness and readiness to make special and helpful arrangements with the United Nations and some of its auxiliary bodies, such as the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees [Page 246] and UNEF. For example, the arrangement for the use of UNEF in the area would ensure its deployment on the armistice line at the Gaza Strip and the effective interposition of the Force between the armed forces of Egypt and Israel.
“Similarly, the assistance of the United Nations and its appropriate auxiliary bodies would be enrolled towards putting a definite end to all incursions and raids across the border from either side.
“Furthermore, with reference to the period of transition, such other arrangements with the United Nations may be made as will contribute towards safeguarding life and property in the area by providing efficient and effective police protection; as will guarantee good civilian administration; as will assure maximum assistance to the United Nations refugee programme; and as will protect and foster the economic development of the territory and its people.” (U.N. doc. A/ PV.659)