523. Memorandum of a Conversation, Department of State, Washington, November 6, 19561
- Egyptian Request for Help of the United States
- Dr. Ahmed Hussein, Ambassador of Egypt
- The Acting Secretary
- Mr. William M. Rountree, Assistant Secretary, NEA
- Mr. Fraser Wilkins, Director, NE
The Egyptian Ambassador called at the Department today to present a note from the Government of Egypt in which it requested the help of the United States (Tab A). Prior to handing this note to the Acting Secretary, the Egyptian Ambassador had a preliminary discussion with Assistant Secretary Rountree.
On presenting the note to the Acting Secretary, Dr. Hussein said he had been instructed by his government to deliver it personally to the Acting Secretary. Mr. Hoover said he believed the fundamental problem today was whether the Government of Egypt would accept the establishment of a cease-fire under the resolutions of the General Assembly. The Ambassador replied he understood the Government of Egypt had already accepted the request for a cease-fire and the formation of a United Nations force but that the other parties had not yet responded. The Egyptian Ambassador also handed the Acting Secretary a copy of a statement which he had just received from Cairo regarding British bombing of Egypt (Tab B).2 The Ambassador continued that according to radio reports British and [Page 1022] French bombing of Cairo was continuing. He could not understand why this should be the case since Egypt had accepted a cease-fire. He also asked why Britain and France were continuing to send military forces into Egypt when Ambassador Lodge had indicated that the UN resolutions would prevent their introduction. He thought it was not honorable for two great powers to team up with one small power to attack a small country like Egypt. It would take years to repair the damage that had been done through British and French destruction. He hoped that the United States would come to Egypt’s help.
The Acting Secretary said he understood the trials to which Egypt was now subjected. He knew that the Secretary-General of the United Nations was making every effort under UN resolutions to bring about a cease-fire and was hopeful it would soon be effected. He did not believe he could speculate beyond that point at this moment.