333. Editorial Note
On October 12, Acting Secretary Hoover returned to President Eisenhower an undated paper entitled “U.S. Opportunities in the Middle East”.
The paper bears no indication as to its origin or authorship, nor does it bear a security classification. A marginal notation on the paper by President Eisenhower reads: “Mr. Hoover, Please return to my files. DE.” The text of the paper reads as follows:
- “1. All evidence points to the steady dissolution of Jordan.
- “3. Although the Israelis were willing to agree to the stationing of Iraqi troops without heavy armament in eastern Jordan to help bolster the country, they will never accept the complete absorption of Jordan by Iraq. Such a move would bring Iraq that has never signed an armistice agreement with Israel right up to her borders.
- “4. If Iraq should try … to absorb Jordan, the overwhelming odds are that the Israel army would move to the Jordan River or even further.
- “5. Moreover, Egypt would not remain passive to such a move since she could not afford to have Iraq gain that much. Egypt’s probable response would be to seek an outright military alliance with Russia.
- “6. This situation could conceivably be turned to a great
victory for the West if the following could be accomplished:
- “b. An economic union between west Jordan and Israel. (This has been explored in the past.)
- “c. An Iraq-Israel peace treaty … .
- “d. The likelihood is that such a peace treaty would be quickly followed by additional peace treaties between Lebanon and Israel and Syria and Israel.
- “e. Proceeding with the pipeline plan from Elath to Haifa which would reduce Nasser’s opportunity to squeeze the West.
- “f. With political tranquilization to move with the President’s economic development plans for the area.” (Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, Dulles–Herter Series)